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Messages - Willybomb

I've built a couple of TDA based amps.  These will push a 4x12 without issue over an acoustic drumkit and are dead cheap, powered from a 19v laptop power supply.
If you search for my username you'll see a few in the build reports, but in a nutshell:

Compressor -> Klon
LPB1 -> Superjudge
Sea Urchin -> Deep Blue Delay
Crunchbox -> DBD (I think)
CE-2 -> DBD -> Rubadub

There's more, but I can't recall off the top of my head.
Open Discussion / Re: NOW I remember....
July 20, 2023, 09:37:05 AM
If it's not "Buy it now" at a reasonable price, I'll stick the maximum in that I'm happy to pay as my bid in and forget about it.  Sometimes it works (really well, under my max), sometimes it doesn't.  90% of my ebay purchases aren't essential for anything so I'm not super fussed.

I'm around 100 completed and happy to do custom builds, but I'm in Australia.
Build Reports / Re: PedalPCB Oddity, OD-1
June 29, 2023, 01:25:02 PM
How are you getting such vibrant yellows on the blue powdercoat? 

I usually do a white silhouette of my artwork to go underneath in the white layer, but I haven't found Tayda's registration to be that sharp for the next layer on top - there's usually smidges of the white layer showing at the edges.
Open Discussion / Re: So...anyone else excited?
June 25, 2023, 07:18:18 AM
I dunno.  No Man's Sky.... Battlecruiser 3k....  Spore... Daikatana....
Open Discussion / Re: NGD - MJ Charvel Socal...
June 10, 2023, 10:34:31 AM
Quote from: jjjimi84 on June 10, 2023, 04:46:28 AM
That is a beauty! How is the floyd rose restringing? I have always heard horror stories and stayed away from them..

It's funny, I've been playing strat style bridges for the last 2 years and I found myself bumping up against the fine tuners on occasion.

The actual restringing isn't that bad, but I'd forgotten how finicky they can be when the strings are new.  I asked for 9-46 to be put on and the action done as low as possible before they sent it out but I think I can get more out of it.

As long as you put on the same gauge of strings each time, once a floyd is balanced you're golden.
Mate, if you get that up and working, I'll give you guys $200 right now.  Who does your missus work for - Vinnies or Salvos?
Open Discussion / Re: NGD - MJ Charvel Socal...
June 06, 2023, 04:02:34 PM
Quote from: dan.schumaker on June 06, 2023, 03:42:21 PM
That's hot!  The local guitar store has a pink one that looks killer, but I know I'm not man enough to play a pink one  ;D ;D

I don't play well enough for a pink guitar.
Open Discussion / NGD - MJ Charvel Socal...
June 06, 2023, 11:33:20 AM
I'd been after a black strat with a floyd for ages - buying some squier some random had dropped a cheap chinese one into, buying parts and putting them together, but I sold them along the way because they were never that good.  Nearly got the Player Floyd, but went with a more trad Player Strat and modded that.

But then Charvel Japan did this.... I'd been watching it for nearly a year I reckon before I finally got the courage to grab it online.  I'd say it's nearly perfect but it's missing a reverse headstock, lol.

MJ Charvel Socal....
Build Reports / Funk Soul Brother - RCC into NE-1
June 05, 2023, 02:21:56 PM
Gudday all.  Nothing super exciting to see here really, basically rehousing a couple of the boards from my Random Stranger build years ago.

I'd removed the XLR driver and used it in an amp build last year, and cannibalised the footswitches from Random Stranger a while ago and decided I'd recycle the main boards into something smaller.  So, here's Funk Soul Brother, featuring the usual current amount of graphical inspiration I don't have and datapol on black etching primer.  The box was recycled from a TDA amp project that was super noisy and didn't make the cut.

This works as expected.  The NE-1 only makes unity with full volume, so maybe there's something grounding that shouldn't be but I did sub the original 20kB pot for a 10kB just to finish it off.

Lots of spaghetti, but I've given up on trying to make multis on vero look good inside.

Original build:

I've still got my original Pepers' Rocket Sockets.
Love your work Jimi.  Getting busier and busier.
Sorry for the necrothread revival.  Anyone got any kicking around?

General Questions / Re: ADA MP-1? Any users?
May 16, 2023, 01:41:45 AM
I found one at a garage sale a couple of years ago for $20.  After a battery replacement/clip installation and purchase of a step down transformer we were good to go.

I didn't like the feel of the buttons - I felt like I was getting callouses from all the pressing with minimal give.  It sounded great for the most part.

Anyway, I captured it into my Mooer Preamp Live with a couple of different settings (Nuno, Vernon) and sold it for AUD$400.  I probably should have kept it just because it's such a classic piece of gear, or I should have held out for more money (it didn't shift at $600), but I doubt I'll ever get another one - I just don't need it, and I don't think I'll ever find one at that price again, lol.

As it is I never used the capture, preferring my Blackstar HT-Dual capture in the MPL (which died later anyway).

There's a jfet vero version lying around on the tagboard forums.  Maybe I'll build that one day, but there are plenty of other options that do what the MP1 does just as good if not better.