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Messages - rumbletone

Open Discussion / Re: Need opinions on ribbon mics
April 01, 2015, 06:05:47 PM
I really like the 906 and Fathead combination for micing cabs. I don't find the Fathead 'dark' per se - it does have somewhat of a classic ribbon sound which smooths and attenuates some high end, but if you don't want that I'd suggest not using a ribbon (though some of the newer designs like the Royer do seem to have more high end response - but yeah they are not cheap!). Also depends on the tone - for retro/vintage sounds I've used just the Fathead by itself, and for more modern/cutting tones I'd reach for the 906 or possibly a 57 (though most of the time I prefer the 906) and the mic pre - I often pair the Fathead with a brighter/tighter pre (like an API) and sometimes pair the 906 with a smoother and arguably darker pre like a 1073. And of course placement factors into the picture too - if combining a ribbon and a non-ribbon dynamic, can position the ribbon pointing closer to the dust cap and the other closer to the edge so the net result may be about equal brightness.
Open Discussion / Re: Smallbear......nice!
March 20, 2015, 03:23:19 AM
I've had consistently good experiences with small bear - they are my first choice. I just wish they had more of those blem 1590bb enclosures - their blem discount enclosures had better paint than some of the ones I've paid full price for elsewhere!
PS - routing challenges like this are exactly why I use a Sound Sculpture Switchblade on my big board - all I/O are separately controlled and it takes seconds to create a preset with new routing.
Can you run the PF killdry? If so, split your signal and send one to a parallel path with a volume pedal (or a simple switch, though the volume pedal may work better if you want to avoid pops), then sum the PF back to your dry signal. This is what I sometimes use for delays for exactly the reason you state - I want to mute the input to the effect, but still have the tails going.

Another option is to just use an a/b, without the PF on killdry, and switch between PF and dry signal, but sum them both after so you get the tails.

I've asked at least one manufacturer (strymon) to  consider adding a 'mute input' CC to their algorithm. Seems like a no brainer, but perhaps there aren't many of us using it like that.
Quote from: jkokura on March 08, 2015, 12:55:43 AM
I'll likely try some inexpensive Humbuckers-in-a-P90 type pickups in a while, but honestly I can't afford this guitar never mind replacement pickups.

I'm curious whether I'll wan't to replace the other hardware. I'm partial to good tuners, but the bridge will likely be fine with me.

The tuners seem very solid on mine. The pups are the only thing on the 'likely to change' list so far, and it's only due to the inherent noise - the tone itself is good. And I really like the satin finish.
Quote from: pickdropper on March 07, 2015, 02:33:13 PM

Quote from: jkokura on March 07, 2015, 05:01:28 AM
Wish a red one was coming. They had the brown burst left when I ordered. I'm not super hopeful I'll love it at first, but after some tuning and breaking in I hope it turns awesome.

Looking for non-humming P90s as I type...


I know a couple of folks that tried the Fralins and ultimately took them out, so I'd probably not start there.  But they were looking for something that sounded like a real P90.  If you are looking for spent hung different, maybe they would work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anybody tried the Kinman P90s? I like his noiseless tele set, but haven't tried the p90s.
So, after an almost surreal display of incompetence by Future Shop's online division, I started calling stores to find one. Eventually, one store (west van) said that they definitely didn't have the cherry in stock, but they had 2 in black and they'd hold one for me. Drove to the store last night (its over an hour round trip), got there half hour before closing. I walk into the store and see the musical instruments department at the back and head in that direction. When 30 feet away, I see the guitars on display, and what's literally the first guitar near the entrance?? The cherry SG!!! The only employee there immediately steps over to help me, I explain that the black is on hold for me even though I originally ordered and was still trying to find a cherry one, and he says "it's been there the whole time.... can't understand how my colleague you talked to earlier today didn't know it was there....". So, after all that I bought the cherry one.

I had much time to kill while they figured out some issue with their sales software, so I played the cherry and the black ones on display, and my initial impressions are that although the guitar was set up with quite high action, and with lighter strings than I normally use, they were quite impressive - they don't have the feeling of a Gibson with binding, but if you like the satin finish (which I do) they are really nice guitars, even at several times the price, and at $399 they blow away the epiphone SGs. Neck - as advertised - is a pretty chunky 50s style neck. The 24 frets is weird, especially on a '50s tribute', but didn't bother me from a playing perspective. Neck is straight, with no obvious issues, and the intonation was strangely good for an off the shelf Gibson (5 of the 6 strings were good up to the 24th fret - and I'm sure the 6th just needs a tweak of the saddle). The logo looks cheap, but whatever (doesn't affect playablility/tone). I didn't bother plugging it in, because it's unlikely I'll keep the stock pickups (I need noiseless...).
Quote from: GrindCustoms on March 07, 2015, 01:23:25 AM
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on March 07, 2015, 12:17:27 AM
Quote from: rumbletone on March 07, 2015, 12:15:07 AM
Ha - just got an email from future shop that they are canceling my order due to an error that said they had stock, but they actually don't...

Send a reply or call them and have them send you a certificate stating that they will honor the advertised price once they receive more stock.  ;)

I'd also do that!
There won't be more stock unless there are returns (the model has been long since discontinued, which I'm sure is why it's on sale).
Quote from: GermanCdn on March 06, 2015, 04:52:39 PM
Quote from: blearyeyes on March 05, 2015, 11:47:47 PM
Review of the Les Paul:


Are these made in China?!

I bought one of these for my son who has been playing for about 5 years now. It was virtually unplayable as delivered. The action was so high and the neck had a major bow in it. His music teacher tried to adjust the truss rod but he was unable to get the action playable. The finish was very rough in places almost like the wood was not sanded properly. To top it off, the knobs on the volume and tone controls are crooked. Huge disappointment over all. DO NOT BUY ONE OF THESE SIGHT UNSEEN.

Grain of salt time - Future Shop is the Canadian version of Best Buy (even though they both exist in Canada, and are owned by the same company).  They're not a music store, they don't have techs, and the only bricks and mortar store I've ever seen that had guitars in it (beyond the $199 Affinity starter pack) didn't have anyone in the store that played.  So you're getting a guitar from Gibson, shipped to Future Shop, where the box is never opened, just shipped to you, so you roll the dice on any Gibson QA issues.  I fully expect to have to spend at least an hour or two of bench time on mine when it arrives.
Ha - just got an email from future shop that they are canceling my order due to an error that said they had stock, but they actually don't...
I got the last one in cherry finish! LaceSensor - the bigsby I will inevitably add to it should balance out the weight :-)
hmm . . . it's in the ballpark, but does seems a bit less gain then I get from my PlexiCruise or from another version that I've built (the VIPfx). I just plugged in my tele with single coils, and cranked the gain on 10, and it seemed to have a bit more gain than in your clip (though that's with 11's and picking hard, through CH1 of an HC30 running quite clean). On my LP with burstbuckers it would have even more gain.

So, while I might otherwise suggest it's just variances in the setup (pups, playing style, etc. . . ) and component tolerances, it may be that your build should have a bit more gain. Perhaps some others will listen to the clip and chime in.

As for how to further troubleshoot, I don't know - especially if you've already checked the biasing on the J201s - but perhaps one of the J201s is misbehaving? If you have them socketed, I recommend trying some different J201s to see if it makes a difference.
Open Discussion / Re: PSA: New mini SMD Surfy Bear reverb
February 25, 2015, 11:48:06 PM
Quote from: juansolo on February 25, 2015, 11:26:11 PM
2nded. Well, well worth the build.

One way I've thought about it that'd work is you could fit that into it's (very warm) 1590b and bolt the tank to the underside of your pedal board if you have space... That'd work.
That's what I plan to try next. The standard size Mod tank just fits under a pt2 - my only concern is whether it can be well enough suspended that it doesn't get that "kicking a silverface SPROOOOIIIiNG!..." every time I click a footswitch on the board or put my foot on an expression pedal.
Open Discussion / Re: PSA: New mini SMD Surfy Bear reverb
February 25, 2015, 06:19:01 PM
Thanks for the heads up! I have the non-SMD version (though the fets are smd even in that) and it's great. On a related note, accutronics (I think it was them?) has released a really small reverb tank in a plastic enclosure - though I think it's difference impedance specs so won't work with the Surfy Bear as is - too bad because they would make a great pair for a standalone reverb box, or even mounted in the back of an amp.
The PlexiDrive is not very gainy. I think of it like a JTM45 - great for mid gain rock rhythm tones - but hit it with an OD for anything more than that. Wampler's new deluxe version has a TS-style built right into it.
Open Discussion / Re: Pug dogs
February 24, 2015, 08:09:30 PM
Quote from: blearyeyes on February 22, 2015, 12:35:58 AM
Dalmation / Pit Bull.
One of the best dogs I've ever had the pleasure to know and love...

So beautiful!!