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Messages - Zerstorte Zelle

Would I be correct in saying the Firebomb has an input impedance of 10Meg/ohm?

Sweet meats! After soldering the trannies in they were hot and not so exciting but now they are quite the pair ( pun intended )

mangler -> slow loris -> late 60's fender deluxe reverb is putting big grins on faces 'round here.

any word on the status of the Stage Fright. I'm really looking forward to building a few.

You think the 250k could be preventing the mangler from reaching full gain. i was watching some FF videos on youtube and mine doesn't quit fizz and sustain like the prod. models.

more of a fuzzy overdrive at max. Trannies blown out too?

tomorrow more meter work


I probed about with the mangler again today and after changing the electrolytics out for new ones it's alive and kicking. I suppose i fried the old ones good.

That being said I've wired up a 250kA pot in after the switch for an input trimmer and I'm wondering if it isn't the correct value. Would something like 500k be better for this?

The wiring goes... lug one from switch in lug two to pcb in lug 3 to ground.

Almost there with it.


Hey All,

Really digging the all of the help around here. Hoping the trannies are fine. Out of town now but when I get back in I'll throw the meter on it.

I'm as stumped as you.

I've rebiased several times also did pop in a pair of 2n3906s same issue.

correct. i've flipped them. same sound two sets of ac128s. slightly more response from the pots but no fuzz just icepick thin and volume drop
Ha! feeling super dumb about staring at that for the better portion of the day head scratching. however sounds the same. two sets of ac128s. It's not my first build but I'm stumped.

where next? i'm out of ideas here.

Here are two photos, best i could get with my phone. for what it's worth i just had it plugged in with a booster slamming it and it sounds like that helps but not nearly enough. also the knobs do little to nothing and only really sound like anything maxed out.

Build Reports / Re: Zappagizer
March 23, 2012, 03:23:35 PM
just rewired the pots... reflowed all solder joints. same issue. fuzz, huge volume drop but passes audio.

should i be switching c3 to 100n? i don't get it.

isn't c3 supposed to be a 10n  (what i used.) i'll check into it more this afternoon.
there are no markings on them noting b e or c. that being said they only pass audio oriented one way.

also... tried two different pairs. the third pair is working wonderfully in my zombii.

hope that helps. again any assist would be great.

I believe the pins are correct.