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Messages - Muadzin

Open Discussion / Re: Disappointed by the modern flangers
February 05, 2019, 08:38:06 AM
I wouldn't exactly call the MXR and EHX flangers modern. They're from what? The early 80's? That makes the designs older then probably most members here. They do have the same BBD MN3007 chip though that's in all analog chorus pedals. But to me they sound fine. Too bad I can't seem to build a working flanger. All my flanger builds seem to end up on my fail pile.
Open Discussion / Re: Big Island recommendations?
January 31, 2019, 07:54:30 AM
Quote from: Leevibe on January 30, 2019, 11:45:09 PM
You're stranded on an island. You only get 1 guitar, 1 amp, 1 pedal. OK, 3 pedals. What do you choose???


Seriously, have a good time. Let me know what the sun feels like.

Three things? My red strat build, AX-8 or Helix and a headphone
Open Discussion / Re: Shaving
January 24, 2019, 03:43:07 PM
I use my late grandfather's old electric razor. It's not that good, and it leaves me with a kinda four o'clock shadow beard, but I reckon a certain nonchalance in that regard still does well. But most of all I'm just too lazy to do any wet shaving.
Open Discussion / Re: Oreo is the new goop
January 24, 2019, 08:24:43 AM
Is it any less impractical then throwing lots of goop on it? I reckon this will be a lot harder for the good folks at FSB to degoop. I reckon for a Boss, EHX or Ibanez pedal it would be impractical, as the goal there is to keep costs down. But for a bootweaker? If the Klon had been made this way would we now know how the circuit worked and/or would everybody still be harping on about its mojo? And would old Klons now fetch in the 5 figures on eBay?
Open Discussion / Re: Well, this is no shocker
January 22, 2019, 08:06:08 AM
Quote from: pickdropper on January 21, 2019, 01:33:10 PM
To a certain degree, I agree with this, although I'm skeptical exactly how many people will fall for it, though.  Most Mooer buyers are specifically looking at them because they are less expensive, not because they are absolute highest quality option.

True. But I reckon that you only need one to fall for this scam. And that those tend to be the ones who who are more into the rarity, bragging rights, and perceived additional sonic value of something that is out of production/forbidden, then the Mooer name.
Open Discussion / Re: Ehx bass bass mono synth watch ^^
January 22, 2019, 08:01:52 AM
Quote from: Matmosphere on January 21, 2019, 02:32:28 PM
I'm interested but I don't tend to spend that much on commercial pedals. I used to have a korg  g5.  Wonder how this would stack up.

My first instinct is to go DIY pedals first, but for some things, delays, reverbs, octave stuff, crazy sounds like this, commercial is the way to go. Although with the FV-1 stuff great strides are being made in that regard.
Open Discussion / Re: Well, this is no shocker
January 21, 2019, 01:05:24 PM
I find it hilarious. As somnif said $350 for a Chinese copy of a $220 EHX pedal? Anyone who falls for that deserves what they pay for. They probably also bought the Vertex wah and Freakish Blues Alpha Drive.
Open Discussion / Re: Ehx bass bass mono synth watch ^^
January 21, 2019, 12:57:57 PM
Yet another X-9 variant. Still waiting for that all in one variant, as I'm still bummed off after having bought the B-9 only for a constant stream of newer, even better variants to come along. Pet peeve aside, if I were a bass player I would probably get this. Also, they should have added a Muse Hysteria preset, if only to please the hordes of bass players noodling that riff. I swear, Hysteria is to bass players what Smoke on the Water is for guitar players.
Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
January 09, 2019, 10:47:48 AM
Cars are for me a means to an end, to get from A to B with the stuff that I want. As such sports cars hold no interest to me. Besides, what would be the point anyway? The roads are either full of speed bumps, or in various state of disrepair. Or both. So you can't drive fast on them anyway. And the places where you can tend to be lined with speed cameras.

Now if money were no object I wouldn't mind having a 60's Ford Mustang, or a classic Mini Cooper, although I reckon that compared to modern cars they drive terribly and have the road safety characteristics that was typical of those days, as in none at all. A classic WW2 Willys Jeep would also be nice to have, as a WW2 buff. The sound of that engine, that lovely sound.....
Quote from: alanp on January 08, 2019, 05:10:38 AM
Quote from: EBK on January 08, 2019, 05:07:02 AM
I hate to ask this, but are there guitars made out of MDF (I can't bring myself to search this)?

Aren't they the cheapest strats that Alibaba has to offer?

I reckon that as long as the neck is not made out of MDF it might not sound and play so bad.
Judging from the pics it seems like most of the work was in cutting the pencils to length and putting/glueing them all together in one big block. Cause that seems like the work that requires infinite amounts of boring patience. After that it was pretty much standard guitar building and got fun again. Looks awesome though, and it reminds me of Iranian art.
Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
December 30, 2018, 10:56:09 AM
Quote from: juansolo on December 29, 2018, 10:04:50 AMHeineken brewed in the UK crap, but in the Netherlands it's really quite alright.

That's funny, because in the Netherlands Heineken is mostly known as canal water. Lowest of the low. How it managed to label itself abroad as a quality foreign beer is a mystery to us.  ;D
Open Discussion / Re: THAT Corp parts, how common?
December 30, 2018, 10:50:32 AM
The only other noisegate that I know that uses a THAT IC is the ISP Decimator, and that one seems to be copyrighted to death. It's been traced, some people have offered pcb's for it, I built at least 4 of them, but overall people seem to shy away from selling commercial pcb's for them. So maybe that's the reason? Too much of a legal minefield?
Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
December 23, 2018, 08:02:02 PM
Quote"If a band approaches a venue and says: 'Hey, we wanna play this venue,' you're going to get ignored," he says. "All it has to do is look like it's coming from a booking agency - doesn't even matter what booking agency, even a fake one - and then you'll get talked to and you can get things booked. Simple as that."

I'll give the Threatin' dude this, he understands the modern music business better then most artists. Still too many think that their music will carry them through. It never does. Sometimes I wonder if it ever did. With nobody buying records or CD any more its become hard for venues to gage what kind of acts will draw in a crowd. Which is made worse by the trend that people no longer go out to see bands. The habits of the outgoing public have diversified so much these years that the days that a venue could book a band, any band, and will still get a sizeable crowd are long gone. So venues want to be more then double sure that any act they will book, will draw in a crowd. In that sense internet buzz has replaced record sales as a measuring gauge. And that has left them vulnerable to the likes of this guy, who seems to have grasped this new dynamic even better then they do. The moment this story broke I was in awe of this guy's balls and audacity in having gamed the system. It's happened before, the Dutch band Gotcha bluffed their way into the national band contest by using a similar fake press campaign, in the 90's. Which I reckon in those days was even harder. But they at least delivered live.

When rock 'n' roll first came about you just had to be able to play. You had a band, you could get a gig. Then came the time of the big artists that sold and played to millions, and everybody wanted a record deal. Such was the money to be made that artists allowed themselves by robbed by the recording industry, as even a tiny percentage of a shitload of sales was still a lot. Bands learned to promote themselves in addition to having to write good music. Then over time DJ's came to the scene and instead of having live bands clubs would let a dude play records instead, and the market shrunk. Even small bands with no record deals now had to learn how to market themselves. Next came new musical genres which actually challenged rock's dominent musical position. Then came online file sharing and record sales collapsed. Band promotion becomes even more important. And nowadays rock has declined to a niche market as rap, pop and latin music rule the Earth and record labels no longer even give a shit about rock bands any more. Bands need to be managers, bookers, home recording engineers, webdesigners, video artists, social media whores and god knows what else all in addition to being what they used to be, musicians. In that sense I can understand that actually coming up with good original music often takes a back seater, can anyone name any original music by the Jared Dines and Rob Chapmans of the youtube era? And this Threatin' guy just took that to the next level altogether.
Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
December 06, 2018, 08:59:05 AM
You're just rooting for the underdog. The cats never got their prey so that makes them the underdog.  ;)