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Messages - Guitafuzz

  Hey Octa i think this can be a  splitter pedal with a voltage divider i don't know a lot of electronics but with the help of madbean guru's and the clues on the user manual you can do something.  Cheeers  ;D
Build Reports / Re: R2G2
July 03, 2013, 07:38:59 PM
Awesome Build, good etch work   ;D
hi i am chemical engineer and I work as a piping design engineer for a company that manufactures drilling pipes, sometimes it's fun design in autocad but sitting all day at the computer I have become a sedentary person. And on the weekends I am part of the worship team at my church as music director.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Kingslayer IC
June 06, 2013, 10:48:20 PM
Thanks Jacob !!!   ;D
Tech Help - Projects Page / Kingslayer IC
June 06, 2013, 10:36:20 PM
Hello guys iWonder if i can use  ICL7660SCPA  instead  the TC1044SCPA for the Kingslayer build. Thanks in advance
General Questions / Re: 2 effects in 1 box
June 05, 2013, 04:21:21 PM
Thanks Bill and German!!! ;D :)
General Questions / 2 effects in 1 box
June 05, 2013, 04:04:28 PM
  Hello guys, I'm planning to build a pedal 2 in 1, combining a marshall Bluesbreaker and the rat, what kind of enclosure recommend me for a pedal 2 in 1,  also want to include the effect order switch. Thanks in advance
Build Reports / Re: New testing rig
April 08, 2013, 09:20:52 PM
  hi jabulani  i have a cuestion, what is the function of the spdt switch labeled sw1 & sw2 ?
General Questions / Modulaterator Board
March 22, 2013, 03:52:54 PM
  Hi guys i want to know if i can use the Modulaterator Board for the ZPDD . Im planning build the ZPDD into a 1590BB box with the add on. Thanks in advance

  These are mine. I need a couple of days to finish them  ;D. Ohh Guys you got a lot of work jejeje
Open Discussion / Re: B75k pot ?
January 14, 2013, 07:31:38 PM

   Hi Jeff you could use a B100k with a 300k resistor across the 1&3 legs of the pot
Hi im building a Chunk Chunk, and i need some help of how i can  measuring voltage at the drain´s of the J201´s  cause i don´t have any idea of how put the tips of the DMM (Red-Black) on the PCB to make the measure.

   If anyone can help i aprecciate alot. Thnaks in advance  ;D

thanks guys!!   ;D

  Hi guys could anyone help me i want to buy a Earnie ball VP Jr but im not understand with suits me well (25k or 250k) i don't play any guitar whit active pickups and i have in mind oly use it in my pedalboard. Thnaks in adavance.