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Messages - camsna

Quote from: madbean on January 11, 2011, 05:19:45 PM
jkokura is the newest Global Moderator here on the MBP forum! Jacob's constant presence and helpful nature has been invaluable in making this forum a success. Always ready to offer help or a bit of advice, he's a man with a motive. Please join me in welcoming Jacob to the fray!

+1 !
Open Discussion / Re: DIY Instrument and patch cables?
January 09, 2011, 11:18:14 PM
Quote from: Ang3lus on January 07, 2011, 07:36:28 AM
i'll test this theory about mogami soudning better/equal to the Van Den Hul, the VDH hybrid is the best cable i've used to date.

Please do. In my experience, the VDH doesn't sound "better" than the Mogami. It sounds a little different, but it's a difference, not necessarily an improvement. I would happily use either and be pleased. But Mogami is about 15 times wins. It's not "like taking a blanket off your speakers."

You, however, might like the different sound and find the VDH, therefore, to be "better" than the Mogami. And if the difference you hear is both "better" and worth the scratch to you, then I hope sincerely that you enjoy it with all your might!

I will say, though, that I suspect that when one spends that kind of didg for cable, that one might be hearing (at least a little, eh'?) with one's wallet. I know I would be.

Please keep us posted!
General Questions / Re: 1590a Template
January 07, 2011, 10:40:17 PM
*tips hat*

General Questions / Re: 1590a Template
January 07, 2011, 10:16:06 PM
How's this?

There's a little bit of a BOO! at the end, but the YAY! is -

I built this little buffer (based on the Beavis Audio Plon Fentar) into an interface for my pedalboard. It's two buffers, actually. One buffers the signal to the pedals, the other buffers the signal after the pedals, back to the amp.

It didn't work at first. No nothin'. I was worried because I tried some stuff not in the layout. For example, I built the two buffers on the same piece of stripboard and powered both buffers from the same 9v source. Additionally, I took some advice from FSB and decoupled signal voltage through the PSU rail -- which I've never done and had only words to guide me. So POOP!

I whipped up an audio probe and took a look at the layout. Had audio in, past the input cap, a resistor, another resistor...looking the IC. Dang - don't know what goes where once it hits the IC. Looked up the pinout and kept checking. Got signal at the IC ins and out...then nothing at the next cap. What in the world?

Cap was in the wrong place. And since I did two buffers on the same board, I put the cap in the wrong place on both of them. Yanked the caps, put them in the right spot, and BANG! Bufferage, baby! WOOHOO!!!

The BOO! is that my multimeter broke somehow. It no longer meters anything and, when I set it to circuit test, it ALWAYS shows short -- even without any leads attached. Bummer.

But hooray for my first successful solo troubleshooting case. Thanks for all the help, guys. I know I can be a pain, but I really really appreciate all the help and support from this (and other) place(s).
Aaaaaah. That makes sense and is what I thought.

I'm boxing up a buffer/interface for my pedalboard. :)
Derp derp DERP! So sorry for being so dense! You had recommended this diagram in an earlier thread and I had assumed that it was meant to do something that it does not do. I had expresses (though not clearly enough, obviously) that I wanted to accomplisg a Patsyface build that would run on either a battery or a standard-polarity cable from my PP2. Then you said "Here! This is the diagram I used!" I thought that the diagram would allow me to do what I had requested but it looks like it does not. Well, pewp. I'll just whip myself up a reverse-polarity cable. No big deal.

Sorry 'bout that!
So. I'm trying to get a hold on all this, and thank you all so much for bearing with me, but I'm just so crummy with a circuit. I'm a reasonably intelligent fellow and I learn quickly, But I'm having the darndest time. Here's my question. Suppose I have a board with "In," "Out," "9v," and "Ground." Then suppose that I want this "pedal" on all the time and it will not run on a battery (trying to keep it as simple as possible). If I were to box it up, would the following connections be correct? Is the circuit complete?

In - tip of input jack
Out - tip of output jack
9v - tip of DC jack
Ground - sleeve of DC jack

That look OK? Do I also need to connect the sleeve of either the input jack or output jack to the sleeve of the DC jack? The sleeve of the input and sleeve of output are connected by way of the enclosure, right?

Sorry again for the super noobish stuff. I said it somewhere else - I'm pretty handy with an iron, but CRAP with a circuit. I need to find one of you who lives close to me and spend a day and a six pack with you :)

Thanks again, fellas!

Thanks for your help, man. I sincerely appreciate it! It just sucks that I've ordered the wrong thing three times and that I have NOTHING else that I need to order from Mouser.

Oh well. I'll figure it out! :)
Tech Help - Projects Page / Sunking IC - MAX1044CPA?
January 06, 2011, 12:14:36 AM
So, I've bought MAX1044s from three places now. Each time they're advertised as "MAX 1044" and every single one has been a MAX1044CPA. Will this work in place of a MAX1044SCPA? I seem to remember reading that this would be an issue, but can't find that thread.

Quote from: jkokura on January 05, 2011, 08:33:43 PM
You need a special cable for using a power supply. It has a white end. If your not using this cable, you will never have it work, and may damage the supply and/or the transistors.


Isn't this wiring diagram meant to avoid such a cable? (It even says use tip-negative only...)
So. I've (almost) got my Patsyface working. Turns out, I burned up a transistor - Q1. Or, I received a bad one -- but that's hardly likely. But it works otherwise. It sounds a bit like poo since I haven't really biased it and since, filling in for Q1, is a cheap-o $0.25 PNP. The only remaining technical problem is...

It doesn't power off of a 9v power supply (PP2+). Battery? Fine. PP2 - no dice. I think it may have something to do with my wiring, so here's the diagram I was following as well as the minor changes I made to it.

Here's the original:

It has three different connections from "Board Ground" and two from 9v-. Since the Patsyface board only has one Board Ground connection and 1 9v- connection, I did this:

Did I goof?
Open Discussion / Re: DIY Instrument and patch cables?
January 05, 2011, 02:50:17 PM
I always build my own. Mogami 2524 is the cable you want (it's like 75 cents/foot at The cable hype in my feeble opinion (but backed up by the highly respected opinion of the best ears I know) is mostly voodoo. I have a better-than-most set of ears and I hear no "improvement" between the Mogami and anything more expensive (Evidence, VDH, etc.) The Mogami is a little dark, George L's a little bright. Mogami is what LA Sound Design (and Bob Bradshaw, and Dave Freidman) use(s). Sounds great, lays flat, looks slick...

Connectors? Whatever you like. I use Neutrik or Switchcraft usually. Though Effectsconnection has the buck-a-piece flat connectors that I'm really liking for patch cables. I wouldn't use them for anything that I'm going to be plugging and unplugging often. But for my pedal board, they're great!
Build Reports / Re: Slambox in a 1590a
January 04, 2011, 08:54:33 PM
Looks good! Dig that big ol' knob!

How'd you finish the 1090?