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Messages - Luke51411

Build Reports / Re: The Hype
September 13, 2017, 01:02:20 PM
That's badass! I love how empty the box looks.
Build Reports / Re: Pher-Uh-Moan (Green Russian)
September 11, 2017, 12:30:59 PM
That's a pretty pcb and super clean build! Nice work!
Build Reports / Re: Mimik+ detune external LFO options
September 08, 2017, 11:41:44 AM
Quote from: Boba7 on September 08, 2017, 11:33:16 AM
Nice!! How many pedals have you built in the past weeks??! :D

I think I really want a soundclip of that pedal!
Well, I've finished like 7 or 8 with more coming soon. Most of them were in work for quite a while before that though. I got a lot done over Labor Day weekend.
Build Reports / Re: Mimik+ detune external LFO options
September 08, 2017, 11:20:23 AM
Quote from: stringsthings on September 08, 2017, 03:43:46 AM
Very nice!  I really like the lettering.  I might have to give stamps a try someday.
Definitely! It takes a bit to figure out how to get the clearest letters with alcohol is no anyway. It's fairly time consuming but I find it relaxing.
Build Reports / Mimik+ detune external LFO options
September 08, 2017, 12:10:16 AM
At first I thought I would just add the out portion of the circuit to try out with the taptation, manual control, or build an lfo box but I decided... features are nice! So I perfed the detune circuit from the multiplex echo. The toggle switch allows you to turn the detune led off when no external is connected to give the longest possible delay times. If I had to do it over I would play with it a bit more to make the led dim a tiny bit faster and go bright a bit slower. If I ever get around to learning to layout pcbs I imagine a tweakable version of the detune circuit will be one of the first I do. I just used a red LED and tayda ldr which gives nice results! a bit shimmery on the up tune and dark on the down. I went with a latching stomp for the detune so that it could also effectively toggle between two different lengths of delay.

The modding caused a bit of a spaghetti mess...
And the 2pdt low profile latching have a pretty light latch action. If I had built a simple delay I might have left it as is but I had done a mod that modulates via another footswitch. Mostly it was just me not paying attention
Build Reports / Re: Harmonic Trembler and Reverb
September 07, 2017, 10:44:19 AM
Quote from: mrclean77 on September 07, 2017, 10:18:50 AM
Super cool the red on black...that box is screaming triple Rat, but TremVerb is cool, too  8) Trem is about the only thing I've ever liked putting after reverb, if you get all antsy in your pantsy one day, I would definitely recommend cramming an order switcher switch in there
haha yeah it does kinda scream rat variation. I may shoehorn an order switch in there though the steel is a pain to drill. It's kinda nice to have a pedal with some actual weight to it though, it just feels so much more solid.
Especially when you learn this after soldering them into an opto bypass pcb... I mean, delay is pretty cool on a momentary switch but... not what I was going for.
Build Reports / Re: Harmonic Trembler and Reverb
September 06, 2017, 01:14:09 PM
I did not but a switch would probably add something. I wonder if it would be cool to add reverb just to the wet signal of the reverb as an option
Build Reports / Harmonic Trembler and Reverb
September 06, 2017, 12:19:20 AM
I went all out for this one and I love everything about it! The first half is a cardinal tremolo which I believe I received from Josh as a pif last Christmas! Thanks! Sounds great, if you're thinking about it stop thinking and build one already! haha. The second half is a tenebrion reverb. The enclosure is a steel enclosure I got a while ago I think on ebay but don't ask me where because I don't remember. Anyway the steel was a pain to drill especially for the jewel lights and foot switches but... totally worth it. I even specially ordered knobs for this bad boy. I used optical switching on the footswitch and the cardinal indicator is also a rate indicator.

Build Reports / Re: X-Vibe (Brejna's Pangea) - Reboxed
September 05, 2017, 10:45:14 PM
That looks slick! Nice work
Build Reports / Re: You guessed it...another fuzz
September 05, 2017, 01:57:27 PM
Sick of fuzz pcbs said no builder ever
Build Reports / Ruby headphone amp 1590LB
September 03, 2017, 08:43:56 PM
I decided I need a headphone amp though I'm not sure I'll settle on this one, at least I have something now. The pcb is from fuzzdog. A bit of a tight squeeze in a 1590LB I don't know how people manage to cram full pedals in these...I tried to stamp the leaf of a clover on it though I haven't quite figured out how to get it to come out. Anyway, you can kinda see it.

Build Reports / Re: The Alpaca Lips
September 03, 2017, 02:06:48 PM
Amazing build! Love the eyes!
Excellent! Might give it a go on my next reverb build! The modulation you added, is it just a more subtle modulation? Is it just pre set or is there a control for it?