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Messages - jjjimi84

This looks and sounds great! Pedal building is such a humbling hobby when a little smear of flux ruins a perfect build. Nice job seeing it through and the results are outstanding
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Eliasson Guitars Goldie Guitar
February 24, 2023, 07:26:44 AM
Quote from: jimilee on February 24, 2023, 12:07:41 AM
Wow, I'm really digging the guitar, and your playing! Wow, it sounds like it just keeps getting better. The neck pickup, in my opinion, has a Mark Knopfler, sultans of swing vibe. Both of you make a great team, keep it up.

Thanks mate! I appreciate it! I was actually prepared for this video and what you are seeing is the second take on the rhythm track and the first take for the solo. The BigNoise Spitfire overdrive and Echoes dual delay were really key in getting the tones.
General Questions / Re: Husky Boy/Fat Bastard demo?
February 23, 2023, 11:40:18 PM
I think i started making one and kind of forgot about it. I will see and add it to the short list.
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Eliasson Guitars Goldie Guitar
February 23, 2023, 11:39:18 PM
Quote from: gordo on February 22, 2023, 11:09:29 PM
I have to admit I was initially turned off by the Epiphone meets Starcaster vibe but from the first chord I was blown away by how much top end zing that thing has.  Seems like you can't get a bad sound out of it and the antique furniture finish thing it has going is top shelf.  You, sir, have also done a fine job of showing off the qualities of the guitar itself.  I have to think that Eliasson is thrilled to have this quality of a demo and the quality of the build easily shines thru on the vid.

Superb as usual but cool to be guitar-centric.

Man I cannot tell you how much this means to me. When I told Paul about my idea and what I was hoping to accomplish he was pretty open to anything and then once the video was finished I apologized to him.....

I love the video, I still laugh at through every viewing and am pretty proud but usually when I love a video it doesn't do that great. This was no different but I don't care I freaking love it and am super happy. I can't wait to show you all the guitar collaboration in the works!!!
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Eliasson Guitars Goldie Guitar
February 21, 2023, 12:58:21 AM
Thanks Dan! I was trying to have as much fun as i can with my clothes on!

How great is Rush! I got to see them in 2013 and man it was epic.
Audio/Video Demos / Eliasson Guitars Goldie Guitar
February 20, 2023, 06:49:16 PM
Here is the pinnacle of the dkpedals channel, the frothy cream that can rise only after vigorous work. A video so good it may even burn your eyes or give you heart palpitations due to the flashes and bangs and hard fisting that is going on. Open up your eye holes for some serious meowsical entertainment.

In all seriousness Paul Eliasson was kind enough to send me a guitar to try out and I offered to make a video and then this bag of insanity ensued and it turned out better than I could have imagined. I had a lot of fun making this video and am so proud of my singing debut!

It is an all mahogany body starcaster 335 hybrid that just sounds amazing.
Build Reports / Re: MadBean Touch Stone
February 18, 2023, 02:06:36 PM
Wow! This is really cool, I love that ground wire set up you got going there and the pots, mind blowingly cool!
Another fine example of perfection! Really great job, you da man Chris!
You are Passinwind and I am not but I wish I was.
Build Reports / Re: The Sardine Tin (#1)
February 18, 2023, 02:00:08 PM
How dare you have hard shadows on these incredible pictures! Truly outstanding! Any chance of hearing a few bits of it?
General Questions / Re: Solder Sucker
February 18, 2023, 01:56:31 PM
Audio/Video Demos / Schu-Tone Gargantua Fuzz and Boost
February 06, 2023, 04:37:41 PM
Here is another friend of dkpedals video for your ear-holes. The Schu-tone Gargantua 2-in-1 Fuzz and Boost! This is my second video playing Schu-Tone pedals and this one does not disappoint at all. I am running it into my KT66 equipped JTM45 and with using the Eliasson Guitars Goldie model guitar and just cranking it up. I hope it comes across because this was a blast to make.

I liked the photo shoot with all of plushies that keep ending up in here. This house is just a zoo sometimes especially with our newest dog a tiny 8 month old Beaglier named Ruby

Audio/Video Demos / Re: MadBean Total Recall
February 06, 2023, 04:34:57 PM
Thanks guys! This is such a beautiful sounding pedal, I had a few magical moments with it.
Open Discussion / Re: When you have a teenage daughter.
January 27, 2023, 10:44:42 PM
Did it work? I need help with my wife.

I am so thankful I only have a son and the snippy snippy scheduled. Anymore slobs in my house would kill me and is the reason I usually look like a hobo.
Audio/Video Demos / Re: MadBean Total Recall
January 23, 2023, 05:22:03 PM