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Messages - neiloler

Build Reports / Re: The Breadbox
July 22, 2013, 10:40:33 PM
That's amazing! Brilliant idea!!!! Bah. I need to overhaul my proto board a ton.
So excited! :)
So I'm posting back for posterity:

I tried out the TapTation as just a pot replacement for the delay time pot on the ZPSDX, and it worked but I only got varying times of 1/4 note timings. This is cool, but I need my dotted 8th/U2 triplet sounds.

I'm going to try getting another digipot and making a daughter board for the second digipot.
Global Annoucements / Re: 06.24 - Success!
June 25, 2013, 10:26:42 PM
So exciting! I'll start saving my seashells to support the dev!
Good for you for making the time be about your family. :)
Awesome vibe to your pedals, you really have created a great brand/persona for your builds!
I was jus reading about that in the docs as well, thanks for point that out.

For you guys that have used the Taptatiin before, has it been tough/fickle/sensitive/etc to get in accurate timing of the taps compared with the actual rhythm tapped in on the momentary stomp switch? I know the documentation said it was luckily more noticeable with lots of delay repeats, but I've never heard any complaints about this before.
Did you have any trouble with the digipot being 100k and the ZPDD's delay pot being 50k per the spec? Any weirdness there?
Awesome, great to know! Thanks for sharing the info! I'll post back with my findings myself (I'm going to try a slightly different approach of simply replacing the delay pot itself with the digipot and see what I get)
The main idea is that it produces quality stuff sans chemicals. I've seen a few at different places I've worked and they've been great for one-off protoboards. It wouldn't be the way to go for a big production run.

They also have ways of taking the gerber files output from most standard PCB engineering software to make the CAD/CNC files for these machines.

Really cool to watch them work. A heck of a lot more detailed than me with my dremel tool by hand! ;)
I'm taking the plunge and going to play around with Taptation for the ZPDD.

Jasonstomps, do you have a schematic (or could you pretty please draw one) for the exact setup you're talking about? Did you take the MCP41100 and use them to control pin6 to ground, ala the standard Taptation docs (I'm guessing they'd go in place of the transistors controlling the pin6 to ground)...?

You just put the MCP41100 chips in parallel so they'd both take the SPI commands at the same time...?
Very cool finish, and I dig the sounds. Even in the extreme setting, I still felt like it maintained its musicality.
Audio/Video Demos / Zero Point Deluxe Delay
May 16, 2013, 05:27:45 AM
This is a friend of mine rockin' the delay I built for him in my 6 Zero Point run (named Event Point so I can sell a few and not interfere too much with the Bean's branding).

Sounds lovely!

Just small time stuff: a local music store wanted a pedal in the display case from me, a buddy online wanted one, etc. Small time stuff. This stud takes too long to quit my day job. I do think I'm going to build a stripped down version and sell that though, my faith in the PT2399 has been reborn through this delay.