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Messages - Shrtyska9

WWOZ out of NOLA. Killer radio station. Currently they are playing a block of vocal jazz/blues divas.
I've never built a Pt2399 delay that worked (only one on vero)
or put any kind of artwork on an enclosure (hence my lack of build reports)
never built an eched board (working on one at the moment)  Thanks Keefe
Quote from: GrindCustoms on February 18, 2015, 08:03:30 AM
Quote from: Shrtyska9 on February 18, 2015, 01:06:26 AM
Quote from: GrindCustoms on February 18, 2015, 12:31:57 AM
Quote from: Shrtyska9 on February 17, 2015, 02:16:01 PM
Quote from: GrindCustoms on February 16, 2015, 03:21:47 AM
I know this ain't the cup of tea of many... 'nyway.. groovy!

I'll see your Dying Fetus and raise with Beneath the Massacre! ;)

Nice! Killer band from Quebec... if you go back 8 or 9 years ago, my band 112Kills rehearsal room was in a complex where they also had a studio running by my good friend Yannick St-Amant (Despised Icon). In the time we had our local there, he had recorded 2 of the Despised Icon album, one Ion Dissonnance and the first full length album of Beneath the Massacre after their first EP.  Our band was essentially a mix of Cephalic Carnage/Origin/DyingFetus/Suffocation... and we would be there jamming every damn day.... all the guys in those bands where chilling in our local drinking/smoking.. relaxing you know... and we would get to jam with them... DespisedIcon singers would come jam with us before they do their track and we would also help BTM drummer to heat up before his tracking time... very good times that was. Most brutal era of my life! ;D

Damn Rej! I knew those guys were from your neck of the woods but I didn't realize there would be such an awesome story tying you to them! That must have been a lot of fun! I remember seeing BTM on the summer slaughter tour in 2009 and they were Great! I was so pumped to see Necrophagist that night but I was working at a summer camp at the time and there was a midnight curfew and we had to drive from albany back into the catskills. Plus I had my nose broken in the pit during Winds of Plague. lol. I had two black eyes and my face was so swollen. Good times! lol.

And for a while I had Immaculate from Despised Icons first album as my ringtone in high school. It's amazing the looks you get when your phone goes off and there are gutteral vocals coming out instead of a ringer. lol. Since then I have kinda fell out of the scene but miss those days of going to shows.

After all that time i'm still involved in those events, working as a tech... i don't think i could stop going there, the raw energy of those concerts can't be found anywhere else.

So this whole thing made me think of the old days (rofl), around 2001-2002 i was playing in a BlackMetal band called Cryptik Howling, with them i played a good load of concert, recorded a 2 song demo and actively participated to the writing of their first album. I then sold the bass rig i had to a bassman i had choosen (that was funny), thought him all the songs and got him ready for studio... as i was suppose to move in MTL with my gf and it then fucked up with her...... lol

Anyway, i'm a bit shy now of those songs... but back 10-12 years, i was very proud of what i was doing there.

This first one, i wrote entirely other than the closing riff...

Was lots of fun with the corpse paint and blood spitting on stage... lml

Those songs are Badass Rej! No reason to be shy about them.

Yeah I miss those shows man! My problem is I live in the middle of nowhere and the nearest venue is an hour an a half away. Plus everyone I used to go to shows with has either moved or gotten hooked on smack. Plus most of the good bands have stopped touring or broken up. Although I am pretty pumped for The Red Chord at New England metal and hardcore fest. Actually I should start making plans for that show.


Quote from: GrindCustoms on February 18, 2015, 12:31:57 AM
Quote from: Shrtyska9 on February 17, 2015, 02:16:01 PM
Quote from: GrindCustoms on February 16, 2015, 03:21:47 AM
I know this ain't the cup of tea of many... 'nyway.. groovy!

I'll see your Dying Fetus and raise with Beneath the Massacre! ;)

Nice! Killer band from Quebec... if you go back 8 or 9 years ago, my band 112Kills rehearsal room was in a complex where they also had a studio running by my good friend Yannick St-Amant (Despised Icon). In the time we had our local there, he had recorded 2 of the Despised Icon album, one Ion Dissonnance and the first full length album of Beneath the Massacre after their first EP.  Our band was essentially a mix of Cephalic Carnage/Origin/DyingFetus/Suffocation... and we would be there jamming every damn day.... all the guys in those bands where chilling in our local drinking/smoking.. relaxing you know... and we would get to jam with them... DespisedIcon singers would come jam with us before they do their track and we would also help BTM drummer to heat up before his tracking time... very good times that was. Most brutal era of my life! ;D

Damn Rej! I knew those guys were from your neck of the woods but I didn't realize there would be such an awesome story tying you to them! That must have been a lot of fun! I remember seeing BTM on the summer slaughter tour in 2009 and they were Great! I was so pumped to see Necrophagist that night but I was working at a summer camp at the time and there was a midnight curfew and we had to drive from albany back into the catskills. Plus I had my nose broken in the pit during Winds of Plague. lol. I had two black eyes and my face was so swollen. Good times! lol.

And for a while I had Immaculate from Despised Icons first album as my ringtone in high school. It's amazing the looks you get when your phone goes off and there are gutteral vocals coming out instead of a ringer. lol. Since then I have kinda fell out of the scene but miss those days of going to shows.
Quote from: GrindCustoms on February 16, 2015, 03:21:47 AM
I know this ain't the cup of tea of many... 'nyway.. groovy!

I'll see your Dying Fetus and raise with Beneath the Massacre! ;)
Open Discussion / Re: New tayda code!!!
February 16, 2015, 11:35:20 PM
I would suggest paying the extra and picking up those items from mouser or smallbear. Tayda is known to have fake jfets. I did get ic's from them when I first started building and haven't had any problems with them however I would rather dish out the few cents more the first time for known legitimate chips and trannies. I buy pots, resistors, caps, and sockets from tayda for personal use, but only because I haven't had the money to reach the the price breaks on all of the values I need.


Open Discussion / Re: New tayda code!!!
February 14, 2015, 05:04:04 PM
The codes don't count towards enclosures afaik. But you would think they would restock before issuing a new code. I mean there is stuff on there they have been out of for what seems like months.
Most of the hardware I plan on grabbing at blms though. That way I don't have to wait as long to get the stuff. ;)


Open Discussion / Re: New tayda code!!!
February 13, 2015, 11:12:06 PM
Quote from: jimilee on February 13, 2015, 10:27:27 PM

Quote from: Shrtyska9 on February 13, 2015, 04:40:50 PM
HAPPYVALENTINESDAY is the code good until the 18th.
Nice!! I deactivated my Facebook , so I don't get to see these...

Word man. I lucked out finding it before I put an order in this afternoon and figured I would share it. Took me two hours to finally get the order to go through. For some reason the bank kept blocking the transaction.:-\ but gave them a call and they put it through.


Open Discussion / Re: New tayda code!!!
February 13, 2015, 04:40:50 PM
HAPPYVALENTINESDAY is the code good until the 18th.
Open Discussion / Re: Progression of interests
February 05, 2015, 06:32:33 AM
I guess I progressed in the opposite direction. I started modding my guitars and then I bought the indyguitarist valve Jr mod book and I was hooked from there. Then after doing amp repair and mods for a few years I stumbled upon madbeans site.
Before then I never really thought about building effects nor did i realize that there was such an amazing community related to the hobby. Now after seeing Juan's raspberry pi based arcade I really want to build something similar. But like most other things that will have to wait until the funds are there.

I have the pro version and love it. It would be worth it to pick up artist and wait until the half price upgrade sale they do a couple times a year. You could end up with pro for $220 which is almost half price. Plus the included plugins are pretty good. Not sure about what comes with artist (I started with producer).

Open Discussion / Jeff Bridges Sleeping Tapes
January 29, 2015, 07:06:26 PM
Anybody see this yet?
A night-time relaxation tape by the one and only Dude. No offense keefe. ;)

And the proceeds go to No Kid Hungry which makes it even more cool.
Open Discussion / Re: Just gotta share this!!!
January 28, 2015, 03:42:59 AM
Wow! That's a new one. It's a shame it's a lefty. I wonder what string gauges it has on it? And where would you find replacement strings for a guitar like this? ;D


General Questions / Re: Nom Nom in a wah shell?
January 24, 2015, 07:32:29 PM

There is a 500k but it is an ICAR like taper. But from the charts I have seen the icar starts like an audio with a linear midsection and finishes like a reverse audio.
this one from the gear page makes it look like a reverse audio taper.

General Questions / Re: Nom Nom in a wah shell?
January 24, 2015, 05:24:32 PM
The data sheet on the pot, said the ones with a switch were rated at 15,000 rotations. I am assuming the ones without switches are the same, but the hot potz II is rated for 1 million rotations. so it may work for a period of time but you will likely see failure at some point.
The other thing to take into consideration is that a wah doesn't use the full rotation of the pot so it may work better with the 500K wah pot because everything is bunched up at the end of the rotation.