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Messages - gingataff

Open Discussion / Modtone Power plant
April 03, 2013, 03:20:31 AM
I'm thinking of getting one as it's a bit more flexible than the voodoo power supply.

Only problem is no one in japan seems to stock it anymore, maybe there has been a change in distribution, so my only option would be ordering from the US.

Any experiences, positive or negative?
yep, if in doubt go point to point.

Sent from my SC-02B using Tapatalk 2
Open Discussion / Re: Re: NTD (New Tool Day) DCA Pro
April 03, 2013, 02:02:55 AM
 I've got the regular dca and I love it, everyone should have one.

now only if it could match jfets...;)

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I had clock noise too, tried a 12v supply and thought it worked but no.

Today I took the plunge and changed c26 to 100uf (you'll need a skinny one) and d4 & d5 to 1n5817s, as per the mods in the pdf. It was no fun getting the parts out, but with a lot of patience, flux and desoldering braid I managed it without losing any solder pads. The pads are a bit misshapen and yellow but the result?

Massive improvelence!

You might as well socket c22, it won't solve your problem but I decided on a 68pf in my build.
Very pretty, looking forward to hearing her in your demos.
Global Annoucements / Re: Re: March release schedule
March 29, 2013, 09:59:59 AM
I think the 13700 is less noisy, but the 13600 will work if thats all you can get.

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Build Reports / Re: My take on the Sunking
March 28, 2013, 03:58:03 PM
Wow that's really nice, I love that artwork. The cartoon made me chuckle too ;D
General Questions / Re: Re: Sabadius soul inductor?
March 27, 2013, 02:38:36 AM
I've got one, actually two but one has a broken pin, but I haven't got round to using it yet.

as for the pin out, thats simple. there are 4 pins, if you look closely 2 of them have wires attached. those are the ones you need to use, it doesn't matter which way round.

the other pins are there to help secure the inductor to the pcb.

let us know how it sounds.

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Global Annoucements / Re: March release schedule
March 26, 2013, 04:03:08 PM
22k is also listed twice
wah wah mojo
Build Reports / Re: Carl Martin Compressor Limiter
March 24, 2013, 03:04:08 PM
Kill all humans.
Build Reports / Re: Retrograde Hendrix Style
March 22, 2013, 09:08:54 AM
Nice build Jimi,
Just putting that pedal on a pedalboard gives instant mojo, now your guitar player has no excuses  ;D
are you asking if it's worth wiring up the switch?

I'd say yes. the octave off setting is a great sounding fuzz, much darker and thicker then the octave on setting and a great option.

if I build another one I would add a footswitch.

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Audio/Video Demos / Re: Retrograde demo
March 17, 2013, 02:18:31 AM
Thanks for the comment.

The guitar was a stock Fender Eric Johnson strat in drop d and the 'amp' was a software simulator, Scuffham S-Gear. My favourite amp sim software by far.

I double tracked the guitars with the octave switch on and off, the latter is much thicker but they play well together. There's also a bass in there. I'm not sure about the retrograde as a bass fuzz but that could be my cheapo $10 bass ;D

For the solo section the rhythm has the octave switch off and both guitars have the fuzz rolled down to about half.

That's more info than you asked for but I guess I'm the excitable type.
I tried mine with a 12v supply and the clock nose is gone.
It needs rebiasing though and I want to replace the fake 4558s I got from tayda with some real ones and see if that makes a difference.

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