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Messages - Willybomb

Well, I've finally finished the pcb and general wiring, and tested it out.  Took a bit to find the two linked traces, took longer to work out how to wire the DC jack properly.  Before I nutted all this out only the boost section was working (great boost, btw), but now... I have a proper Krankosaurus, I think.

Anyway, seems like it definitely needs the C1 mod and I think there's still something wrong in that it seems a bit more like a fuzz or transistory cheap 10watt amp OD...
Well, I managed to get an 82r today, like 20ohms will make a difference...
My bad - I meant to say 4.7k - I'm pleading brain fog due to it being 1.30am.  Looks like they left out the 180r though.
Gudday all, a quick google and forum search didn't really help, but my question is thus:

I dropped of a Krankosaurus BOM at my local Jaycar, and in the process of putting the resistors in I found that there appears to be a couple of subsitutions.

AFAICT, 47k has been subbed for 5k1, and 62r has been subbed for 82r (edit - only one 82r has been subbed from the two on the BOM).  It threw me at first, but I figured that the 5k1 and 82 aren't as common as the average ... I dunno... 330r... and close enough is good enough.

It's probably not as bad as crossing the streams or forty years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice or dogs and cats living together... but would there be any issues in the average Kranky build?
Gudday all.  I'm getting psyched up for my first couple of pedal builds (I've modded a few, but never done one from scratch) and just want to check a few things.

Just having a look at the wiring diagram from the Kranksaurus (thanks for the pcb Haberdasher), and I'm trying to work out if it's possible to run the boost before the dirt section.

I see the In_B/Out_B and the In_D/OutD links, so is it just a matter of having the boost switch (the one hooked up to In_B/Out_B) first in the signal path from the input jack (J2), or am I reading this wrong?

Would it be possible to have a switch in there somewhere to change the dirt/boost signal path, and if so, how/what would I need to do that?

FWIW, here's my planned artwork because, hey, I'm proud of it (I know I haven't marked the leds out yet, still deciding where to put them):

Thanks in advance,
Requests / Clean amp?
July 15, 2011, 12:00:48 AM
This might seem a bit random (and possibly a case of RTFM, but probably wouldn't know it if I saw it), but is there a decent clean channel pedal, such as something to emulate a JC-120, to perhaps use with a ChunkChunk?
Requests / DI cab sim?
July 09, 2011, 12:38:11 PM
I'm moderately surprised for some reason that there isn't a Redbox style DI/Cabsim PCB available.  Any chance of that coming up?