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Messages - Om_Audio

Open Discussion / Re: Re: Ribbon Wire source
September 13, 2012, 09:26:08 PM
There you go, DIY or die!
Open Discussion / Re: Re: Ribbon Wire source
September 13, 2012, 07:38:06 PM
Smallbear has some rainbow 14 strand stuff
I pulled the cap and actually the traces go to the same places it was soldered to- just looks like the pads were messed up and they had to fix. Very strange. I am trying to find mods for other DIY OCD clones etc to see if any suggestions might apply to mine. I don't understand basic pedal circuits enough yet to know what swaps and such might affect changes.
Thanks again-

Quote from: mgwhit on September 12, 2012, 09:17:01 PM
If you don't get a satisfactory answer from Fulltone, you could always move the tone cap back to the appropriate pads and see how that sounds.
Build Reports / Re: Apis. Klon in a 1590a
September 13, 2012, 03:04:44 AM
Cool, thanks!
Tone works in both positions, but I always set it fully clockwise as it is unusable for me otherwise, super wooly turned counter clockwise.
I will email them the pics and see if I get any response. I messed up the LED a bit just being a nOOb but good god that light was bright and old parts from boss tuner came in handy, a 57k I think. Good practice as I am bad at reworking stuff but good at populating fresh.
Bought it new at TrueTone in Santa Monica years ago. I just added new pics which show things more clearly, using zoom on my phone camera makes things grainy, the new pics are better.
Looks like someone named Rico was involved, maybe I will go by their shop which is near here and just start yelling "Rico!!!! Hey Ricooo!!" until I get some traction.
Thanks for looking,

PS fixing photo rotations shortly, oops.
Open Discussion / Re: Re: Re: Just rolled my own capacitor
September 12, 2012, 11:25:22 AM
I double dare you!!

Quote from: jkokura on September 12, 2012, 12:13:24 AM
You crazy son of a gun!

Do a true DIY Fuzz Face CJ, I dare you...

Build Reports / Re: Re: Apis. Klon in a 1590a
September 12, 2012, 11:19:25 AM
Oh man you gotta be kidding, so cool. I love bees. Not Africanized.
I want one. Did you bee lovers ever see I think cycle 2 from Matthew Barney's "cremaster" film series? Mysterious bee references abound.
Would love to hear it and you send me a board, I send you money so you can buy more bees.
Hi, I have an OCD v3 and cannot understand all the hype about clarity and such- mine sounds woolly as hell- I like it but needs some work IMO. I already own it so not wanting to build an EgoDriver yet esp if they sound like what I already have.

After opening it last night I also noticed a funky jumper from a cap and lots of the solder joints have dry holes on non trace side which I know is not an issue but to be honest the workmanship was surprisingly less that inspiring.

What I would like to do is come up with some part swaps or mods to try and make this pedal sound better.
Any suggestions welcome. Found some info on these 2 pages but it is a lot for me to digest:

I added a resistor to the super bright LED, I'm halfway there!

gut pics:
(and thanks for not telling me to use the forum search engine, which I do, i really do!)
Ya you guys are right. The official app is not free for Android or iOS.
There are some free apps out there that support TapaTalk enabled forums and some forums offer free versions of the app for their sites. The paid app is def the best one though.
I bought the app awhile ago and forgot it was not free.
Thanks will look into these!
Funny, I just remembered I did a dist pedal shootout like 15 years ago and an old Ibanez Metal Screamer stood head and shoulders above the rest in terms of retaining tone. No idea if I would like it as much today as my tastes have developed over the years. It is hard to describe but instantly apparent when turning a pedal on. Even if the quality of the dirt is not to your liking it may still have the transparent characteristic I like.
The Ibanez Metal Screamer is supposedly a TS9 variant essentially- someone mentioned that on a post somewhere I think.

Found pic and info on the Ibanez Metal Screamer-

"The Ibanez Metal Screamer is from the Masters (L) series and was produced from 1985-1986.
It's pcb is very similar to the TS10 Tube Screamer and it has the famous JRC4558D chip inside."

What Madbean dirt pedal projects do you think retain the basic tone of the guitar well?

I like dirt pedals that retain the open/natural sound of the guitar. Many however muddy the sound or otherwise add a density and non-clarity I dislike. I have experienced this randomly across a wide range of pedals over the years. There =are= pedals I like but the muddy/non clear factor causes me to not prefer them at all- the OCD is a great example of one that I like BUT I never use as it just sounds like it makes my tone cloudy and not immediate and clear.

I also think playing a lot at bedroom late night low volume has something to do with it too, but is not sole reason. I def know playing at higher volumes you can use less drive/dirt and overall sounds better. (I think of that wonderful engineering/producing trick when an artist just does not like "something" about a recording or mix, you discreetly raise the master fader slightly and will often get "ya that sounds better!" response)

LIKE: Fulltone Distortion Pro, Macheen, Zombii, Tech 21 Tri AC, FT Fulldrive
DISLIKE: OCD, Maxxon Distortion Pro, etc.

Also, I wonder if having a mix option on a dirt pedal would be worth considering as a mod to the OCD for example. I am pretty sure I have seen dirt pedals with blend or mix knobs.

I am trying to build up an order of PCB to get from Madbean/Haberdasher and even though there are many descriptions and audio/video demos I would like some opinions- I am a bit overwhelmed with my choices.


Current Madbean:
Discontinued but avail:
I have a Macheen, OCD, Zombii, etc. in use right now.
The volumes on these all seem to be set at about 9'oclock, I never need the vast majority of the volume pot range. I don't need or want my clean tone to be so drastically different in volume so have to set them this way.
Why is this? Is it due to my setup or what?
Could I swap the vol pots and be able to use more of the physical sweep range? It is frustrating to have such a finite usable physical range on the volumes.
Any info appreciated-
You can now access the forums using the free "Tapatalk" mobile app for Android, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, etc. It is really great- just search for madbeanpedals from within the app. It makes using the forums really easy and in some ways even has a leg up over the web based forums IMO.

Screenshots on an Android handheld:

Thanks for implementing this Brian!