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Messages - tone seeker

The shimmer effect, reminds me a lot of one of the settings on the Supernatural
Pedal. Which I have and love. I keep it set on spring and plate reverb, which really
Helps emulate that springy sound. I don't here this on the Fender. Just seems
Like another flavor of reverb out there.
 I was ordering some other things, when I came across some opto couplers, which I'm pretty sure could be used as vactrols.
The ma seems a little high, but for a $1 each, I figured I would give them a try. Just thought I would pass
the deal along!
Ahh, I see. Well thanks for the input! I appreciate it!
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on February 01, 2018, 08:28:29 PM
Quote from: tone seeker on February 01, 2018, 06:39:39 PM
This is has been an informative thread! So far, I like the sound of the FL99.
It is not quite as thick, but sounds really good ( to me anyway! ). Of course,
there is no vero layout of that one. But they can be had at a reasonable
rate. Still looking and comparing though!

There is a transfer and BOM available for the FL99.  8)

Well.... I have never (well electronics class in High school 1991, we made boards in an acid bath!) Really made any boards. But I guess if you know of someone who could, and with labeling of parts on the board. I would have no problem, drilling the holes, and give it a try, with some $compensation.Wink, wink, nudge, nudge
 This is has been an informative thread! So far, I like the sound of the FL99.
It is not quite as thick, but sounds really good ( to me anyway! ). Of course,
there is no vero layout of that one. But they can be had at a reasonable
rate. Still looking and comparing though!
Thanks, for input! I will do a little more homework, and see what I can
figure out!
 Sorry, if this is a no-brainer, dumb question. But
What I really want is that huge swooshing sound.
The same heard on Eric Johnson's
"High Landrons". I read there was some studio
Magic, using 2 effects at a time, and all kinds
Of crazy stuff. But I'm just looking for close! If I
Can't make it, I'll buy a flanger, but I would rather
Not spend a grand.

Any suggestions or builds I should check out?
Global Annoucements / Re: 2017 Year-end Wrap-Up
December 21, 2017, 06:09:48 PM
 I know I don't post a lot  ( I guess I've been lucky with trouble shooting! ), but I have learned a lot from this forum. Not to
mention, everybody seems cool to get along with, as well as generous! I would have no problem with a membership fee, or
a donate button. It's worth it!
Open Discussion / Re: New Year / New Beginnings
December 19, 2017, 07:24:13 PM

My company got bought out. Went from fun, to suck balls. I am starting to
keep an open mind about my job future.

Oh!, and I bought one of the PRS Sweetwater guitars as well, Extremely good
buy! I'm still a little on the fence about the pickups, I will give them a little
more time though.
I caved, and bought it!
sigh.....I don't need it! I just bought a PRS for $348.00 from them.....

I'm curious if it can keep up with weird progressive, grooves, and switch between them.
 As soon as I received the pedal, I just had to pop it open, before even using it!
It's a bunch of smd stuff, along with Chong electrolytic caps. I know past builders
had some problems with those. I haven't, but just thought I would point it out. I really
have not had a chance to put it through it's paces in a good amp, but it is what it is. Technique
is definitely involved

Quote from: AntKnee on March 30, 2017, 01:48:48 AM
Well, at least you didnt buy them, and adapters, and install them in a circuit!

Yea..... I was going to buy a boat load! Lol
I mean I know they make these in smd's to fit in those
Tiny pedals! Gotta get them somewhere!
I'm such a dummy! Or I just thought I found a solution to the end all concept of ever
Dwindling supply of parts.
Mouser tricked me! They put a D in frontof my MN....
Open Discussion / So is anyone using smd mn3007 IC's
March 29, 2017, 03:36:34 AM
Well there's definitely a huge price difference, but I'm curious if
They work the same as regular mn3007 chips. I'm not real thrilled
With soldering those tiny leads, but I will if they work the same!