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Messages - mcasemo

Build Reports / Fuzzler and Psycho Kriller
April 16, 2016, 11:39:42 PM
I've been making PCB's (seeed, itead) for a few different ideas, one was adding a LFO to a mutron iii.  I did one with the naughty fish, and made my own lfo daughter board.  Then i made a psycho lfo (pseudo random lfo) with it and it sounded pretty cool.  I posted some of it, but lost in the crash.  Psycho Kriller, krill is a filter.  Corny.  Also lost was that pedal as i tore it apart trying to get it to work properly.  So I made some PCB's with it integrated, with envelope, lfo, and psycho lfo mode on a rotary switch.  Glide and Depth of the LFO are on the side, and Rate is on a big knob for foot control.  Have to put in the led's in the krill's eyes.  On the first one was pretty cool having one light up and the other doing the psycho bleep thing.  Still have a glitch with the normal range of the mutron iii and still want to tweak the gains and speeds of each lfo stage for the random mode.

Next is a 4 fuzz pedal that run all in parallel into a mixer, Fuzzler.  All you can eat fuzz, sizzler rip off graphic. The Fuzzes (all silicon) are Jordan Bosstone, the Os' Mutantes (deadpool), WEM Pep Box Rush, and a Fuzzrite.  It is switchable to have the Bosston feed the Os'Mutantes and to have the Fuzzrite feed the Pep box.    PEP box was weird, the trim pot in the schematic would smoke if you turn it all the way one way, could not figure that out, they always still worked, friend called that "the sizzle".  Surprised it all worked otherwise.  The Bosstone and Fuzzrite are lower volume, think i need to muck with the mixer gains for them to even it out.  Going to hand this off to some friends to see if it's any useful.  Probably should put some more radically different sounding fuzzes in here.  The PEP can be kinda gatey, so that's sorta neat to have it gate out and have other fuzzes still sustain.

I PCB mounted everything I could and I now know why you don't want to do that.  Lining up everything causes you to stress the board.  So I have to figure out what i want to set the position, and open up the holes on most of the rest.  After dropping the fuzzler in the box with graphics, it stopped working, got to go heat up some joints and see what happened.

i bought adobe lightroom and find myself using my iphone more for pics (more so of my kids rather than pedals) rather than the DSLR.  Free software probably can do most of the adjustments, but the Lightroom interface and controls seemed to make me do better post processing them.  Just a thought if you skip buying the camera.

Another thought is to instead spend some money getting more light for your pics.  maybe those umbrella light diffuser things. 

It's all about the light, but i still lazily take pedal photos at midnight under my LED lamp, half drunk.
one last bump.
Man, forgot about this thread.  I'm a better cooker than pedal maker I think, especially considering my latest pedal failures.   Here is my mardi gras day chicken and dumplings.  We are near the parade route and have lots of folks stop by.  I usually plan to cook something, but act like i have not planned it, then have it ready to go when everyone is done.  kinda fun.  This is from "Real Cajun" by Donald Link.  I added cream.

Bump.   Anyone know relationship of pin 7/8 PT2399 voltage to input gain?  And how they react?
I was battling some switch noise on a PCB i made, selmer buzztone into a ZPMII / Deep blue delay.  Thought I had it licked with a bad solder joint, but...

I still get a noise after the switch on of the delay, with fuzz already on, at the time of the delay. So Fuzz on, hit delay, XX ms later little step/sound.  This is more prominent with more fuzz and volume.  Pin 7 and 8 on the PT2399 increase in voltage with the volume/gain of the fuzz.  Switch the fuzz off, they go to similar values (0.6ish).    Is this normal?  I don't know what they do.  Pin 7 goes to higher voltage at the same time of the noise.  Pin 8 switches immediately. 

Any thoughts or ideas welcome. 

Looking at moodring, and having built one, wondering if the true bypass setting that may cause more switch noise is similar, or expected.  I don't want to rip this one apart if i can make it better essentially, haha. 
Saw the moodring posts and remembered I posted this one before the crash.  Original Proco Rat, no mods with moodring.  I mixed up the left to right order of the thing, so the switches are labeled wrong essentially.  And I ran the reverb into the rat the first time around and my friend was like, sounds kinda off, so fixed that and it sounds much better (but i'm tone deaf and have no rhythm, so what do i know).  waterslide decal, but sure would like to etch this (stupid difficult etching).

So sad.  One of the first pedals I made was a Formula 5, made it for a friend and he loves that thing. 
I'm having trouble with my Honeydripper Rev 1.1.2, non-2015 version, using CA3080's.  I'm getting filtered sounds, but the envelop is not sweeping the filter.

I've reflowed and scraped solder flux and checked for bridges.  I have a USB scope and can follow a signal through IC1 and IC5.   The signal at pin 8 of IC1 is a tall squarish wave, after that it looks like a sine wave signal of similar amplitude as the input signal being inverted out of phase.  Not sure what I'm looking for.  I can see nothing on pin 5 of the CA3080's.

Maybe my substitutions are to blame?   I used a TC1044SPCA for the charge pump and connected pins 1 and 8.  I used TL074's in place of the LM324.  R21 is 2k and C2 is 1n
Pictures and voltages below, any help is appreciated, or anything specific I can look for on the scope

Pin   TL074
1   4.95
2   5.11
3   5.06
4   16.36
5   5.12
6   5.12
7   5.12
8   2.1
9   5.11
10   5.12
11   0
12   5.1
13   5.1
14   5.05
Pin   CA380
1   ignore
2   5.1
3   5.1
4   0
5   0.68
6   5.12
7   16.36
8   ignore
Pin   CA380
1   ignore
2   5.1
3   5.1
4   0
5   0.663
6   5.1
7   16.36
8   ignore
Pin   4558
1   5.07
2   5.12
3   5.1
4   0
5   5.1
6   5.12
7   5.11
8   16.37
Pin   TL074
1   1.7
2   1.7
3   1.8
4   16.36
5   4.89
6   5.44
7   1.4
8   4.35
9   2.8
10   2.8
11   0
12   2.8
13   2.8
14   2.8
Pin   TC1044SPCA
1   9.35
2   4.5
3   0
4   137 mv
5   27 mv
6   5.28
7   6.53
8   9.36

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Moodring True-Bypass
March 05, 2016, 05:12:08 AM
yes, you should remove it.
Oh, that devi ever pedal looks pretty cool. 

Yes, that is an option to consider, thanks.  I was confusing myself because of wanting to stack two, in pairs, thinking I could not use the buffers.  But following what you are saying, I run the effect full bore into a buffer, then I could switch after the buffer and pot control back into another effect, otherwise have all four buffers the same with volume pots into the mixer. 

Lazy me wants to make the pcb and try it, but that the more expensive risky option i guess.
I'm going to try to lay something out.  Then I could tweak the buffers if the full open effects are different in final volume. 
Looking for some guidance on the mini mixer (ggg, rg keen) and using with 4 fuzzes in parallel.  Wanted to have a 4 in 1 fuzz pedal where all run to a mixer in parallel.  Also, my schematic has it where you can stack two together, but we can ignore that part of it and assume all run into the mixer's 4 channels.  This may be pretty useless, but thought it might be fun to experiment. 

One question, could each of the volume knobs on each of the fuzzes (currently a fuzzrite, wem pep box rush, os mutantes, and jordan bosstone) serve as the mixer input controls? 

Next question, would anyone expect tone loss without the use of buffers after the fuzzes?  I've read straight guitar signals into mixers can have issue, just not smart enough about these transistor fuzzes and output impedance.

Finally, for a master volume control, could i use the 100k pot on the first stage of the dual op amp, or should it be on the second stage to control gain?

Any advice is appreciated.  I know I can just breadboard this up and test it all, but thought I would pick your brains first. 

EHX LPB-1 is often used for this, super simple circuit.  This schematic shows it used to boost a Shin-EI companion fuzz
thanks.  i have four pedals in work and gave the rest of the boards away.  I'm going to tweak the PCB (used small pads on everything, kinda tedious to solder) and reorder, i'll try to remember to check with you when i get them, will be several months probably.

I'm learning the lesson of long delay time and noise, so now looking at the filtering options on the ZP mini and others.   I don't really play, my friend uses them and records with them, so it's fun getting the feedback and figuring out what to do next.

So may try the SWTC on the ZP mini.  The Wampler Echo in the EP looks fun to try, it's has a tone on the repeats.  And I do want to try a Hamlet.  Researching the noise thing, seems like various points to filter on the PT2399, the cap hanging off pin 16, or pin 12, or the filter in the route to the feedback/mix.  Definitely don't understand them all, anyone know if there is a good write up of the filtering for the PT2399?