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Messages - mikef

hurrah for the Beanster!  i am looking forward to getting the hb2 and rustbucket boards this week. The fyzz board as well!
TA-DA! Thanks Brian! It is WAAAAAY more quiet with your bypass switching/shielding suggestions.
Global Annoucements / Re: 2018 Wrap-Up and 2019 Plans
December 10, 2018, 12:41:21 PM
Three huzzas for you,bean! I always take great pride in telling all the young dudes about the pedals that are" bean powered "on my board when they ask.or sometimes they don't ask and I just tell!
Cool! it's a wacky one fer sure. I hope you will post it when ya get it like you want it.
COOL! When ya get around to it,and I know how it is, It will be cool to get yer insights. After I re-case mine, I will do a review.
Had good initial results in shielding the input outputs. I am going to move the guts into a taller BB Hammond case to see if I cant shorten up some wires. Thanks!
Quote from: madbean on September 05, 2018, 12:24:42 PM
Try using shielded wire for the input and output jacks, and the circuit inputs and outputs. Ground the circuit input and output on bypass. You can do this using the madbeanpedals TB wiring by adding another wire from the top right lug to the bottom left one (these are circuit output and ground, resp.)

Also, keep all your other wiring as short as possible and away from all the input/output wiring.
I was wondering about the shielding on the shielded wire. Are you not  supposed to leaveone end of the shielded wire 'Open' or ungrounded? Seems I have read that somewhere,but could be mistaken.
Brian, as far as I understand the build docs, it is 9v. I have powered it up with my bench power supply to9v and also I have used my ispot power brick on my pedalboard. interesting about the caps........... Thanks for the input!(PUN intended)
There is a thread on thw muffwrigglers forum about this circuit............
General Questions / harmonic engine-noisy in bypass mode-
September 05, 2018, 11:38:36 AM

Hello! Here is a circuit that may be not suitable for stomp-box material, but having built it and plugging up my guitar and running it to my amp, IT SOUNDS KILLER! The PCB is from

I am wondering what sort of bypass switching I should implement.I believe I tried Millennial?  or another bypass switching that I could not recall,as I put it on the shelf, because whatever it was, it was quite noisy (Clock noise) whilst the true bypass switch was engaged. Any thoughts? THANKS!
Thanks Diablo,( Had to set that aside and finish up some other stuff)
,but seems like a good way to go!
a toggle switch  between TGU and TGD and  the Pot on the 555 should  control for speed...........
  I was wondering if some small timing circuit, say a simple 555 type deal, hooked up to the "TGU" / "TGD" /ground on the circuit might give you a  sequencer type function? a foot switch to turn it off and a pot to change speed and a toggle switch to change direction? What say ye all? 9Or Y'all in my neck o the woods.) Thanks!
OK thanks Brian, I may do that!
(PS you may want to note on the build docs that the jumpers must be connected as shown in the docs on page 9,or the splode switch will not work.)
Hullo, Beans and Bean-ettes!

Got the most fab Mandroid circuit up n going and have a nice Trapazoid Hammond box of the larger variety to put it in. I have a super cool, 1960s chrome and grey-silver hammer-tone Kay volume pedal shell that will do nicely. (My sweet wife gave it to me a few Christmases back.)
To the  question:

What is the correct pot value to use in the mod? audio or linear taper/log?

Cheers and much thanks!