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Messages - blearyeyes

Anamorph Test PS @ 9.40V

IC1  TLO74

1. 7.51
2. 7.51
3. 7.45
4. 15.00
5. 7.51
6. 7.51
7. 7..51
8. 7.52
9. 7.51
10. 7.51
11. 0
12. 7.51
13. 7.51
14. 7.52

IC2 V571D

1.  1.04
2.  1.86
3.  1.86
4.  0
5. 1.86
6. 1.86
7.  4.70
8. 1.86
9. 1.86
10. 5.19
11. 5.19
12. 1.86
13. 15.00
14. 1.86
15. 1.86
16. 1.11

IC3 MN3005

1.  14.98
2. 7.49
3. 7.15
4. 7.15
5. .0
6. 7.49
7. 7.94
8. 1.03

IC4 MN3005

1. 14.96
2. 7.49
3. 8.75
4. 8.75
5. 0
6. 7.49
7. 9.23
8. 1.01

IC5 4558

1. variable
2. 7.84
3. variable
4. 0
5. 7.84
6. 7.78
7. 7.84
8. 15.00

IC6 CD4047

1. 7.39
2. 7.5
3. 7.51
4. 14.99
5. 14.99
6. 14.99
7. 0
8. 0
9. 0
10. 7.49
11. 7.49
12. 0
13. 7.44
14. 14.99

IC7 LT1054
1. 1.39
2. 4.95
3. 0
4. 0
5. 0
6. 2.59
7. 1.45
8. 9.04

1. C 15.04
2. B. 6.13
3. E  5.75

1. C  15.03
2. B  4.67
3. E  3.71

1. C 14.97
2. B  8.75
3. E  8.11

1. C  15.04
2. B  4.96
3. E  4.36

1. C  15.04
2. B  4.32
3. E  3.72

REG1 78L15
1. I   16.62
2. G  0
3. O  15.05

REG 2 78L15
1. I  16.64
2. G  0
3. O  15.01
Thanks Brian, Now I just need to figure out why the BBDs are motorboating. Audio gets there and then putt putt, putt...out of the chips. Voltages were looking good but my VOM finally gave up for no reason other than age.. Tomorrow's a new day...
VFE Projects / Re: What do I need to burn VFE PICs?
January 20, 2024, 03:08:16 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. The Mac Pro is my main studio recording system... don't want to make her mad. Plus's the driver support is not very good IIRCC. Anyway it looks like Microchips M-Lab software suite runs on OSX. Just need the cheapest usb connection for burning HEX code to PIC12F509s. Pikit 3s are 30-40$US on Amazon and 10 to 15 +shipping direct from China..I downloaded the software package and I'll go from there I guess. Everything is marketing to "Learn to program and Get your project off the ground!" Maybe I'll try to call them. Total PITA for 3 chips to bypass switch guitar pedals...
Docs show 15v on pin one
Pin one is ground? I'm goin crazy 😜
Solder side, cleaned off flux but alcohol messed with solder mask...
Cabintech Xvive MN3005 doc says pin #1 is GROUND
Anamorph docs says 15v should show on Pin #1
I'm confused.

I traced test tone all the way to the input to the MN3005 and then get motor boating on TP1 (output) and directly on the chips output. Tried both chips same result.

VFE Projects / Re: What do I need to burn VFE PICs?
January 18, 2024, 10:58:10 PM
I've used MACs since the 90s..Might be problematic.
I need to burn 3 pics for the switching boards on VFE projects.
What I/o hardware bits and what software (I use OSX) do I need?
I saw the program download link on VFE..
I'll find some schematics with a fat mod switch.
Quote from: Aleph Null on January 17, 2024, 03:39:29 AM
That's the cap! Smaller cap will yield less bass in the situation. I would recommend socketing it and experimenting with values.

Thanks. Sounds like a plan.
Now the question is how do you calculate the Q and roll off of the filter?
Using my handy dandy RCL calculator If I drop in a 100nF the cutoff goes to 600Hz.
Socket the darn thing….
I've read that the circuit the Misfit is based on (Ibanez MT-10) might need a mod to get rid of the some flub or low end going into the distortion section. I love circuits with pre distortion bass roll off controls. Would rather have a pot if that is possible.

Is the highlighted cap the one I need to lower, to raise the cut off frequency?
I read from 220nF to 100nF might be more to my liking.

Any help is appreciated.

Like this?
Reality is a simulation. Still, wouldn’t it be great if you could get verified original functional components? I built a little Chinese signal generator kit. It cost me $5 delivered. The chip it uses XR2206 costs more than that. The fake chip in the kit makes signals. But higher frequencies are VERY distorted and unusable. The real chip will run @ over 12v where the fake one looses it. So is the fake junk as good as the real stuff? NOPE. It’s fake, recycled, or a reject from the factory. There is a video somewhere showing how to tell fake from real. The tonnage of electronics delivered to China to be recycled is ginormous. They are sorta good at sanding off and reprinting chips. Personally I’m going through a faze where I want to make gooder stuff with gooder parts but hey, I would like the best simulation possible.