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Messages - Netnnk

VFE Projects / Re: VFE Mega Pedal YouTube Live
June 30, 2018, 08:34:02 PM
Thanks for the demo. That thing is so impressive. Some questions:
-How similar are the Pale Horse and The Scream?
-Best sounding stacking combos you found for your style?
-My video cut out when you were discussing the Mini Mu.  You added a buffer because of it's position in the chain, but do you think it's fine as-is when alone?

* edit * got my answers from fair.child:
"- Pale Horse is quite different than the Scream. The Scream is more tube screamerish with filter control. AFAIK Pale Horse is a great boost. I like them both. My best config actually Pale Horse Merman or Scream Blues king
- I like white horse on with blues king and Scream then go to Alpha Dog Focus. For delay I just keep turn the blueprint with tap tempo. Modulation just only Choral Reef. I think that works the best for me all the time.
- For the buffer, it's going to lose some signal integrity if there's no buffer within the chain. It's 18 pedals at once and there is a high possibility it'd get high frequency attenuation. Adding the buffer I/O solved the problem."
i also remember a board for the 9mm-rotary-1p6t in the first post. I don't remember WHERE, sorry. It was free with  every order, but I ended up just making my own in perf board.   I've used two of them successfully, one for clipping and another for input caps in  1590B.

The EAGLE link  there is new to me, I'll use that, thanks. I also found this
*edit* sorry, I thought you meant low pass filter. I'd like an answer to your question too. C14 (1uf) , right before the tone section seems a good candidate for bass cut.
Using Patreon Eagle files, which are now available directly from them. I'll be using 1590BB enclosures,
so much of my wiring is offboard. All four are built and working well.

Fiery Red Horse – very high gain Big Muff with charge pump offering voltage cut and boost. It has a
clipping pot and bass/treble Baxandall eq.  It's my favorite BMP variant so far for sludgy metal palm
muting – plenty of gain.

5:00 Fuzz – more traditional Big Muff with voltage starve, clipping switch on both stages and midrange
flat/boost/cut switch. It can go from very smooth, to sputtery

Fuzz Cocktail – modded Fender Blender octave fuzz with more tone and clipping controls.  Unlike the
original, this one has no trouble  reaching unity volume

Wooly Bear – modded Foxx Tone Machine octave fuzz. It has a lot more low end than the original and
cleaner signal can be blended in. The octave is a blend pot, instead of an on/off switch.

Although I used germanium diodes throughout, they suggest schottky diodes as suitable replacements. The
Fiery Red Horse was from Osh Park, and the other 3 pcb's were from Elecrow.
VFE Projects / Mobius Strip (Patreon build)
April 03, 2018, 06:23:53 PM
      Here's my Mobius Strip build from the Patreon, same as the one on the main page. I'll be using a 1590BB enclosure, so the pots and jacks are off board. 
      The build went smoothly, but I suggest box film caps for 82n and above.   You can get away with 1/4W resistors, but go for the 1/8W if you can, especially for the ones under the PT2399's.  Like the PDF advises, I had to use rows of in-line sockets, as a 16 pin socket won't fit. 
VFE Projects / Re: Patreon Support
March 25, 2018, 05:46:57 AM
Quote from: gordo on March 25, 2018, 01:57:50 AM
Does anyone have any info on the Tiger?  I'm in the troubleshooting phase and not sure what any of the pots actually do at this point.

Comparing the Tiger and White Horse schematics, most of the pots are in about the same locations. Looking at the boards  of both pedals and the pot locations on the front of built ones, I would guess (please correct me):
A10k   - Level
C100k - Sustain
B1k    - Blend
A50k  - High pass filter
VFE Projects / Re: White Horse versions
March 01, 2018, 12:31:05 AM
I was a member of the Patreon and this note was included with the layout files:

"*White Horse - If you purchased the White Horse circuit board from madbeanpedals, please note that the component values are different than the values printed on the PCB. The correct values are listed in these files, as I updated the circuit after the PCBs were fabricated"

The differences listed are exactly what's on the PDF instructions I just downloaded from the main page.
Yes, it's a logarithmic pot similar to the 1MA, but with very slightly more abrupt taper. It's less "linear" if that makes sense. I went ahead and bought one from VFE, and it helped when fine tuning low gain settings, but I would have been ok with 1MA.
The Band of Gypsys fuzz (not really a Fuzz Face,  even if it's named as one).  I built this layout:

The Stoned Meadow channel is always on an open tab for me. What else would I listen to while building a new fuzz?
I encountered some 1590b and 1590G enclosures without any draft angle when my enclosure searches led me to vape supplies sites.  I've seen the the draft angle also be called "lean".  There was a demand for enclosures you could  stand up and not have topple over.

I don't know about perfectly flat 125 (what you asked for) B or BB sizes , but right now Mammoth is selling 1590G's with no angle for very cheap that may help someone else.

VFE Projects / Re: Alpha Dog Clipping
January 13, 2018, 08:51:06 AM
I built mine with on/off/on switches like the first versions, instead of pots.  Maybe I'm missing out on some interesting "in between" sounds, but I wanted easier combinations.  Would noon be the  equivalent of  diode bypass, or would the diodes with highest forward voltage take over?  I love the versatility, from hard rock to odd sputtery type fuzz.
VFE Projects / Re: Tractor Beam update
October 26, 2017, 10:16:00 PM
Is this how to assemble your own resistor arrays for the Tractor Beam?

*edit* Updated. Thanks, WormBoy!

Thanks for the tip!
Open Discussion / Re: Anyone built a vero PLL?
September 01, 2017, 04:57:07 AM
soldersqueeze,  I only found out about the PLL this week and have been gathering info. It must be that EQD pedal that's made it pop up so much as a topic of conversation recently.  This guy  built one w/ mods using the same Tagboard layout as you:

I'm tempted too...