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Messages - dannoceti

Build Reports / Re: Catch 22
November 10, 2014, 03:19:41 PM
Oops just checked and you're right most layouts list the 4559. I wonder if sonically there is a difference between the 4558 and 4559?

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Build Reports / Re: Catch 22
November 10, 2014, 03:07:47 PM

Quote from: luks999 on November 10, 2014, 09:18:50 AM
Thanks man! already ordered my pcb and the enclosure looks too good :)
i think i will try it with a 25k pot too ;)
(very confusing is that you find a 100k one in the web on several layouts)

did you use the 4559 chip?
ya I love the enclosure color, looks really cool in person. What knobs did you go with? I actually used a jrc4558, but ordered a bunch of other ones in case I wanted to try different ones, they are all pretty cheap.

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Quote from: madbean on November 09, 2014, 07:57:03 PM
Put that sucker in there. Mica caps do tend to be large since they are often rated for higher voltages. If the leads are further apart than the holes, bend them both inward and then down to fit in the 5mm hole spacing.
nice, will do! I'd like to socket it, but the leads are too big for the sockets I have.

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Build Reports / Re: Catch 22
November 09, 2014, 05:44:47 PM
Figured out why treble is cutting backwards, because Rej designed it not to be a cut, haha woops should have payed attention better to the original description :)

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Quote from: luks999 on November 09, 2014, 04:52:21 PM
i would be interested in that too
catch22 list 100k pot for the volume like most overdrives. why use a 25k there?
I'm pretty sure the a100k was a typo and it was meant to say a10k, which is how this pedal was made for quite some time, but more recently was updated to a a25k with an 18k resistor attached, still not quite sure, I went lug 2 to 3, seems to work.

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I just received all my components to build the Madbean Honeydripper. In the build doc is suggested swapping the C2 2n2 cap "to a smaller value for a brighter sound. My preference here is a 560pF Silver Mica cap."

I had difficulty sourcing one but thought I had found one on mouser that would work. Anyways when I received the parts the 560pf mica cap is a bit large. I can make it work but wanted to get the forums thoughts before committing.

Here is a picture, can someone let me know if it's okay to use this or if I should source a different part?

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Build Reports / Re: Catch 22
November 09, 2014, 04:35:54 PM

Quote from: luks999 on November 09, 2014, 04:26:39 PM
looks fantastic. this even wants me even more want building a timmy
where did u get the enclosure? or did u do the paint job?
I bought the enclosure already painted from  mammoth electronics, the color is called translucent blue

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Build Reports / Catch 22
November 09, 2014, 03:46:51 AM
Just finished the Grind Custom Catch 22. I really like it, to me it's way smoother of an overdrive then the blues breaker type OD's I current have on my board, which is what I was looking for.

For some reason my treble cut on the top left cuts backwards, so all the way to the right is no cutting and all the way to the left is fully cut?

I tried to use the a25k audio pot with a 18k resistor like how I guess the Timmy's are made today, but not sure I got it right. I ended up attaching it from lug 2 to lug 3 on the pot?

This pedal is incredibly loud, but that might be because of the charge pump. Unity for me is between 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock.

Even though the controls seem to be working funny, it sounds awesome and is just what I was looking for on my board.

Currently this is my pedal chain: Klon Centaur (clone)-> king of tone (clone) -> Timmy (clone) -> zendrive (clone) -> carbon copy -> timeline -> bigsky

Basically I like overdrives, delay and reverb

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Quote from: upthepunxxx on November 05, 2014, 07:03:21 PM
Hey dudes,

I build this Timmy and I'm really digging it. I'd never really played a "transparent" od before, but when I hooked this guy up, the idea of tone transparency made a lot more sense. 

I painted the box orange and handed it over to my brother. He took of the rest of the design. I still have the hardest time trying to get vero or perf to ever look clean!

bitter dodger fan

Can I ask what pot you used for volume? I read the the original used a 25k with an 18k resistor from input to wiper. Also read to just use a 10k pot.  About to build the catch 22 board this weekend, any input is appreciated!

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Looking for fabbed superfuzz pcb any suggestions?

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Build Reports / Re: Serenity Now (non-madbean)
October 28, 2014, 04:54:42 AM

Quote from: pickdropper on October 28, 2014, 03:05:19 AM
Nice build, Dan.  Looks great.
Thanks Dave, that board was solid and super easy to build, sounds great too! Thanks for answering the couple question I had. I think I now fully understand how to wire these things haha

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Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Catch 22
October 27, 2014, 11:39:49 PM

Quote from: angrykoko on October 27, 2014, 11:35:17 PM
Quote from: dannoceti on October 27, 2014, 10:19:21 PM

Quote from: angrykoko on October 27, 2014, 10:02:22 PM
Not if you use the A10k volume pot like the bill of materials states.

You do only if you want to use an A25k pot like the mod states.
Okay thanks, I think I'm going to build it with the mod so I will order the 18k resistor. All the caps are non polarized film except the 3 electrolytic polarized right? I was confused because the BOM has C3 and C6 as "non- polarized". Aren't C1-C6 just film caps and C7-C9 polarized electrolytic?

Also does anyone know the differences in ic2 choices or are they just for power and don't affect the audio?

Last question, did anyone just use the Timmy ic (JRC4559)? Curious why a different ic was used?

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Yes C3 & C6 are film box caps.  The are noted as non polarized because caps up around 1mf and higher are typically electrolytic but these are box caps.

I used the jrc4559 but I haven't gotten around to trying anything else.
Was there anything on fsb about the different ics ?

Okay that makes sense, thank you. I haven't looked at FSB but will check it out!

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Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Catch 22
October 27, 2014, 10:19:21 PM

Quote from: angrykoko on October 27, 2014, 10:02:22 PM
Not if you use the A10k volume pot like the bill of materials states.

You do only if you want to use an A25k pot like the mod states.
Okay thanks, I think I'm going to build it with the mod so I will order the 18k resistor. All the caps are non polarized film except the 3 electrolytic polarized right? I was confused because the BOM has C3 and C6 as "non- polarized". Aren't C1-C6 just film caps and C7-C9 polarized electrolytic?

Also does anyone know the differences in ic2 choices or are they just for power and don't affect the audio?

Last question, did anyone just use the Timmy ic (JRC4559)? Curious why a different ic was used?

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Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Catch 22
October 27, 2014, 09:56:11 PM
So do you need to add the 18k resistor with the catch 22 board?

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Build Reports / Re: Serenity Now (non-madbean)
October 27, 2014, 01:25:03 PM

Quote from: luks999 on October 27, 2014, 09:05:55 AM
looks great, fine work :)

im curious: what circuit is this serenity now? OD? whats it based on?
couldnt find anything so far.
Yes it's a Zendrive. I really like it, but it's not very transparent. I'm going to stack it with my next build which will be Grind Customs Catch-22, which is a modified Timmy OD.  I think they will work really nicely together.  I wish I would have done them both in one box.

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