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Messages - Muadzin

Open Discussion / Re: Well that just happened....
April 04, 2019, 11:48:55 AM
Quote from: jjjimi84 on April 03, 2019, 03:24:56 PM
Any one ever fix something like this?

Probably just about every luthier ever? I reckon that luthiers are able to put their kids into college from repairing broken Gibson headstocks alone.  ;D

Quote from: Matmosphere on April 03, 2019, 07:53:20 PM
That spot is really weak on Gibsons, and they frequently break there so I'm sure most luthier's have fixed tons of them.

Ye olde broken Gibson headstock. That's what you get for making the whole neck out of a single piece of wood. Broken headstocks and incredible waste of wood. Bad for the customer, bad for the environment. But, that's how it was done in the 1950's, and as everyone knows that's how they got it right the first time so that is how it should be done for ever and ever. As Gibson learned the hard way with their last models. Any deviation from the original design and guitarists start to whine.
Open Discussion / Re: DIY 4 Second Digital Delay
April 02, 2019, 10:01:38 AM
Quote from: m-Kresol on April 01, 2019, 04:06:01 PM
I read the title and thought "Why?" :D
As in "why would you want such a thing and what would you use it for?"

The history of delay as a guitar effect has mostly been for ever longer delay times. As such anything that gives longer delays then via the standard PT2399 is part of that quest, and one that puts DIY delays finally into the realm where they can finally compete against commercially available delays.
If I go into a store I don't even want to see a sales person until I actually need something. The last thing I want is for them to hover nearby like vultures waiting for their prey to die. Stay the hell away from me, if I need a vulture I'll let you know. Go play poker in the backroom, or chat with the nice lady behind the cashier or something. Oddly enough, there's a curious inverse ninja thing happening with sales persons, because when you actually need one there's usually no one to be found. I reckon the sure fire way to not be bothered by them is to appear to be wanting to speak to one. They'll scatter more quickly then rats or cockroaches in a room when you suddenly turn on the lights.
Open Discussion / Re: Stringing guitars
March 24, 2019, 05:37:56 PM
I use locking tuners on most of my guitars so I don't bother with the knot thing. As for stringing, I start with the D, bring to tune, give it some tugs to pull out any slack, then string the G, tug for slack, then retune the previous string(s). Using that method I go from D to G to A to B to low E to high E.

Also, when there are no strings on the guitar its always a good time to give the old fretboard and pickup area a good clean.
Open Discussion / Re: What are you playing? (games)
March 12, 2019, 07:41:56 AM
I don't play much, but when I do its mostly old stuff again. These days I bought Sid Meier's Colonization from GOG and it is GLORIOUS! I'm reliving 1994 all over again. Back then I didn't even have a computer to play it on so I secretly installed it onto several university computers. Ah, the many days I wasted playing this game. Still great fun. 
Open Discussion / Re: Pop quiz, hotshot!
March 04, 2019, 12:44:23 PM
Quote from: Matmosphere on March 02, 2019, 07:08:29 PM
I don't get the stones at all.

The Beatles Grew up in bad neighborhoods, started playing when they were young (15) and kept at it and worked their butts off. They didn't have any chance to come up out of poverty from my understanding. They were scrappers and got in fights a lot because they grew up in rough areas.

The Stones met at art school. And yet they have the tough guy image not the Beatles.

Maybe because of their art background the Stones understood that image was important to rock music and that looking the rebellious part would help them. And help them in no small part to differentiate them from the Beatles, who were their rivals at the time.

Quote from: alanp on March 02, 2019, 07:58:00 PM
What I really don't get is all the hero-worship Elvis got. As far as I know, he was a fat guy who died on the toilet, and sang songs like "Wooden Heart", and "In The Ghetto".

Personally I'm amazed his hero worship survived the 60's, with all the crappy movies. Or the 70's, when he got fat and mostly played Vegas. I reckon its a testimony to the massive impact he made in the 50's and how his fanbase stayed with him. Occasionally rejuvenated by something worthwhile again, like the Comeback Special. Which was excellent. There's probably a few other factors working here. Like with the Beatles he was one of the firsts. The first always sets the benchmark for the followup to live up to. There's probably better singers then Elvis, better composers then the Beatles, tougher rockbands then the Rolling Stones, better guitarists then Jimi Hendrix. But they got there first, made their mark and the rest has to live in their shadow.

And there's also a psychological thing going on. Ever notice when there's a mob standing there? Looking at something? What do you do? Well, join them of course to see what's going on. We humans have this herd mentality where we want to be part of the herd. Sneakers are in fashion? Everybody starts wearing them. A new club has become trendy? We wait long hours in line just to visit it. Autotune on vocals in fashion? You get nauseous from the constantly shifting vocals in EVERY DAMN SONG. We've decided long ago that Elvis and the Beatles are great. Therefore we now too consider them great. They have to be great. After all, that is what everyone keeps saying so it must be true.

Quote from: jimilee on March 03, 2019, 02:25:41 AM
I don't really listen to them that often, but I have mad respect for everyone except Ringo. He was in the right place at the right time, and he acts like it was all him to this day. Hate that guy.

So........ he's the Lars Ulrich of the Beatles?
Open Discussion / Re: Pop quiz, hotshot!
March 02, 2019, 01:32:54 PM
Quote from: peAk on March 02, 2019, 05:13:14 AM
There's actually people out there that do not like The Beatles.

Crazy, huh?

Guilty of that. I fully understand and recognize their importance to the evolution of rock 'n' roll and popular music, I just can't stand them. I'll take the Rolling Stones over them any time.
Open Discussion / Re: MeatBall Recommendations
February 27, 2019, 09:24:23 AM
Quote from: somnif on February 26, 2019, 09:57:33 AM
If you were neurotic to offboard the pots and rotaries you could probably cook up a vero/perf board that was quite compact.

You then just have 81 wires to keep track of while wiring the offboards....

I tried the perf version with the wires. NEVER AGAIN!!!!

Perf is the devil's board!  >:(
Open Discussion / Re: MeatBall Recommendations
February 26, 2019, 09:54:41 AM
I managed to squeeze mine into a smaller box, a Hammond 1590Q, which is like a square 1590B.

This was the smallest I could fit it in with top mounts, although I probably eliminated the expression jack. And maybe the loop too. Can't remember for sure.
I recently discovered Helsreach on youtube. Finally someone managed to animate the world of Warhammer 40K and do it with a good story. Of course by using Aaron Bowden Demski's novel that's pretty much guaranteed. One guy did all the animation on his own computer and at first it shows. But gradually with every episode the animation improves and towards the end it gets stunning. No wonder Games Workship hired this guy to do an official W40K animated series.

First ten episodes were bundled together, the final three are still separate.
It's something you see quite often on new mixers. Still, could be worse, the really old mixers I see only had jack inputs, not even XLR.

I still wish I had learned a little earlier of the out of business garage sale of the youth center I used to work at. By the time I learned of it both the FOH and monitor mixers were already gone. For peanuts! Imagine getting a 24 channel Midas Venice mixer plus flightcase for like a 100+ euro? Or a similar Soundcraft?

I shouldn't complain though, I got a small mixer, the rehearsal room mixer plus speakers, the amps and EQ's of the monitor rack, the FOH FX rack and the complete mic set. For €125.
Quote from: EBK on February 15, 2019, 08:30:10 PM
The input jacks are kind of cool on this mixer.  In addition to accepting those beaters ( :P), they actually accept both XLR and 1/4-in. plugs.  I haven't seen these kind of jacks before.

You haven't?  :o They're quite common these days. I've even soldered quite a few of them myself.
Open Discussion / Re: Klon news .........
February 14, 2019, 11:29:49 AM
Quote from: EBK on February 14, 2019, 10:48:27 AM
I wonder how many of his "special" $1000 1N34A diodes he has left.  :P

Since he said he cornered the whole world supply of that particular bit of magic unobtainium, maybe even more then we can imagine?
Quote from: m-Kresol on February 13, 2019, 06:22:02 PM
Am I the only one that read the thread subject and thought "why is he talking about this?"

Yes, you are the only one.  ;D
Open Discussion / Re: Small Clone Sad1024 vs Mn3007 video
February 11, 2019, 10:09:44 AM
Maybe not so well known, on the account of it being a Japanese vid. And only Otaku's can understand that. That being said the Sad1024 seems to sound a tad fuller and richer then the MN3007, but only minute, for audiophile purists only. For chorus purposes the MN3007 seems perfectly acceptable. I'd love to hear the differences for flanging purposes though.