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Messages - jkokura

Scheduled for my first dose this afternoon. I don't know which type, but it's mostly been Pfizer and Moderna locally. I'd prefer the Pfizer personally.

I used to be concerned with this, but it really is a rare thing to have happen. Components like Resistors and Capacitors are relatively durable, and difficult to damage. They aren't really a worry. Diodes are similar, but can be damaged if they're made of glass. Most aren't, but the type we sometimes use in pedals can be.

Transistors and ICs can be damaged with too much heat, but it really does take a fairly large amount of heat to do so. If you're worried about it, you can use devices called Sockets. Sockets get soldered into the places that ICs and Transistors go, and then you can 'plug' the more delicate device into place, and also allows you to 'swap' another version in, so you can test the sound of other devices in place.

As you get better at soldering, you won't need to use a socket, but you will anyway if only because pulling them out with desoldering is such a pain.

Open Discussion / Re: Rat board suggestions please
April 14, 2021, 03:36:47 PM
Yeah, the rat is one circuit that the clipping diodes really are about personal taste. Just about anything and everything can work, you just need to compensate for volume differences in some cases.

As a pedal user, I prefer circuits to only have a couple choices. 12 different diode options only really leads you to finding which ones you like best, and then leaving it set there. Here's an idea for you - put the diode selector on a stomp switch. Then, instead of bending down and switching the diodes by hand, you can switch on the fly. The key is finding diodes that sound different that allow your pedal to stay around the same volume level.

Open Discussion / Re: Whetstone kits
February 23, 2021, 06:54:18 PM
I ordered one. I really regretted letting mine go, and I had it traced and everything. I think I'll still build a copy of Brian's because I don't love the form factor, but it's been my favorite phaser I've ever owned, and I've had a few. Not like Jimmie, but it's my second fav modulation sound.

Global Annoucements / Re: UK/Brexit/mbp
February 04, 2021, 12:13:39 AM
Quote from: jimilee on February 03, 2021, 11:23:09 PM
What you need is a distributor in the UK to handle the orders. You ship them to say, Thomas H or Alan P. When you get an order, they ship them for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I tried this for a while. In the end, it wasn't worth the hassle either.

In your shoes, I'd reach out on a local Facebook Marketplace and see if there's anyone around who would let you rent their garage with a Drill press for an hour, and go do it yourself. You may even find someone who will let you borrow their equipment and space for free. Bring your own drill bits.

Global Annoucements / Re: Last day for BOTY submissions
January 10, 2021, 11:17:34 PM
I honestly am blown away by the submissions this year. really good to see. I'm looking forward to slowly going through and offering my thoughts!

Open Discussion / Home Networking questions
January 06, 2021, 06:01:51 PM
Hey, do we have anyone who is really tech savvy and up on how run a home new around these parts? I'm trying to figure our how to accomplish setting up my physical home network which has some particular challenges and I'm unsure on how to google the answers (or rather, all i'm getting with google are things that aren't helpful).

Wouldn't mind a zoom chat or even an email chat with someone for whom this is their field.

General Questions / Re: Matching JFets for first time
December 31, 2020, 10:34:41 PM
I can't quite see that there's an issue. The thing I would suggest is maybe trying my version out. I know it works, and I've attached.

The other thing might be that your JFets might be fake, which is why you're not getting good readings.

General Questions / Re: Matching JFets for first time
December 31, 2020, 07:32:20 PM
I built my own jfet tester years and years ago, and if I remember right, getting the transistor pinout right is very integral. Could you maybe show your setup to us with a picture, including the design you're using, and then let us help verify you have the jfet pins correct?

Open Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas Everybody
December 21, 2020, 09:19:10 PM
Quote from: jimilee on December 21, 2020, 07:07:01 PM
Quote from: jkokura on December 21, 2020, 05:50:29 PM
Merry Christmas to you and all your families!

What, no dog???

No pets here. Too many kids...

Open Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas Everybody
December 21, 2020, 05:50:29 PM
Merry Christmas to you and all your families!

One other option is to use a 4PDT switch and fully switch out all three lugs of each pot, while still utilizing the bicolour LED. Just throwing the idea into the ring.

Did it Forrest. Check your email.

Open Discussion / Re: New website!!
October 28, 2020, 08:21:17 PM
Slick shoes man. I have some envy I admit.
