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Messages - Chi_Boy

Build Reports / Re: VIPfx Xtc
November 08, 2013, 02:29:46 PM
Quote from: jimilee on November 08, 2013, 01:51:26 PM
Nice, got any build pictures? I found a few blogs where these were built, and I have an idea of why I want to do. Just need one more piece

Are you doing something for bass with the XTC?

I'm playing bass more than guitar these days and wouldn't mind checking out a bass XTC.   I love with guitar and could imagine it might be cool with bass too.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: burned MAXX1044
September 09, 2013, 06:41:39 PM
Regarding the LT1054, have you ever experience power supply whine?   I know there are notes in the data sheet that show how to add a small cap to increase the operating frequency, but I haven't tried it yet.  Have plans to in the near future though.
General Questions / Re: PPP Drill Template
September 06, 2013, 12:26:42 AM
Quote from: electricb on September 05, 2013, 03:43:09 PM
Two follow up questions:

1. How accurate can your measurements be. My PCBs are laid out for board mounted pots, which are approximately 650 mils apart. This translates to .65" or 16.5 mm apart - can PPP do drilling to a tenth of a mm/hundredth of an inch? I've sent them an e-mail but maybe someone else can chime in.

2. 16mm pots have little anti-spin tabs that I usually break off. Has anyone tried having small holes drilled next to the pot mounting holes to use these tabs for their intended purpose? It looks like 7.8mm ought to do it - anyone have any experience?

I regularly request drilling to the nearest .5mm without issue.  Anything less than that is well within the wiggle room of the pots and the board.
General Questions / Re: PPP Drill Template
September 05, 2013, 12:07:40 AM
I've never had a problem with PPP.  I used to use their pre-drilled enclosures, but the custom drilling is pretty easy to deal with so mine are all custom now.  You just need to be sure you show all of the dimensions as if you were drilling yourself.  I always order more than one box at time, usually 5 or more.  I've always used the attached form and have always received what I asked for.
I love the irony of the inside versus the outside.  Makes me smile.  :-)
Quote from: davent on August 31, 2013, 06:18:08 PM
Would any of the info in this geofex schematic be of any benefit?


Just for the record, there is an error in that schematic.  The center lug of the panner should go to VB, not GND.  the correction was posted at DIYSB, but the schematic never was changed.

I also built that and didn't care for panning in this application.  It make it an either or proposition between noise and guitar.  When I messed with it I wanted guitar with a controlled amount of added noise so I went with a blend with controlled volume on the noise section.
Open Discussion / Re: Fender Tweed emulation pedal?
August 09, 2013, 10:05:15 PM
Quote from: hoodoo on August 09, 2013, 06:16:29 AM
There's a dude called Ronin on DIY stompboxes that sells an Azabache board, good quality too. You might get it in a 125b, and OT, Chi-Boy, i hope the rumour you heard about the tweedy making a comeback, includes the other great discontinued boards as well  ;)

All kinds of rumors are out there.   It's like Melrose Place around here.  There's even one about an 18v T-Wrex with modified booster. 
Open Discussion / Re: Fender Tweed emulation pedal?
August 01, 2013, 12:58:21 AM
It's a pretty big board, so I went with a 125B and it fits nicely.  Never tried a 1590B, but with determination, you might get it in there.
Open Discussion / Re: Fender Tweed emulation pedal?
July 31, 2013, 07:57:18 PM
Quote from: GermanCdn on July 30, 2013, 05:15:21 PM

Tweedy Bird (used to be available from Chi_boy, might be able to find some from somebody here)

I heard a rumor that those will be available again sometime around the end of August. 
Hey guys,

I'm pretty sure I'm over thinking this, but I read something on the forum and it's biasing my judgment.

I have a JRC4580/NJM4580 and I want to supply it with 18V instead of the usual 9V.

The data sheet says +18V/-18V for the supply, but that's for a dual rail supply, so straight 18V like we use is fine, right?

I've never run anything at 18V, so I just want to be sure.

This is the datasheet:

Open Discussion / Re: Help finding some big caps
May 06, 2013, 02:51:20 AM
Quote from: chordball on May 06, 2013, 02:15:57 AM
Hey George, what exactly are you working on? If you don't mind sharing that is.

It's just a buddy's old Peavey Stereo Chorus 400 amp.  It's getting weird on him and since it's 30 years old, the logical suspects are the power filter caps.  At least that's what my buddy Google tells me.  :)
Open Discussion / Re: Help finding some big caps
May 06, 2013, 02:48:22 AM
Quote from: pryde on May 06, 2013, 02:00:48 AM
Here you go. I get all my amp supplies from these guys. They are great

Dang, I love this place.  I looked high and low and could find them anywhere.  And that is EXACTLY what I needed.


Open Discussion / Help finding some big caps
May 06, 2013, 01:41:45 AM
Hi guys,

I need a couple of 4700uF / 55v Axial caps for and amp I'm working on.

I've tried all of the usual supply houses and this particular cap seems to be nonexistent on this planet.  And that includes higher values and voltages.

Would anyone be able to recommend anyplace that might stock this size?  I would like US Domestic, but would consider anything at this point.

Alright, you convinced me!  SMD it is!!

Thanks for the kind words on the layouts.  Fabbed boards and PCB mount pots are my favorite combo now!  And those layouts are so lazy to build.  I once received a comment that my resistors were too wide, but when they drop right it without a fight the build goes so much faster.

Ok, so I must have one too.  This is a sickness.

But which opto??  Or does it matter? 

It would seem desireable to go for the PC419 because it's "original" but it's also SMD, and I haven't gone there yet, so its somewhat of a Catch 22.

Is the H11F3 any different?  Through hole would be more familiar if it is.
