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Messages - MarcFive

Build Reports / The Anti-Pickdropper
June 01, 2014, 10:18:40 PM
I'm pretty sure I'm never going to beat him at his own game, so I thought I'd take the opposite tack.
So what is the opposite of incredibly small enclosures packed with a head spinning amount of components all enclosed
with perfect graphics, all, leaving you wondering how he did it? Meet, the D.O.G.

No visionary graphics here. Nor, subtle uses of laser etching, Ha! Take that Pickdropper. Behold the pickstopper.

Yes that's a Madbean, Slow Loris, fueling this Rat'd out build. Special thanks to DavidGiandiletti for his
awesome enclosure and the genesis of this build.
Build Reports / Re: Sunking 2
May 26, 2014, 08:22:12 AM
Glad to hear you like how it sounds. I'm waiting on some parts to finish mine. (also doing the Kinslayer)((Ooops, Fruedian slip, I meant Kingslayer))  ;). I see you layed that transistor down, didn't you run into conflicts with the output also? I was thinking I'd line the sockets up with the Gain and Output pots. That'd leave a little slack for the switches, I've got the tiny little sub-mini's but I think I still ran into conflicts eye-balling the layout. Thanks for the post! helped me out a little.
Beautiful Build. But I want to hear it!
Open Discussion / Re: Ethics of eBay??
May 08, 2014, 05:24:14 AM
I use auction sniper all the time. I think the auction style of ebay is kind of funky to begin with. I hate getting into
bidding wars with some kid with a ZERO score, the kid wins, doesn't pay, item relists... Worse, I'm selling the item...
I look at an item (read- guitar related), and bid the max I'm willing to pay for it. Period. End of story. Usually if I win I'm paying real close to the max, or more commonly the max I have bid. I think ebay panders to the crowd who think they're going to score something under market value. As for me, I guess I think my way is more ethical.

It's, only had one snafu, a bid didn't take place. Probably due to me.
Build Reports / Re: Kingslayer
May 08, 2014, 04:57:30 AM
Funny how you can look at something and not see it. Guess my eyes were occupied with the little board.
Hmm, wonder what I'm missing when I'm checking out the hot girl in the room... Anyway checked out
the millennium bypass board, thank you for the info, it never dawned on me the how, of how my original Rat was bypassed. Now to figure out why, never mind...just figured out what the opto-tron board does...does what the millennium does with a different component than the JFET.

Almost makes me want to order some DPDT's just to wire up a pedal differently. Almost.

Build Reports / Re: Kingslayer
May 07, 2014, 03:24:32 AM
That looks awesome. I'm new to building, so I got dumb questions... I like your indicator lights, I'm
curious about the little board though. Is it lamp protection and some sort of pulse thing going on? Or
is that just holding a resistor for the LED and the rest is add'l clipping?

Glad to hear you like the pedal , was going to build it, ordered the parts but forgot to get the board and then it got superseded >:(, so, I got the new board and just ordered the the new spec parts. ;D Can't wait to hear it.
Open Discussion / Re: New supplier. What say you?
May 06, 2014, 08:40:42 AM
 :o Oh I see David just introduced himself.
Open Discussion / Re: New supplier. What say you?
May 06, 2014, 08:37:48 AM

Electron Doctor

Posts: 3510
Jimi Lee
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New supplier. What say you?
« on: April 24, 2014, 07:52:02 AM »

I lark speaks highly of these folks. Check it out. Good pricing. Curious of the quality.

I got David interested in supplying the DIY market when I bought some 1n34a's he had. He's just
starting out and is great at finding good quality stuff, cheap. I can't believe how fast he is setting up and making
a name for himself. If you need anything just give him a call, he'll find it and get it in stock. Great guy. I told him
new guys like me spend for ever trying to find parts...and that we need a more one stop shop. He's all Gung Ho to
be the best place to source pedal parts. He's new so tell him what you want him to stock.
Build Reports / T-Bagger
April 27, 2014, 10:14:30 AM
What a name for a pedal, that was named after such an awesome artist. :(

Anyway, first build report (attempt). I built this with a separate switched clipping section on a small vero-
board. I socket-ed the mosfets wired as diodes, and the diodes. I also socket-ed the op-amp and transistor.
I think I settled on the 2n7000 mosfet and 1N914 diodes for clipping. Switched.

The op amp I went with the LF353m and the 2SC1815 Transistor. I got some of those from Thai Shine (TAYDA)
but you could tell by looking at them they weren't going to sound good. Ended up finding some original Toshiba
ones that did the trick.
For the Cross I used 6 led's sandwiched between a board, and the enclosure, and let me tell you, it'll poke your eye's out.

When I first built the pedal, I did a quick listen, swapped some parts around and wasn't knocked out. But Haberdasher
asked how I liked it, when I thanked him for some help, and I realized I should probably contribute a report. Glad I did. This is fastly becoming my favorite pedal. Ya I guess I made up fastly... I dig what it does in the sparkly clean
section of my Mesa Mark V. The crunch is awesome, and it does get to that cranked Marshall zone.

Thanks to all those who made it so simple for me to endeavor to build my own gear. It's 3 am pictures don't work right, posting anyway. Feel free to educate...