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Messages - Kipper4

Open Discussion / Re: TZF
January 29, 2014, 03:43:35 PM
I'm thinking it might work well for something like this
Open Discussion / Re: TZF
January 29, 2014, 03:33:30 PM
Does it work by phase cancellation then?
Thanks for the replys guys.
Open Discussion / Re: schoon toon explanation
January 29, 2014, 03:31:01 PM
i see so its all wired to the switch.
I understand a little better now thanks for the reply.
I'll try to wrap my head around it and see what i come up with.
Open Discussion / TZF
January 29, 2014, 03:03:19 PM
Has anyone here built a through zero flanger please
If so which is best.
I've got some mn3007 and 3101 on the way plus some 78L12s
I was going to do the ibanez fl301 but then I discovered the tzf's mmmmm intresting.
Open Discussion / schoon toon explanation
January 29, 2014, 02:55:31 PM
I've seen the Schoon Toon here and the build doc but I'm affraid I dont understand the schematic could some one throw some light on it please.
power supply?
Stumped :)

heres the build doc. I hope its ok to post it
General Questions / Re: Bloviator power supply question
January 28, 2014, 08:57:00 PM
Thanks guys
I've since discovered version 2 which does away with the Vref buffer
I think I might do it instead.
Advice appreciated.
It's madbeans sonic maximizer

See here

Thanks for the reply

Dammed auto spelling sorry
General Questions / Bloviator power supply question
January 25, 2014, 07:25:07 PM
Hey guys I have a question.
Would it be ok to substitute the TL071 Vref buffer with half of a TL072.
I know the pinouts different.
Build Reports / Re: Current Lover
January 11, 2014, 08:06:46 PM
Has anyone got a single sided etch for this please
A lot of people like the vg69 IIRC. But Jons recommendation is good too the sm57 is so versatile. Obviously it won't suit all voices but its always worth having for the money.
If you want you could always go cheap and get a clone gls es57. I have a pair and love those too. Qaulity may vary. One of mines better than the other.
Others include the octava mk12. Se mics are quite good too.
Open Discussion / Re: Baja Tele Mods
September 06, 2013, 10:31:08 PM
I had my no name ebay Tele Baja modded. It just opens up new sonic possibiltys. I love it. Great for testing pedals too.