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Messages - panchokunstmann


I tried with a few 2N5457 and nothing   :-[

someone? please  :)
Hi, how are you?.

I need your help! 8) 8) 8) 8)

I built the Muffintop, the problem I have is that it does not sound.

I used the Audio Prove and I noticed that the sound arrives until G of Q1 ( blue line in the photo) :

*the red dots are points that touch the audio prove and did not sound

I have taken all voltages of the transistors, are:
( power supply voltage: 8.99 )



I reviewed 3 times all components and everything is in order.
the only thing different that I'm taking are the 2N7000 instead of BS170, obviously 180 ° turn around

please help I do not know where to start and what to do first.

thank you very much


more pictures: 

Quote from: midwayfair on December 12, 2013, 05:23:07 AM
-Did you use C7, R10, and R11, and what are their values? C7, when you roll down the volume, forms a low-pass filter that varies with how much you turn down the volume; if it's too large, you will cut lots of highs.

-What are your voltages?

-Does the same thing happen when you change the guitar volume?

Jon ,thanks for helping!.

I started checking the capacitors and I realized that I had C7 with 20% tolerance, change it to 5% tolerance and the problem was solved.

I never thought I would be so a notorious difference of 20% to 5%.

really thank you very much, looks like a small problem but without your help I would have NEVER noticed how affects C7

I'm very grateful from you Jon

anyone have any idea? please
I built the Soul-bender, with 2 B324 and 1 2N3906 (only for now).

the problem that I have is that if the volume pot is not full, the pedal sounds like "BOOM"; with a lot of bass sounds and nothing of middle and high sounds

to be understood here goes a video:

as you can see, if the volume is at maximum pedal sounds beautiful, but if the volume pot is not the maximum, the pedal sounds like a mass of bass sounds.

I have put pots as 1M and 10k but the problem is the same. the volume pot has to be at maximum to sound good (like a soul-bender) and not as a mass of bass sounds.

I tested with more transistors and the problem persists, I really don't know what to do

please advise me

thank you very much.
