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Messages - chromesphere

Open Discussion / Re: Gettin' in on the business card fad
November 09, 2018, 01:22:22 AM
Do you send these out with orders brian or are they just something to hand out to people you meet in person?

I like the idea of a business card that preforms a different function.  Im still sending out the DIYGP guitar picks for that reason.  Its promo for me and a pick for the customer.  They have been very popular and i have no doubt the reminder that im still here has created additional sales. 
Open Discussion / Re: What are you playing? (games)
October 25, 2018, 05:56:25 AM
Quote from: juansolo on October 20, 2018, 09:09:44 AM

Steamworld Dig 2 - Really enjoyed this one. Like the first, (an up to date dig-dug / boulderdash thing with robots), just refined and much better. Solid 8/10. Thoroughly enjoyable right to the boss fight at the end, which I tried a couple of times then just watched how things turned out on youtube. I really CBA with bossfights these days.

We (james and i) didnt have the momentum to finish this one (we finished the first Dig).  Which is kind of strange because the 2nd was overall just more interesting.  Prehaps we got distracted, im not sure.  we've picked it up 3 times now but the joy just fizzles.  Again, not sure why, it was a decent game.

A steamworld heist 2 would be good :) man, some of those fights were intense
Thanks mate
Quote from: Ekimneets on October 17, 2018, 06:17:49 AM
Hi Paul,

Haven't sent any business you way in awhile.

However, I've got one of your builds in the que.

Much thanks for your videos.


Thanks mate!  All good, things are going well with the store, very busy, so hopefully im doing something right :)
Good reason, i thought you were saving them for scrap metal :D
Quote from: alanp on October 17, 2018, 04:47:26 AM

My cheapo sidecutters are my most used tool. No brand name, at all, on them. (The steak knife is used for resistor lead bending.)

Are they snipped leads in the jar Alan?  What are you keeping them for? :)
Quote from: alanp on October 02, 2018, 06:48:34 AM
Chrome -- is it true that Aussies have to brew things like lager inside re-purposed refrigerators?

Actually i was going to ask if it was true bypass :)

I was growing my own hops for a while but the consistancy (and gauging how bitter my crop actually was) was difficult to measure.  Really fun hobby though (beer brewing).
The Rat!  Thanks Mat, overlooked that one.  I have changed option 9 from LPB1 to Rat, cheers
Quote from: jimilee on September 13, 2018, 11:53:18 PM
Maybe we could design a hybrid klon tubescreamer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

...using germanium transistors and a BMP tone control?  :D
Quote from: Frag Magnet on September 13, 2018, 10:47:09 PM
Quote from: chromesphere on September 13, 2018, 05:27:28 AM
Hey guys,

I'm piecing some info together for a pedal video i'm going to be recording soon "Top 10 most cloned pedal effects", something a bit different for the channel, and ive been thinking about this topic.  I was wondering what do you guys think is the pedal  most cloned from the choices above.  The ones you see talked about, build reports for, etc etc. The choices are my, well, top 9. 

I may change a couple of those done the track but i was curious to see what people thought.  And perhaps if there are any obvious, popular effects i missed?

So i should say, this relates to DIY builders, not commercially copied.  Also when i say "fuzz face" it incorporates all variants of the fuzz face (silicon germanium etc).

Let me know what you think.
Put any thought into asking Madbean, BYOC, etc. what their highest selling projects are?

Thats sort of "trade secret", i dont think they should share that information.
Open Discussion / Most Popular Pedal Effect To Be Cloned
September 13, 2018, 05:27:28 AM
Hey guys,

I'm piecing some info together for a pedal video i'm going to be recording soon "Top 10 most cloned pedal effects", something a bit different for the channel, and ive been thinking about this topic.  I was wondering what do you guys think is the pedal  most cloned from the choices above.  The ones you see talked about, build reports for, etc etc. The choices are my, well, top 9. 

I may change a couple of those done the track but i was curious to see what people thought.  And perhaps if there are any obvious, popular effects i missed?

So i should say, this relates to DIY builders, not commercially copied.  Also when i say "fuzz face" it incorporates all variants of the fuzz face (silicon germanium etc).

Let me know what you think.
Open Discussion / Re: 9mm pot drought?
September 12, 2018, 01:56:49 AM
I ordered 1000 x 100ka's 9mm earlier this year as its a common value i use.  The process was the same as always, lead times etc, nothing to suggest its a manufacturer delay.  I wonder if the drought is due more to lack of demand.

These pots are expensive.  The actual cost in 1000 quantity is around $1usd.  If they dont sell, your stuck with $1000 worth of stock you cant move.
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Re: Slow loris
September 11, 2018, 06:07:13 AM
I have made light plates with 2 leds (my profile picture), its 'enough' to see the pedal is on.  But this is using bypass leds, not clippers.  I have a feeling 2 x 3mm as clippers will be hard to notice in a light plate.
I used to use a mini vice like the one posted above, but my particular vice jaw width is kind of small so it can only hold 1590a's and, i think, b's.  Also holding the enclosure upright for jack and dc holes, the enclosure ends up slightly tilted.  I gave up on it and upgraded to using my hands.  "He's crazy!".  I use step bits on the slowest drill speed, its pretty safe.
Open Discussion / Re: When you are tired...
September 05, 2018, 11:45:29 PM
I should start a thread in the fault diagnosing section. "migraines when tired, getting nightmares, please help".

Im only half joking :)