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Messages - Stig

Momojomofo :-)

Open Discussion / Re: what should my next build be?
February 20, 2013, 12:35:26 PM
If you wanna go zeppelin, I think the fatpants is almost impossible to avoid. This due to jimmy page using an echoplex to color his tone and the fatpants are a descendant of the echoplex preamp. It sounds really nice because it saturates your signal in a really pleasing way.
Build Reports / Re: Andromeda NGC224
February 10, 2013, 07:28:34 PM
O h  m y  g o d !
This is totally awesome. The coolest pedal I have ever seen. Really good idea with the plexiglass, think I'm gonna borrow that idea.
Goddamn that's a lot of neat wiring going on there. I couldn't have pulled that off.
Build Reports / Re: First build report. The fatpants.
February 05, 2013, 07:34:22 PM
Thanks guys.
Its a sticker I cut out and put on the bare pedal. It's only the circle that's a sticker.  Then I applied some clear coats afterwards.

I think I got the enclosure from mammoth, as I usually do. It's sort of a textured finish, meaning that the surface is sort of lumped.

But thanks for the compliments.
Build Reports / Re: Peachfuzz Box
February 05, 2013, 12:09:57 PM
Looking good.
I think it's a really good idea the the contests. But I agree with jimilee, it's sorta over-thinking the concept. Lets keep it simple and do a monthly contest with no boundaries.
I can't do themes as it usually takes three to four week before I get my parts. I buy parts pr. pedal. Then I have to fit the actual build in my everyday life with children, work and misses. Guess I'm just slow in that account:-)
Build Reports / Re: Bloody Mary.....
January 28, 2013, 07:07:55 PM
Ha, you lucky bastard. My washing machine just broke down.

But nice build. I really like the enclosure and good job on the graphics.
Build Reports / Re: First build report. The fatpants.
January 17, 2013, 08:48:36 AM
Thanks you guys  :)

It´s not etched, i live on 4 floor and have a daughter. Not a good combination with acids/fumes and what have you. It´s just printed on a label and clear coated afterwards. Easy peasy. For the graphics i looked at the original echoplex design and some at the badgerplex.

I also have an OD2 with an SHO build in. I don´t like it so much. I like the fatpants for the slight saturation it gives my pickups. The SHO is not really my flavour.

I have an AVRI Jazzmaster that has been my main shovel for the last ten years or so. My amp is an T-Rex Big Tone amp, which is out of production now. But i tried different amps at the time and when i plugged into the big tone, the sound just opened up. And i could´t leave without it. The other amps sounded like cardboard compared to it.

The wires i have come from a local electronics shop. I bought them when i was out of wire and needed some. They were really expensive, but they are total and utterly crap. The wires inside break really easily. I used the same ones in my kingslayer build and there´s some noise in the top end of the sound that rings out with the od´ed signal. Really think it´s from the crappy wires. I have some new ones coming that hopefully fixes this problem.
Build Reports / First build report. The fatpants.
January 16, 2013, 09:47:41 PM
Hey guys, first build report here.

My first madbean project was the fatpants and its really something.
I have used a lot of money on a really, really nice amp and a good guitar. They do sound good together, but the fatpants make them sound even better and does something good for my od's.
I never thought I would have an always on effect, but I never turn off the fatpants.
Anyways pics:

This sounds like a really good concept. Good thinking.

For the Europe guys there's also musikding which has the feature to save your chart locally and then upload it later on with the possibility to edit it. It's saved as an csv file I think.
This could perhaps be added along mouser ect.
Your enclosures look so cool.
Thanks for the post, def. something to try out.
Build Reports / Re: Kingslayer
December 30, 2012, 10:23:02 PM
They are hard to find aren't they. I bought mine from midwayfair at his diode sale. I bought three of them and broke one :-( Slippery little dangs.
I noticed some on eBay, but that was like a package of 50 diodes or something in that range. That's a lot more than I'll need.
Build Reports / Re: Kingslayer
December 30, 2012, 10:01:59 PM
Looks nice. I like the placement of the switches.
But you're cheating. No guts - boo :-)
Which diodes did you use for the build? I used OA126, 1N34a and some bat41s I think. But my faves are def the OA126s they sound really, really wonderful in there. Can't compare to the bats, they're just right.
General Questions / Re: 1n34a transistor from mammoth
December 20, 2012, 10:18:14 AM
Ok thanks. I will.