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Messages - m-Kresol

Quote from: Thewintersoldier on February 20, 2021, 05:59:24 PM
Quote from: Bio77 on February 20, 2021, 05:49:54 PM
Looks good!  I'm glad you like it. 

How many fuzzes have you made the past few months?
Thanks John. Are you fuzz shaming me bro? Lol I don't need that kind of negativity.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Totally agree with you there. Great build
Open Discussion / Re: Kludgy Pog repairorama
February 22, 2021, 10:36:41 AM
Lovely rescue. Too bad they did not pay more attention to the DC jack..
I like looking at things like this and trying to figure out what the knob/switch configuration could look like on the outside and finding the respective pins on the pcb (not knowing what this looks like from the outside). I like how only a minimal part of the big IC actually has connections going out. Imagine what you could do if you'd use the whole IC power...
Build Reports / Re: SFT + SHO
January 18, 2021, 08:25:48 AM
glorious build. Really nice colour fading and the etch is top notch once more.
Build Reports / Re: #VFEFRIDAY Standout
January 08, 2021, 09:06:32 PM
superb build as usual. even with a pcb design like this, clean wiring is still not that easy. nicely done

is it a Gremlin?
First order of business: install an auto-tune system into each amp  ;D
Build Reports / Re: Latest Builds
December 03, 2020, 05:16:22 PM
impressive collection once more.
when I was still in university, I used to cure it at about 60 °C for 30 min. worked like a charm.
as others mentioned, the early phase is most critical and where air bubbles can emerge. Hitting it with a lighter or exhaling on it usually does the trick.
it usually takes one night to dry, but it's still soft. After another day it will be hard. I also suggest drilling/processing it after 3 days.
Quote from: DLW on November 24, 2020, 09:14:35 PM
Immunologist here. The vaccine data are better than anyone could have hoped for. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are very similar platforms (mRNA), so in essence, they are independent confirmations of each other. While the US has been an absolute shitshow for CoV2, this same shitshow is ideal for clinical trials. You need circulating virus and cases to test a vaccine. The US has plenty of that, which accelerated the trials beyond expectations. The Astroazeneca vaccine is promising, too. Early data  indicate that it has slightly lower efficacy (albeit, really good), but it is more stable and cheaper to produce. It seems this will be the form that much of the world will receive.

It's safe to say that we've moved beyond a vaccine challenge and progress to the second stage- a vaccination challenge.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong.

thanks for the insight. good to hear
all the best and a speedy recovery Gordo and everyone else affected.

Austria has been ignoring the exponential increase in cases since spring (other than increasing steadily - like +5 every week - it basically multiplies itself in the the same timeframe) as numbers were still low overall. Until the point were it hits you hard and fast. We are back to lockdown and most things are closed now. Despite masks, regular hand sanitations and keeping distance, apparently things need to get worse before they improve (numbers are slowly getting better after first week of hard lockdown). Nevertheless, reports of affected people at work (we're one of the largest employers around) are coming in, also of people I work with directly.
Not sure how this will play out and frankly I'm sceptic about immunisation shots after such a short time of development and trials. Not my area of expertise, but something I'll read up on before commiting. I just hope that things improve enough so I can visit family on christmas. It would suck to stay home alone because of this (although my german coworkers already plan to stay due to possible quarantines when crossing borders).

Stay safe everyone
swedish post-rock combo pg.lost has been on heavy rotation since I found out about their upcoming release. This will be great stuff. I know a few people around here that should dig this.

you basically figured it out already. Just take some (thicker) wire, cut it to size and solder it on. works every time and regular pots are out of stock less often imo
General Questions / Re: headtrip 2 diodes
November 13, 2020, 06:24:40 PM
thanks Brian.

Nice colour choice and graphics on the back btw.. And fyi: shipping was unimpressed by CoV as it seems. about as long as before.
General Questions / headtrip 2 diodes
November 13, 2020, 05:54:12 AM
I ran out of 1n914 diodes and so did my regular supplier. Am I correct in assuming, I can exchange them for 1n4148?
I'd suggest doing the usual debbuging procedure:
check all solder joints, etch traces, component values and orientation, measure voltages (there are values to compare to in the build docs usually)
General Questions / Pepperspray/Percolator transistors
November 08, 2020, 04:42:59 PM
I recently gave my pepperspray board to a motivated colleague at work and we're having a hard time finding the transistors. Are there any good substitutes for the PNP Ge (Q1, 2n404a) and NPN Si (Q2 2n3565)? I have AC128 around and plenty of Si NPN. If there's a substitute, does hfe matter? thanks

Also, I think there are some errors in the doc:
*) schematic and BOM call for a 2n3965 for Q2. Only the text specifies 2n3565.
*) the shopping list shows a BAT41 as a possible alternative to Q2. I guess this was meant for D1-2