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Messages - scotheath

General Questions / resistor variances
January 05, 2018, 06:15:23 PM
 Was reading a guys project build and he mentioned that he used all spec tested caps and resistors and premium ICs, transistors..
Got me thinking as I was ordering caps and resistors I don't already have to build a new OP fuzz pedal. I have always ordered from Tayda for all my builds minus a couple matched transistors for a Smoothie. I grabbed a pack of 1m resistors, had 5 left over, highest read .818 and lowest of the 5 was .723  those don't seem to be 1m resistors to me, especially since they are advertised as 1%, had similar results with the rest of the stuff I have  only 1 resistor I tested was actually what it said it was.
What kind of affect if any will having... IDK, 22 or 30 resistors in a build that aren't exactly what they say they are. Is that why they sell them in packs of 10 so you can pick out the 1s that are closest to spec ??
General Questions / Re: Capacitor V values
January 03, 2018, 05:29:49 PM
Thanks for the quick response
General Questions / Capacitor V values
January 03, 2018, 05:14:34 PM
Sorry I'm sure this has been asked a 100 times.
If a build sheet asks for a 10uf Electrolytic Cap 16v min can I use a 100v or even a 250v instead?
I know caps hold or store energy and would the larger volt rated caps affect the pedal sound ?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: another Smothie question
November 24, 2016, 02:12:03 AM
sorry I should have mentioned that it was on the distortion channel. I've found that on the clean channel the rise and fall off the effect is still there but at volume greater than half. I turned on my donner flanger and found that it does the same thing at loud volume. so I guess maybe that's normal, and that on the dirty channel its more obvious at lower volume. sorry to waste your time but thank you for the help
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: another Smothie question
November 23, 2016, 11:12:47 PM
same thing, unplugged cable into amp, rise and fall. pedal off just hums
Tech Help - Projects Page / another Smothie question
November 23, 2016, 09:10:51 PM
I'm playing my new build through a mesa combo. the amp has a little hum to it with no signal, (when not playing strings muted)  which it always has, but now when I switch on the smoothie pedal the hum has the rise and fall of the pedal. is that normal or is there maybe a ground issue?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: no smoothie in loop
November 18, 2016, 07:43:37 PM
Spent some time messing with placement of pedal. Turns out it works if its the only pedal in the loop. Same as into the front of the amp. only works if no other pedal in front of it or behind it.
Anybody ??
Tech Help - Projects Page / no smoothie in loop
November 18, 2016, 04:59:14 AM
Just finished a smoothie build, set trim pot and rocked it before I boxed it all worked good, (having said that I did all that into the front of the amp).  Quite happy because there is usually an issue for me at that point. installed the 4 screws holding the bottom of the box on and put it after my chorus pedal in the fx loop warmed up amp and... NOTHING ! WTF !. Removed smoothie from the loop and I got sound again. Tried again making sure all hooked up, and again nothing. Put it back in front of the amp and there it is, works like a charm. Not sure what to make of this. I've only built an OD (green Bean)and a couple distortion pedals(slow loris, and a mangler), which all work but all going into front of amp, not sure in a pedal what the difference would be. I'm completely stumped. anybody have any ideas
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Slow Loris debug help
November 04, 2016, 08:17:13 PM
Replaced C3 w/ a new cap and is working again :)
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Slow Loris debug help
October 21, 2016, 07:48:22 PM
Thank you
I took some readings,
pin 4 starts about 2.65v but drops to zero
Pin 6 shows 5.68v
and Pin 7 shows 9.28v
Should pin 4 be zero right away ?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Slow Loris debug help
October 21, 2016, 07:13:58 PM
I have had/built this pedal for a couple years, about a month ago I took it to a jam and it didnt work pulled it out to have a look at it today. Still doesn't work. I put together a test probe looking for a problem. not that good at reading schematics. I get tone up to R3, but R4 and beyond are all silent.
If anybody wants to look at the schematic and maybe offer some advice that would be great
Tech Help - Projects Page / grapevine build
November 15, 2014, 11:06:47 PM
I have already ordered the PC board for the grapevine build and in the process of ordering parts from Tayda but there are 2 caps unavailable I believe off top of my head the 2 I cant get are a couple 50n and 33n, they do have caps close in value  I think 47n and 56n and 27n and 36n I think, from what I've read its ok to go up but not down. if that's the case what if any difference will it make to the sound ? any ?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Audio probe and zero point DD
September 05, 2014, 07:23:38 PM

I guess I should have asked this a couple days back but thought I'd better before boxing this thing up. As I went through all the components at one point the sound went from a tone( I used my ipod with a tone generator app instead of strumming) too a feed back kinda squeal coming out of the caps, and was affected by the feedback pot. So a couple things is that normal or should it just be a tone not affected by the pots, 2nd what position should the pots be in ? All on or off ? The pedal has 3 pots. Delay feedback and level
Sorry I posted this with my previous question but think it might of gotten overlooked
I was previously having problem with the feedback pot not working but after going through it seemed to work, but am curious about noise coming through as stated above
I guess I should have asked this a couple days back but thought I'd better before boxing this thing up. As I went through all the components at one point the sound went from a tone( I used my ipod with a tone generator app instead of strumming) too a feed back kinda squeal coming out of the caps, and was affected by the feedback pot. So a couple things is that normal or should it just be a tone not affected by the pots, 2nd what position should the pots be in ? All on or off ? The pedal has 3 pots. Delay feedback and level
Thank you for your response, I have built a probe and went through the schematic, learning a few things along the way. Found every thing in working order. plugged back in and now it works. Good and bad cause im sure when I box it up it wont work  :)
Thanks again