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Messages - K3yPr0gg3r

Ok, like the pots and switch. What about C22? Should I also assume that the BC550s are bad as well? I have used transistors from Tayda the were operational...

Ok, so I need to cut the LED VERY short to fit under the socket for IC2...pretty much put it right against the board? How about the Capacitor question...(C22)?

Ok, thanks. Guess I'll go to ebay for the BCs. Anything on my other questions?
Ok, just purchased...I also assume that if I'm using a breakout for the 3PDT, I omit R30 (4k7). Correct?

Thanks again

I'm planning on purchasing Deathklaw, but I wanted to confirm something in the build doc. In the notes section, mod ideas, it states "try substituting a higher value for C22 (100n)." C22 is 22n so is the 100n a suggestion of the higher value? Just wanted to make sure. This looks like a pretty intense build!
Also. I guess I need to prep the enclosure fairly early on since I need to install the green LED prior to IC2, and the LED will be sticking through the enclosure I assume.
One more thing, I just ordered the LM78L05, (they have it L78L05), the BC550s, and the PT2399s from Tayda. I know Paul @ has the LM78L05, (just labeled 78L05), and the PTs as well. Just want to make sure I'm getting operational components.

Thank you
General Questions / Re: Switching Diodes
September 14, 2016, 06:47:50 PM
Ok...being after the 9v...that makes sense. Thanks
General Questions / Re: Switching Diodes
September 14, 2016, 05:42:09 PM
I'm about to begin an etched version of Sabertooth. It calls for a 1N4001, but I was thinking about using a BAT46 or a 1N914 instead. Does the 1N4001 protect against reverse polarity in the circuit, or does it just serve as a clipping diode?

Thank you
Thank you! Ordering right now... Just FYI with regard to 34As. I ordered from an outfit called SciToys. They had a pic of of the green striped type on the order page. I ordered 12, shipping was $11+. I received some kind of other diode. Tried to get a DMM forward voltage reading on them, and it registered either all over the place or didn't register at all. Just a "head-up" to the community...

Thanks again

As Jon said in a 2012 post on diodes, OA126s had dried up. I'm just wondering if the same is true for the 34A green-bands? I've tried a bunch of different places, and I'm only coming up with the Dbl Black / Single Black band type, and a weird silver with black band style. Anyone have any ideas, or am I too late to the builder's party to get my hands on any?

Thank you
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Re: Soldering Diodes
September 10, 2016, 05:33:09 PM
Cool! I'd of NEVER thought of that. Thank you!!
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Re: Soldering Diodes
September 10, 2016, 01:24:11 AM
Thanks...BUT, why do my resistors, caps, sockets all come out looking good, and my diodes not so much? I've noticed that the leads are thicker on the diodes vs other leads. Do you guys solder diodes differently in some way? Also, do I need the heat sink on silicon?

Thanks again
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Re: Soldering Diodes
September 10, 2016, 12:20:08 AM

Is soldering diodes suppose to be such a pain? Barry over at has a video regarding soldering to a circuit board which was very helpful. He suggested a 10 count when contacting the iron to the board/lead before applying solder. I have followed that process and found most of my joints are very good! However, when it comes to soldering diodes, especially 4001s, 5817s, etc., my joints look like hammered crap! They still work, but they're bumpy, mis-shapen globs... I'm using a heat-sink on ALL diodes. Do I need one on silicons or just glass / germanium?

Thank you
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Re: 2N3565
September 07, 2016, 08:41:11 PM
Thank you, Mike. I've purchased a lot from them...duh. Don't know why I didn't check out their site. Ok..problem solved!

Thank you again
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Re: 2N3565
September 07, 2016, 07:17:24 PM
I've found 2 options. A company called Talon Elec.has 2N3565/PN3565 for $0.55 each. However, they show a blank transistor for the pic. Well Gain Elec. has them, (brand name Sprague), for $3.30 each, and I can read 2N3565 on the transistor pic itself. Is there any problems with this brand, or is it the Maserati of transistors that's why so expensive?

How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Re: 2N3565
September 07, 2016, 12:37:57 AM

I'm doing a fairly big component buy in the next couple of days for builds I'll be working on in the near future, and I want to make sure I don't waste $ on stuff I don't need. This is taken from the Deadpool build doc. "I strongly recommend purchasing the 2N3565 transistors from SmallBear." SB's 2N3565 look like pic1. The etch is set up for this type, pic2. Which do I purchase?
