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Messages - Sibob

Another couple of Bass BB Pre's finished, guts exactly the same as above :)

Build Reports / Re: Tube Screamer clone
November 19, 2013, 04:33:27 PM
Very cool, nice one! :)
Where you fitting that battery though? haha

Another Bass BB Pre, this was requested with a plain enclosure. Pretty happy with the neatness of the insides on this one:

Build Reports / Re: 4 builds & 1 re-decal
November 14, 2013, 04:43:43 PM
Very cool builds.
I'm not familiar with the Optical Bypass boards you're using (I can see they're 1776 Effects).  What are the thoughts/pros etc of Optical Bypass? Is it along the same lines as a relay?

This is extremely cool!
My dad is an electronics engineer, and I did not come to be interested in pedal building until the age of 29 (I'm 30 now).
That's 29 years of not utilising my dads vast knowledge.
Obviously it's very difficult to keep a childs interest/enthusiasm about such things up during the various 'difficult years' of growth, but having that early exposure can only be a I wish I'd made more of :)

Build Reports / Re: Update: Finished my first build!
November 07, 2013, 04:37:38 PM
Yes looks great with the old radio knob, super retro feel! :)

Claire is a very cool artist friend, take a look at her website posted above, and also check out her BareBones clothing line too:

Finished a Bass BB Pre clone last night - Painted to the same design as the customers bass. Much more success than the Llama paintjob I feel. Wanted a slightly 'street art' vibe, which is how it came out :).  Feel the guts could be tidier, but hey, small space :-/

Quote from: selfdestroyer on November 07, 2013, 05:52:00 AM
Boobies... that is all.

* selfdestroyer Slips away in to the darkness....

You are correct sir!

As mentioned above, here are some more builds, went through a stage of using daughter boards a lot, out of that now haha:

Pedalparts Llama clone - Sounds great, taught me I shouldn't use paints......let alone glitter paints and satin lacquer :-/

Pedalparts SHO clones - You can tell the latter one, although I tidied up the left-hand SHO and added an anti-pop circuit same as the right before it went out. Stencils cut by myself:

Dwarfcraft Great Destroyer kit - Happy with this, mental sounding Fuzz, artwork by :

GGG Green Muff clone - Very happy with how this turned out, straight GGG Muff with added AMZ Precence control for Mids, artwork by :

Cheers :)
General Questions / Zero Point Micro
November 06, 2013, 12:42:42 PM
Hi guys,

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but anyone know when the Zero Point Micro might be back in stock? :)

Quote from: LaceSensor on November 05, 2013, 11:40:59 PM
One word of advice: don't undervalue your time, effort and work.

I fully agree with you, and it's something I've struggled with slightly.
On the one hand I'm obviously putting time, effort and a small element of skill (over what the customer is seemingly unwishing to undertake). However, I am currently using other people's PCB designs, being MadBean or PedalsParts. My feeling here is that I feel uncomfortable selling at anything above cost while I'm not using my own PCBs/designs/layouts. Plus, lets face it, I'm still learning some basics :).
I do not mark the enclosures with any brand other than a random paint job/design, although I do mark inside for my own 'records'. 'Customers' are also made aware that these are easily available kits.
I think the current crop of 4 BB Pre's will be the last pre-fab PCBs I'll do for a while as I'm more interested in getting into stripboard work for my own designs/mods/layouts.

Cheers again for the kind words :)

With regards to the new member forum sub-heading (Diode Destroyer), I've never burned out a component..........just saying ;)

I will happen on the next build now won't it :D
Quote from: evildead222 on November 05, 2013, 11:53:21 PM
i like the enclosures with the lines on the inside of the box.  where are they from?

Unfortunately I don't remember where I got that from, I think it was just a one-off from eBay, a guy in the UK. Will try and check.
I know it's a 125B though, which is Hammond code 1590N1

Thanks for all the kind words guys, glad to be here :)
I've had some excellent help along the way from my dad, Fuzzrocious, COG and various forums, all in all it's a great community :).
I am lucky that I know players who don't mind outlaying a bit of (purely cost covering) cash so I can practice and have pedals tested in 'the field'. I feel like I've made little progressions with each build.
When I'm in front of a computer tomorrow I'll post some non-Madbeans builds (if that's appropriate?!). Currently have a PedalParts BB Pre on the bench, with three more requested :-o

Hi guys,

New to the forum here, i'm over in the UK.
I've been a huge pedal fanatic for a couple of years, and the fascination has now led onto building them.
Being fairly wet behind the ears, I just blind ordered a couple of PCBs from Mad Bean as my initial experiments, zero DIY electronics experience, just a fairly technically-capable mind and some fast learning/googling ;).
I was over-eager on these builds and drilled the enclosures before the boards had even arrived, which, combined with my inexperience meant I overlooked the SL' capabilities for onboard switch/pot mounting etc.



I've definitly learned a lot since these, whilst they both work fine and sound great, I've tried to be a LOT tidier inside the box.  Even had a few friends put in some orders, Muffs, Boosts, Buffers etc, great feeling seeing them on their board! :)
