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Messages - Om_Audio

Open Discussion / Re: Re: Removal of soldered IC's
December 09, 2012, 03:58:58 AM
I want to get a blade tip for my iron, I have very difficult time removing parts esp ICs. I have a solder pump and wick but just not ideal for me. Glad you got them out, good job.
Build Reports / Re: Re: The Unnamable
December 09, 2012, 03:53:49 AM
Nice! Demo!
love it
whats the second foot switch for?
Open Discussion / Re: Re: Bwahahahahahaha!!!!
December 04, 2012, 08:14:08 PM
Drummer needs a 3 legged transistor stool.
Open Discussion / Re: Ribbon Wire source
December 04, 2012, 02:24:03 AM
Juan, are those trimmers on those pots? Curious.
Yes I am def going to be experimenting with blend. I also did breadboard something but did the Dead Easy Dirt for starters. So much fun and learning a lot. I am building a master order sheet for like 20 projects and just got a bunch of Ge transistors from Paul and ordered double what I needed to accommodate experimenting and such.
Thanks again,
Good work mang!
Thanks Jon!
How does a chip like the ISD1020AP actually store data without power? I am very curious.
Thanks for the info guys, I will have to really consider what to do with them keep or sell.
I got 2 in the mail today but actually have no idea what I will use them in, any suggestions?
Build Reports / Re: Re: Culturejams Neptune delay
November 18, 2012, 07:42:08 PM
Quote from: midwayfair on November 18, 2012, 07:05:49 PM
The bend is controlled by how quickly the LED turns on and turns off. There is resistance on either side of it. The 5K pot does half of this job.

Thanks Jon, this is great news! I just took a look at the build doc and it answers a lot, I just hadn't really done my homework. I will look into putting the trimmer on an external pot and will see what C20 does as well, hopefully it controls the fall speed. If it does and depending on how it works in practice it might be interesting to figure out how to put a few cap options on a toggle or other switch. I'm really excited about this project.

Sorry to sidetrack your build report Dutch!

Quote from: sgmezei on November 17, 2012, 08:48:12 PM
Wow you got that fast dude!

I have not had any trouble with my meter as of yet and it seems to be very accurate. Have you been zeroing it when you turn it on?

I don't know how to put this into an enclosure without having it be a PITA! Let me know if you do.

Ya I zero it, it just seems on certain resistors it never settles and the displayed values keeps changing. On some caps it is minor like only the hundreths place changes but on some other caps it swings a LOT. Most caps read quickly and shows a stable result right away, so I am really thinking it is the cap not the unit. I have had to reset it a few times after testing a few caps it won't give a correct reading and power cycling the unit fixes it.
If and when I box it up I will def share the results- I agree it seems a PITA to do it in metal nicely
Build Reports / Re: Re: Culturejams Neptune delay
November 18, 2012, 07:00:05 PM
Looks real good to me man, good job! I see the knobs off just a little, you need a little t-square to draw or score a little guide line.
Does R18 affect the audio or just the LED? I have.2 of these to build and will also implement the infinite repeats switch (search for dory deluxe for info).
Do you know of any changes that could be made to the repeats bend function like rise and fall time for example?