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Messages - ckalinec

I'm interested in how many of you swapped C1 and C12 for more bass as in madbean's docs. Curious as to whether or not I should do this with my upcoming build
General Questions / Re: First Build Help
February 24, 2011, 09:15:54 PM
So went ahead and ordered a JRC4558 from mammoth and a socket that way in April I can swap out the IC's when the right ones get in

Now just waiting for everything to come in
General Questions / Re: First Build Help
February 24, 2011, 04:56:30 AM
So, thought I'd bump this up since I just ordered everything last night! Very excited about this.

However, I ordered the JRC4580 IC from Mouser and they are back ordered until April 18th. Anybody know where I can get one other than Mouser?

Thanks, I'll also be posting any questions I have in here as I go
General Questions / Zombii Build Noob Questions
February 07, 2011, 11:57:48 PM
Hey Guys, I think I'm going to make my first build a Zombii instead of an Aristocrat like I had planned. I just have a couple of very noob questions about ordering parts. I'm ordering everything form smallbear also

1) I'm confused about the GE PNP transitors used for Q2 and Q3. Are they germanium, which one, etc? Anyone care to help me with that?

2) I'm ordering the 9mm alpha pots to solder on the board and I just have a couple questions about them. Do I order linear or audio? I'm pretty sure it's not reverse. And for future builds, when do I use linear and when do I use audio. Here's a link to my choices:

Thanks guys!
Build Reports / Re: Aristocrat
February 05, 2011, 07:33:37 PM
Quote from: madbean on February 05, 2011, 02:10:00 AM
Very nice guys. I hope you are enjoying them. Would you wait two years to by this stompbox? Actually, I did, but ended up building my own in the meantime.

Don't get me wrong...not dissing Analogman. It's a very nice pedal. But it sure is rewarding to build something for $50 in an afternoon rather than waiting many months to buy it!

My Exact plans! I'm on this list but I still got a year and a half. I imagine after building this and keeping it for a while I'll just flip the real deal
Build Reports / Re: Aristocrat
February 04, 2011, 06:34:01 PM
Great Build! How do you go about getting PPP to drill the holes in those certain places like they did for you. I want to do that when I order my enclosure for my Aristocrat from PPP
General Questions / Re: First Build Help
February 01, 2011, 12:38:16 AM
My reasoning for trying the Aristocrat is that I already have a SHO. I don't really need a fuzz, so I want to try out the Aristocrat. Would the Klon be an easier build. These are the only pedals I'm really interested in
General Questions / First Build Help
January 31, 2011, 10:23:08 PM
Hey guys, I want to start my first actual pedal build. After doing a couple tap tempos and junction boxes I'm confident in my soldering abilities. I want my first build to be the Aristocrat (King of Tone clone). I just have a few questions:

How do I know which type of Cap, resistor, diodes, etc. to get? I was looking from small bear, can all of my parts be purchased from small bear?

Thanks, keep in mind, I know NOTHING about caps, diodes, and resistors so all education is welcome.