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Messages - Hangingmonkey

Nice website, looks pro. Just a quick heads up about a typo on the about page:

"After that year, we a limited lifetime warranty goes into effect. "
Thanks for the advice Lace, I will certainly try those things and report back, probably wont be for a few days as things are going to be busy for me at work and home.  Im definitely not happy with where I ended up putting the toggle switch, I was kicking myself afterwards, and also too close to the stomp switch, especially for barefoot use.  I'll probably dent fill it and redrill the hole once I sort out the tick.

I cant believe I havent tried out the stereo mode yet, too lazy to carry an amp upstairs.  This weekend.....
Hi Alan, thanks for your answer. Ill digest and try those changes when i get home from work. Just a quick message to say dont be put off from making the lovetones, and thanks for all the hard work. I think that anyone who undertakes diy should be prepared to do some troubleshooting and not expect stuff to work first time or do some tweaking or mods to get it to sound right, as far as im concerned, its all part of the game.

Ps, the meatball pcb you did was awesome and well worth the effort invested.
Ive boxed up the wobulator but im getting a lot of LFO ticking. Would you guys mind having a look at my wiring and see if theres something ive overlooked?

Build Reports / Re: The Oyster FSH-12, sharkfin
October 29, 2014, 01:13:19 AM
Love the enclosure!  I'm going to order one of those from musikding. Don't suppose you'd care to share the image for the border for the decal?  Would definitely save some time from having to draw it out on photoshop
Build Reports / Re: Meatball risole version
October 27, 2014, 03:49:27 PM
Thanks mate. I have to admit, ive been a bit lazy when it comes to build reports. Theres plenty more i need to take some pics of.  One of these i might do a group shot and kill several birds with one stone
Build Reports / Re: Meatball risole version
October 27, 2014, 02:43:43 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys. Alan, i wired the jacks up that way because thats what i thought the 2 gnd pads were for, LOL, just a convenient coincidence then.

Luks999, its a clear warerslide decal from ebay, had to try several differrent brands before i found one i was happy with. Not all waterslides are equal.
Build Reports / Meatball risole version
October 25, 2014, 06:42:26 PM
I made this a while back using Alans risole pcb. Never got round to posting up the finished one as i did the decal the wrong way around so had to paintstrip and redo it.

Sounds great, some awesome tones out of there, the nautilus used to be my favourite prior to this.

Yep, meatball definitely, I've made all 3. I'd suggest the dipthonizer also
Hey Guybrush, what's the pulse rifle?
Build Reports / Re: Meatball Envelope Filter
September 30, 2014, 12:34:01 AM
Slick build. Very nice. Good choice of chickenheads, I used similar ones on mine.
Seeing your build made me realize that I've mislabeled the middle 2 switches on mine the wrong way around, having just boxed it up!

Gonna have to soak this in paint stripper on the weekend and back to photoshop...
Ive only seen 2, the violet waterclear which to me looks like a slightly different shade of blue and theres a pink waterclear which could pass for purple.. Sort of.  If theres any others out there id be keen to know.
Build Reports / Industrial Noise Box
September 06, 2014, 03:14:27 AM
So, this is a complete rip off of juans alice but after i saw the vid, i had to make one. Much respect to juan.

This one is the machette, vero of the shoot the moon and tenebrion reverb from tagboard effects and the phase90 tonepad pcb. Its late at night so have only tested quietly so will crank up the vol tomorrow.

Heres the pics

I asked the same question on diysb and seems like people are using tayda ldrs. I've just ordered my pcb today and so I'll report back on my build report...
Build Reports / Re: Etched Moodring Enclosure
September 04, 2014, 11:48:57 PM
Looks great. Nice one