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Messages - Om_Audio

Build Reports / Re: Buzzsaw (GTR2)
July 27, 2012, 07:28:54 AM
Clean build, very nice. Lets hear it!
Open Discussion / Re: Simple MIDI clock box?
June 28, 2012, 10:22:51 PM
Thanks for the info, will check it out and post back if I discover anything.
Cool, thanks!
Also, this might work for you- jkokura suggested a method for finding and adjusting trimpot mod on Macheen- might work for your sensitivity knob adjustment:

Quote from: DuctTapeRiot on April 26, 2012, 02:18:30 PM
Also, the taper and value of the "Sensitivity" control needs adjusting.  All the useful range of that knob is in like 15 degrees of rotation.  I haven't  been able to get the one I built back from the bassist to play around with to figure out what would work.
Open Discussion / Simple MIDI clock box?
April 26, 2012, 07:54:05 AM
I am looking for an extremely simple and stable MIDI clock generator and thought maybe someone here had built one. I saw an Arduido version but it was breadboarded and did not have tempo display.
All I really need is tempo display, ability to adjust, and 1 or 2 outputs. Oh and preferably enough power to support power over MIDI- I have some Midiman 2x2 merge boxes that need that little bit of juice.
Any input appreciated!
Hi there,
My friend has a Maleko version of a Brass Master and I love it. I am considering the GGG kit just to get er done. Did you complete yours and if so how did you like it? Did the Si/Ge mod work and if so was it worth it? Looks like there was question as to whether they were for clipping at all.
Use smaller pots?
Also- to remind everyone- I am still very interested if anyone has exp comparing a clone to the Malekko version.
Quote from: DuctTapeRiot on March 21, 2012, 10:01:34 PM
Awesome, thanks irmcdermott.  Here I was trying to figure out how I was going to adjust the existing pot values to tame it down a but, this is way easier.  Well except that I have no idea how I am ever going to cram another knob in there  ::).
Build Reports / Re: Mangler
March 20, 2012, 08:27:42 AM
Wow, thanks. So I am a n00b for the most part but-
1- Did you pick Q2 to put the trim pots on for any particular reason vs Q1?
2- Did you consider an external trim for both trannys on Q2?
I don't really understand biasing yet but I assume it is somehow an adjusting that only needs to be done on one tranny or the other. 
Quote from: Sigesmundninja on March 18, 2012, 10:47:39 AM
this is how I wired the switching. (nevermind the orientation of the transistors, think the OC's are mirrored)
Build Reports / Re: Mangler
March 16, 2012, 04:20:20 AM
Cool! Let's hear it! Also, did you have a schem for the tranny switching mod?
Yes thanks- forgot to mention I have looked at the GGG project/kit. Again, my main goal is to replicate the Malekko/updated version. I also just saw the Wolftone Chaos (Ampeg Scrambler clone) which is nice too- and again same boat where I can find clones of the originals but have only heard modern variations so I don't know how the originals compare. I think I need to spend some time trying to find audio/video examples of the originals to see how they compare to the modern variants I have heard/like. Thanks- C
Quote from: raulduke on March 15, 2012, 09:44:20 AM
I think GGG sell a board/kit. Might be worth a look.
My friend has a Malekko B:Assmaster ( and I recently discovered it is itself a modern take on an older design- the Maestro Brass Master.
I have found info on a clone of the Maestro:
But what I really want to do is build one that is as much like the B:Assmaster as possible- even the expression pedal input would be cool.
Has anyone here any thoughts or experience with this project?
Open Discussion / Re: Recording/DAW advice
March 15, 2012, 06:22:04 AM
+1 on Reaper- great product, great price, great support community. Also:
I needed to test a problematic pedal (no audio in bypass) and thought I would try to use the test tone feature on my Behringer cable tester. I quickly realized by plugging the pedal in the tester I could see it was showing the intermittent problem on the display. I know this is limited in use but interesting and just thought I would share. Pics show results of pedal switched on and off and the 2nd or 3rd pic shows when prob is occurring (no sound in bypass).

Open Discussion / Re: Good God...(mild rant)
March 05, 2012, 08:26:20 PM
Ya, I remember having to call or email them to figure it out. Was wacky. But I like the box I got- top notch.
LOL-  :D
Quote from: monkeyssj1 on March 04, 2012, 06:42:18 PM
...if this thing works after all is said and done, i'm going to shit myself.
Congrats man!