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Messages - irmcdermott

You guys are great. I need to dig more into this this evening when I get home from work.
Open Discussion / Help me figure this switching out....
November 11, 2014, 10:10:48 PM
OK, so I'll admit I haven't done much searching, but today has been a little crazy, my brain is a little fried, so I figured I'd ask you guys....

Had someone ask me if it would be possible to put two effects in one box (in this case, a boost, and a comp). He asked if it would be possible to have two footswitches and a toggle. Essentially, the idea he has is that one side of the toggle allows for independent switching of the effects via the footswitches, and then when you flip the toggle, one footswitch essentially turns them both on. Not sure if that makes sense, but that's the basic idea.

Their own product description says what it's based on:

"The Bass Big Muff Pi creates tones similar to the classic fuzz sounds of the battle-tank green Sovtek Big Muff Pi and the legendary Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi from the '70s - but optimized for beefy bottom-end that punches through anything."

So I would start with the Green Russian. If I weren't at work I'd try to work out some other mods for you. But yeah, I'd start with a Green Russian specs, maybe increase the input/output caps, and as Matthew pointed out, adding a blend will be really nice on bass.

I know here in the US you can buy that Bass Big Muff for like $80, they aren't that expensive if he wanted the real deal.
How in the world..... tell me, what year did you graduate from Hogwarts?
It's a very cold, dreary, rainy day in Nashville, which means I'm listening to one of my favorite records to listen to on cold, dreary, rainy days.

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Sparklehorn 2014
October 28, 2014, 01:53:43 PM
Well, never mind me, I missed that part l. So sorry!
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Sparklehorn 2014
October 28, 2014, 04:10:20 AM
Open Discussion / Re: POST YOUR PEDALBOARD / GEAR!
October 27, 2014, 09:47:12 PM
I love the DMC, so I don't see me getting rid of it. I use all of its functions. Scrolling is a breeze, looper control is awesome, and the way I setup the presets for what I'm playing is pretty easy. The control and flexibility it gives me is pretty outstanding. And the guy that makes them is a good guy. If I had space on the board for a looper, I'd build one to control all my other pedals so I could do less dancing, but I'm out of real estate haha
Open Discussion / Re: POST YOUR PEDALBOARD / GEAR!
October 27, 2014, 06:25:36 PM
I purged all my gear, downsized on my board to a PT3, and as you've seen in the build reports section, I've been busy. So far I'm really happy with it. Still need to play with the order of things in the chain, but this is what it looks like so far:

Guitar > Skreddy P19 > Engineer's Thumb w/ clean blend > ZenDrive > Sparkplug > Box of Rock > VP Jr. (Tuner out to Korg Pitchblack), Strymon Mobius, EHX Pitch Fork, Strymon Timeline, Strymon BigSky, NashPedals Bronco Billy Boost > Amp

The strymon's are controlled with a Disaster Area DMC-6D with there little expansion switch as a global tap/favorite switch.

Underneath, everything is powered with a Cioks DC10, and then the strymon's, DMC-6D, and some other things on that  side of the board are powered with a Voodoo Labs 4x4

Build Reports / Re: Bacon Fat (Skreddy P19/Mudbunny)
October 26, 2014, 07:30:52 PM
It sounds so, so good. Probably won't ever leave my board.

This is the PulsarProFx. And this is an instance where I used too much adhesive, and that's why the pig is speckled at the bottom, but I thought it looks kind of cool that way and decided to just keep it.

Thanks guys!
Build Reports / Bacon Fat (Skreddy P19/Mudbunny)
October 26, 2014, 03:43:34 PM
Gilmour is my favorite guitar player, and I had been wanting to build this for a long time and finally did. From color scheme to graphic to font, this one is inspired by him and the tones from "Animals" and "The Wall". Love this thing. Many thanks to juansolo for putting together his spreadsheet.
I just can't get enough of Sturgill Simpson these days. Excite to see him open up for Jason Isbell (i've posted before), this Sunday at The Ryman.

Build Reports / Re: Serendipity Build
October 20, 2014, 07:46:53 PM
Quote from: cooder on October 20, 2014, 06:50:37 PM
Great build and looks! Tidy!
I also like the AD712 in mine, but maybe I try some experimenting at some point as well. Apparently in the newer production ones (since Lovepedal got involved) they use the NE5532 chip in there. Probably because it's cheaper... ;)

Thanks! I'll have to build up another one with the NE5532 chip and compare! See if I can tell the difference.

Quote from: Haberdasher on October 20, 2014, 06:52:01 PM
I've been impressed with your pulsar skills.  If i tried that graphic, the little stars would probably float away from the paper as soon as i submerged it into water!

What I didn't mention was that this took me about 6-7 attempts. I had a hard time getting the foil to adhere to the small text. When it finally did, everything else went fine, and then I goofed and still had my oven at like 350degrees. Oh well. Thanks though!

Build Reports / Serendipity Build
October 20, 2014, 06:34:58 PM
Love these ZenDrives...

Graphic again, PulsarProFX decal.... i made the mistake and forgot to turn down the heat of the oven after I clear coated it. If the temp is too high, the foil will crinkle a little. Since this is a personal build, I'm not worried about it. You probably don't even need clear coat with this system, the graphics from what I understand are pretty durable. I really like the stock AD712 chips in these. I've built them with 4558 before, and just prefer them. Found some on ebay a while back. This was the last one I had.

Yup. I've got a Lowrider that just doesn't want to seem to work. Octave below randomly jumps up to an octave above... sound fizzles out.... need to really debug that one.