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Messages - GhostofJohnToad

Build Reports / Re: King of Klone - aka the Tone Clone
August 16, 2011, 10:50:51 PM
Just want to add I was toying around with different ICs today and I am in love with the OPA2134!  It is, as some have said around the internets that it is more "hifi" sounding than others.  I agree somewhat, to me the notes are more articulated.  In this pedal I have tried the stock 4580, Tl072, 4558 and a NE5532N.  The 4558 and the 072 were nice too but more raspy to my ears.
Build Reports / Re: King of Klone - aka the Tone Clone
August 16, 2011, 06:54:09 PM
Thanks for all the very kind words!

It was a lot of fun and I know there will be more in fact I have Quadrovibe and WolfShirt boards on order.  I can't wait to start planning on what they are going to look like.  For me that is a huge deal.  I love the planning stages.

Build Reports / King of Klone - aka the Tone Clone
August 16, 2011, 01:12:31 PM
Just built my first ever pedal using the madbean King of Klone board.  It worked perfectly the first time!  I was very impressed.  I am still playing with getting the sounds I want out of it, but I really like it.  I will caution those who check out the pictures..  My wiring sux and I had a hell of a time fitting it all in the case.  This was my own fault as I was using lots of different wire and I also used a pre-drilled case which kinda screwed me on battery placement.  It currently sits on top of the pots separated by a foam pad.  I also need to get some good knobs to match, I am thinking the silver skirt variety.

I learned a lot though and am already thinking about my next projects.

A couple other things.  The painting is all hand done.  I sprayed the enclosure with primer, then the dark blue, then hand painted the text and clone with acrylic paint from Hobby Lobby.  I then cleared the whole thing.  I am no artist, but the results are acceptable for me for a first time out.  Next time I think I'll use water slide decals. 

Well, here are some pics.

So I was thinking...  Stores like Home Depot, Lowe's, etc. have free samples of laminate used for counter tops.  I found a couple pieces that fit perfectly on the face of a 1590BB.  Has anyone tried this yet?  I'm curious what would work to attach the laminate to the aluminum.  Epoxy, JB-Weld, Super Glue?
Quote from: Haberdasher on August 03, 2011, 05:12:46 PM
d7 = polarity protection. it would prevent certain components in your circuit from cooking if someone ever plugged a "center pin positive" power adapter into it.

Thanks, that eliminates a reason to socket that one.

Knowing that helps me to understand the schematic a bit better as well.
So I have started to solder together my first project, the King of Klones. I am trying to understand some things about diodes.  Here's the background data for this particular build:

Here's what's spec'd out:
D1 - D4 = MA856
D5 - D6 = 1S1588
D7        = 1N5817

Here's what I planned on using:
D1 - D4 = 1N914
D5 - D6 = 1N4001
D7        = 1N4001

I believe the DIP2 switch will allow me to switch between the 2 banks of diodes. (D1-D4) and (D5-D6).  Is this correct?  If these are in fact separate banks. What does D7 do?

Given this variation with the switch should it be necessary to socket all the diodes to provide further variation?  How much will the diodes change the overall sound of this pedal?

Any help appreciated.
Yes, well kinda I guess after comparing the IC socket you show to mine, while the housing looks identical, I noticed the leads on mine are longer and squared  That's the problem I guess. 

Thanks for both links.  I especially was unsure about what to do for the other components, cool!
First off let me say hello!  I ordered my first madbean pcb, a King of Klones and got it this week.  This will be my first pedal build, but I have done some electronics stuff before.  Wiring my guitars, fixing my tube amp, etc. 

OK, so I got my new PCB and I tried to put the IC socket in that I had  laying around(got from radio shack a few moons ago), well it doesn't fit.  It appears to be too tight.  I really want to socket the IC and a couple caps and maybe a few diodes.  So what do you recommend that fits?  Searching Mouser I did not see any filters for sorting for pin diameter or similar so I'm a little clueless in this regard as too what I need to get.  Thanks.