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Messages - DGWVI

Build Reports / The Madbeans I've built this week
August 06, 2022, 12:04:45 AM
In order- Gas Tank, Glitchee, Boom Boom, Junk Trunk, Tone Virus, Honeydripper, Burly Bear. I've been on a huge envelope filter, octave fuzz, and PLL trip lately
Just boxed one of each of these up in separate enclosures. They both work wonderfully individually, without the envelope jack enabled. But when I do have a cable inserted the Junk Trunk only sweeps if the Gas Tank is also engaged. Otherwise, it's just a fixed wah.
I'm using these jacks -

EDIT: I used the wrong bypass scheme for the Gas Tank  ::)
Awesome. I checking the store everyday for the Mandroid
Specifically curious about the dirt section, as I've got a few extra Rat pcbs, and I don't really need that many straight up rats. So, anyone built the dirt section from the juggernaut? The vids I've seen sound pretty heavy and brutal, but it doesn't get good reviews.

Also, any other out there mods I could perform to the other boards I have. Not interested in the Ruetz or clipping options, I have all those covered

Edit: I am considering also swapping all applicable values to those of the MXR dist+ but still using a 308
I like the Tayda pj-629HAN jacks for this.

You'll need to use one at the output of the first circuit, and another at the input of the second. The T and G get connected like standard mono jacks, then just run a wire between each of those jacks using the TN pins.
Build Reports / Expandora / Muff
May 29, 2017, 10:56:12 PM
JMK Expandora into a Rullywow Muff Opportunity in a 1590D. Wiring's not the tidiest, most of the leads could probably be cut down to half. Still deciding whether I want to label and apply graphics

I decided I didnt care for either the crunch or overdrive modes on the Expandora, so I made only the distortion and forbidden settings footswitchable. Still waiting on my LM308h's from SmallBear, right now it's sitting with a pair of OP07s. This one's stock except for the clipping diodes, which I've swapped out for a red/ white LED pair. Considering changing out the 1uf at the ouptut for a 10uf.

The Muff has had a few things changed out for clarity, and more of a metallic, grinding fuzz texture. Chips in this one are LM1458 and OP07. Didn't have a 120n box cap on hand, so had to use a greenie.

General Questions / Re: Rat clean boost mod
May 20, 2017, 02:36:46 AM
It definitely doesn't remove the distortion, just takes away the compression the diodes add, but the opamp is already being driven into distortion. It's a cool sound, though. A little harsher than a Turbo Rat, a little louder, and up to about 9o'clock on the distortion pot will give you a cleanish boost.
It may just be a placebo thing, but I also feel it stays a bit more dynamic through higher gain settings
General Questions / Re: Rat clean boost mod
May 20, 2017, 12:02:03 AM
Yup, no diodes. It'll still be dirty, and able to fuzz out but the lower end of the distortion pot will have just a bit more range
I'm so stoked for this. Brainiac's been one of my favorites for ages. Them and DEVO are my soundtrack when I'm building. I also blame them for my obsession with guitar synths and ring mods
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Mooring modulation
February 16, 2017, 11:38:06 PM
P-LFO it is, then. I'm gonna be ordering some other Grind boards anyway. Probably going to just go with the medium brick, as I'm not really into the ambient thing
Tech Help - Projects Page / Mooring modulation
February 15, 2017, 12:56:00 AM
So, I'm building a Moodring soon, and was wondering what MOD boards could be used within. I've seen the posts about the GC board being used, just curious about other options