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Messages - ferrinbonn

I'll probably chicken out and find the right kind of switch. I'd love to get wild and see what happens, but for my first build, I think I should eliminate as many possible sources of error as I can since my knowledge to troubleshoot is almost non-existent.
So no risk of damage at least?
Hi all. Total noob here trying to muddle through my first build. I received all the components in the mail today and am beginning to put it all together. I realized I made one mistake with my order. Instead of getting a dpdt on-on, I got a dpdt on-on-on. The switch in this build switches the pedal between hard and soft clipping.

My question is, in a on-on-on switch, what does the middle on do? Is it both circuits on at the same time rather than one or the other? What would happen if I tried to use this switch with this build? Hard and soft clipping at the same time?

More curious than anything. I can get the right switch easy enough, but I'm not sure if I could just make this one work.

Thanks for your help!