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Messages - das234

Thanks JuanSolo.  may the force be with you.  Or whatever.
Those look great.  Is there a thread already about how you do your graphics?  I'd love to hear how you take an unassuming aluminum box and make it so pretty.  I just started playing with Inkscape and I'm planning to use inkjet water slide decals.
General Questions / Re: Biasing the Buzzaround
April 13, 2013, 03:50:29 AM
Thanks for the tips.  I'm getting some transistors from Paul (chromesphere) who's built quite a few pedals and is a lot more knowledgeable than I am.  With his help selecting them, I'm hoping they'll work well.
General Questions / Re: Biasing the Buzzaround
April 12, 2013, 09:30:03 PM
Thanks for the advice.  If the balance pot will bias the thing from outside the box then that saves me some trouble doesn't it?  I'm planning to socket the IC and transistors.  Is there anything else I should socket on this pedal, just in case?

What does biasing do anyway?  Is it balancing the transistor voltage or what?  To me it's just a big fancy word so far. 
General Questions / Biasing the Buzzaround
April 12, 2013, 03:22:45 PM
I'm told I should probably bias my Buzzaround when I build it.  Trouble is, I don't really know what that means or how to do it.  Anyone care to help me?  I could really use some knowledge on this.  Thanks.
Open Discussion / Doombutter LDR
April 12, 2013, 02:09:49 AM
Love the doombutter's wackiness.  Looks like a reasonably simple build too.  I see an LDR on the PCB layout doc but not on the parts list.  Can I just buy any old LDR and pop it in there? 

I posted this once before but I think I was in the wrong place at the time.

General Questions / Re: road rage question
April 12, 2013, 01:31:29 AM
Ok. Thanks.
General Questions / Re: road rage question
April 12, 2013, 12:55:20 AM
Can I ask another question on this same topic?  If I don't care to use the sag trimmer on the Road Rage, can I just ignore it and leave it out?  That would leave me with C3, C4, C5, D3, D4 and IC1 if I'm not mistaken.
I want to build a positive ground buzzaround.  I have a Furman pedal board that supplies standard negative power to my pedals by way of a short little cable for each pedal.  The cables have an 1/8" mono plug that plugs into the power supply on one end and your standard DC plug that connects to the pedal on the other end. 

My question is: if I take one of these little cables, lop off one of the connectors, reverse the wires and put it back together... have I created a positive power supply for my buzzaround or am I missing something? 

I think I've described everything ok but if you need more info, pictures or whatever, I'm happy to oblige.

If it works, it sure would be a quick and easy way to provide + ground power.

When the plans call for bicolor LED but I only have tricolor LEDs, what do I do????  Can I just snip off one of the leads and ignore it?
Quote from: TNblueshawk on April 10, 2013, 04:19:51 PM
Bottom line for me Das is the troubleshooting aspect of it. Man, I'm here to tell you if you have a lot of parts and your build doesn't work you can spend hours trying to find out why. You learn a lot but it is frustrating even if you know what to look for, more or less. I think I did maybe 3 builds before I jumped into a BYOC vibrate with a gazillion parts. Take your time and double check what you shove into those holes and if you can make a good joint you are good.

That's kind of what I thought.  I think I will be ok following instructions and soldering but, if something goes awry I'm screwed troubleshooting because I have a big vacuous space in my brain where the electronics knowledge should be.  (although you guys on the forums are super helpful).
Thanks guys.  I'll hone my skills on the easier stuff and then move up.  I'll watch for that post, juba, or you can message me about the board for sale (although that would rob me of my sense of satisfaction from conquering the project myself).
I'm developing my want list of pedals to build but still haven't built my first one.  I see that the projects usually have a difficulty rating associated with them but I don't know what makes them "genius", "cowboy", etc.  In particular, I want a honeydripper and a smallstone but they're both rated as very difficult.  What makes them so difficult compared to a "noob" or "cowboy" level project??  Should I panic and run the other way?   :-\ I do have some easier projects I want to build as well that I can learn from before I tackle the harder ones.
Very pretty stuff.  The honeydripper is on my list to build down the road.  Question: what do you use for your graphics?  They look great.
Ok that helps.  So, if I'm going to build myself a phaser (a small stone is on my wish list) how do I know what  needs to be matched from looking at the build docs?  And once I know what to match, how do I match them?

Thanks again for your help and patience.