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Messages - greysun

Hey guys... Building up my slow loris. I accidentally got Waterclear red LEDs. Will these work for the inner diodes on the slow loris?

Let me know and thanks in advance.
So this seems a little crazy... However, I have to ask the question (Blueshawk, we'll talk outside of the forum about your issue)...

Does the new 2012 layout have the same issue? I was planning to try a CD, but also got all the parts to build a Mayo and a Violet Rams head. I was gonna just swap out the different parts once I figured out which one I liked most.

Has anyone tried the 2012 layout with the Creamy Dreamer Specs yet?

Let us know - let's get the issue fixed for the future generations...

... and the children of the future generations. ;-)
General Questions / Re: Which Mudbunny?
April 30, 2012, 05:01:40 PM
I'm just trying to get something to compare the creamy dreamer to - Billy Corgan said that 98% of the distortion on siamese dream was run through an Op-Amp big muff running on battery straight into a JCM-800 modified with KT88 tubes. (Here's the link to that: ). The sound was more extreme because there are a minimum of 8 and as many as 40 guitar overdubs in any given song, which leads me to think that the creamy dreamer would replicate that sound most.

General Questions / Re: Which Mudbunny?
April 30, 2012, 04:46:11 PM
Not to rehash an old topic, but I'm just trying to make sure I get this right...

I went to Blueshawk's link, which is AMAZING - and here's what I'm gathering based on that detail (and other musings online - and please edit me if I'm wrong. I'll edit this post with changes). I'll list the original big muff version and compare it to the madbean version.

Madbean version - Big Muff Type
-------------------   ---------------
Triangle - V1 Triangle and V2 non-violet rams head, circuit varies wildly (think hendrix)
Violet Rams head - V2 ram's head (and maybe the current little big muff), less bottom, more clarity
Creamy Dreamer - V3 Op-Amp Big Muff, more scooped, heavy bottom (think siamese dream, or the current big muff)
Civil War - V7A Russian and Red Army, less scooped mids, VERY heavy bass/dark - good for bass
Green Russian - V7C Russian, less gain, fatter bottom, grittier, more sustain but not as smooth - good for bass
Mayo - ??? (I may need some help with this one)

Thoughts anyone (especially on what the Mayo compares with)?

It would seem as though the Russian circuits (civil war, green russian) cut through better in a live setting as the mids aren't as scooped. The triangle and ram's head are more typical of the original muff sound, and the creamy dreamer is the extreme version like something the pumpkins used on siamese dream or silversun pickups. Adding a mids mod may get you these sounds that can cut through in the live setting better.