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Messages - aballen

Global Annoucements / Re: December PIF threads
November 27, 2014, 04:33:42 PM
Mmmm PIF
Kind of expect this level of polish knowing who is involved, still very impressed.
I've got to get some beard hairs for my next build. 
General Questions / D9E diodes in a sunking?
November 18, 2014, 12:49:16 PM
Honestly I'm not even sure I'll hear the difference, but I've always wanted to experiment with clippers.  Up till now I've just taken others recommendations.  Totally credible people, I'm just curious if my ear can hear the difference and if so will I have the same preference.  It's one thing to read how they are different a totally different thing to hear it.
General Questions / Re: D9E diodes in a sunking?
November 17, 2014, 10:54:32 PM
No problem Jon, thanks for keeping me honest.
General Questions / Re: D9E diodes in a sunking?
November 17, 2014, 10:07:40 PM
I did not misquote anyone... believe me, but I edited my post for you Jon.

I'm trying the OA126 cause some guy I kinda respect said "these are something special" on a thread somewhere.  The guy has an incredible ear.  Those are supposed to have a Vf of ~.65. 

These D9E are supposed to have a Vf in the .32-.34 range.  Most of the russians are close, the 1N270s are supposed to be in the .23-.24 range, which seems closer to the 1N34a.

Anyway, it was not my intent to drum up another myth about unicorn tears here... I'll PM you the url I was quoting, you can flame him too ;)
General Questions / D9E diodes in a sunking?
November 17, 2014, 08:47:08 PM
Anyone try this?  I have a sunking on the bench, waiting for parts and I found some D9E diodes so I bought them too.

I figured I could replace the 1n34a diodes with D9E and I already put a pair of OA126 in for the clipping mod.... thinking it will sound sweet.

I'll have some spare D9E I would be willing to part with too... I'll post when I have them in hand.

oh... a thousand and one... post, post, post, post, post, post, post.... thats a lotta posts.

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Harbinger distorting
November 17, 2014, 08:42:24 PM
This is a great pedal, I have one and I absolutely love it.

Are you using a charge pump?  That would be for running it at 9v(the charge pump doubles the voltage)  if you pumped 18V in to the charge pump, that would double the voltage to 36.

  • make sure all your parts are rated that high. 
  • reflow the solder joints
  • check for solder bridges
  • check all the part values
  • if you are still stuck, start posting voltages, and pictures
General Questions / Re: Best DS-1 layout?
November 15, 2014, 12:53:26 AM
I picked up the board from aion,  thanks guys.  Also agreed that build doc linked above is amazing.
General Questions / Re: Best DS-1 layout?
November 10, 2014, 02:00:58 AM
So I've never had a DS1, do I need to do any mods if I'm building it to MIJ specs, or are the keeley mods just needed to fix the post 94 versions?
General Questions / Best DS-1 layout?
November 09, 2014, 04:15:23 PM
I'm looking to build a DS-1.  I have the TA7136P and I want to build one with the keeled seeing eye and ultra mods.

Anyone know of a good layout with the TA7136 and Kelley mods?  I would like to avoid vero if at all possible.  I never really have much luck with vero.

Tonepad has a nice layout but without the keeley mods, so that is my fallback if I need it.

Open Discussion / Re: Analog synth and strings
November 09, 2014, 04:08:45 PM
Totally badass. 
Open Discussion / Re: Gift idea for 8-year-old
November 09, 2014, 04:00:19 PM

Quote from: gtr2 on November 03, 2014, 11:55:23 AM
Legos  ;D

Damn right can't go wrong with Legos.  Boy/girl. 5 and up you will find something appropriate. 

Pick up the lego movie too. 
I'll build one
I soldered my pots in, they seem to be fine.  I know what's in the box though.  I feel like it could break at any time.... Crazy I think.  I'll pick up some of those eyelets though that's exactly what I need. 

I will say there is one benefit to soldering right to the board.  I had to remove. A pot to troubleshoot my build an I've never had an easier time removing a pot.

Thanks for pointing me to those eyelets, I'm getting a bunch.