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Messages - Muadzin

Open Discussion / Re: NBD
October 10, 2019, 11:15:34 AM
Congratulations. Does this make nr. 2 or 3?
Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
October 10, 2019, 11:13:18 AM
Quote from: Willybomb on October 10, 2019, 05:31:49 AM
My local music shop has a TS-10 in the window for AUD$690, based on it having a japanese 4580 in it. 

I picked one up for my brother in 93 for AUD$75.  We swapped some gear around years ago and I ended up with it, and I lent it to the guitarist in my band.  Long story short, he sold it on ebay around 2007 after I asked for it back.  Bit bloody annoyed about that, seeing you couldn't give them away in the 90s.

I'd be more annoyed that he sold something that wasn't his to begin with. That's theft. He owes you an original TS-10.
The Indo Dutch supplied a lot of musicians when they returned to the Netherlands. There were a lot of what they called Indo rock bands in the Netherlands in the 50's and 60's, and the genre still somewhat exists to this day. No Indonesian market is complete without an indo rock band. At one point my father and all his brothers were in bands in their youth, and he and his younger brother had a very successful coverband in the 70's. It's one of my earliest memories as a kid that I was at one of their rehearsals. And of all their children half still do something with music today.

And yes, Indonesian food is the best. There are lots of Indonesian restaurants and shops in the Netherlands. Together with Chinese food it was the first 'ethnic food' that was popularized in the Netherlands, long before non-Western food, or even non-Dutch food became trendy. Although it probably tastes completely different from the real thing due to different Western tastes.

Quote from: pickdropper on October 01, 2019, 11:40:25 AM
It seems that there's plenty of Netherlands blood on this board.  My father was born in Rotterdam. 

Welkom bij de club! We have fries with mayonaise, stroopwafels and raw herring at the Dutch side and Nasi Goreng and spek cake at the Indo side of the buffet table.
Quote from: fair.child on September 30, 2019, 05:03:51 PM

Oh nice to know you have Netherlands blood because I'm 23% Netherlands as well per Ancestry! Sorry for the confusion though.

No worries, it's been cleared up. And I'm still live here in the Netherlands. 1/4 Indonesian, and probably the only one in the family who doesn't look the part.

QuoteHere's the clear up story: So, I decided to go on food trip in South east Asia and plus one on that we also planned to visit family in Indonesia. I used to live in Indonesia and I bought several equipment back in 2000's and I left it in Indonesia with friends and family. Now since, I went there I had a talk with my wife that I wanted to bring some my musical instruments back, including the MP-1. So, we did a 2 months vacation, 10 days Japan, Tokyo, 12 days in Singapore, and the rest of the days in Indonesia.

I had a blast and got a chance to enjoy some good shredding music there, and as well with the scenery. I think it was a great time with family and kids. To answer your question, it's kinda both for fun and to get my old stuff back. I didn't do any gig or any guitar playing instead more into donating my stuffs (Mesa Rectifier, Fender FM amp, Tech21 amp, and some pedals) to friends/school that I know in needs.

The only things that I brought back are the MP-1 Classic , 3 Ibanez guitars, ADA Microcab, and TC G Major. I got my PGM300 shrunk because of the temperature. However, back in San Diego, we have sunny weather and I think it's not that weather change in extreme level for the guitars.

I'm amazed you left your gear there for that long. I'd go crazy being separated from it for that long. Even if at the time I didn't think of it that highly, over time it would grow into massive importance in my mind, just from not having it.
Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
October 01, 2019, 08:33:52 AM
Yeah, the good old USSR wasn't that much interested in individuals. Which seems ironic considering it was set up to improve the lives of 'the workers'. I reckon that's what happens when you think in groups rather then people. As long as it benefits the most it becomes acceptable to sacrifice a few. The end justifying the means. Even worse when 'benefiting the most' becomes synonymous with for the good of the state. That's when you get the coverups like they tried to do with Chernobyl.
I'm confused. You came to Indonesia for fun, or to find stuff? And you did a gig there or back here with your new stuff?

My father was mixed race Indonesian. Born during the war under Japanese occupation, and migrated to the Netherlands in the 1950's.
Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
September 30, 2019, 10:37:06 AM
Inaccuracies in movies or TV series based on 'real' events? Say it ain't so.
Quote from: Matmosphere on September 29, 2019, 05:10:20 PM
I can totally get why Dan Coggins is upset. A lot of other industries don't work this way at all, even the record industry. If he had, for example, written a hit song then anyone who wanted to rerelease that song would have to pay him royalties and give credit.

Lovetone really stands out because of how creative and innovative their designs were, and I think people in DIY and the industry respect that. I do think this would obviously been a different story if Dan had gotten a heads up before hand.

If pedals and circuits were as ridiculously copyrights protected as music and digital media we might not even be having this conversation as there might not even be a Madbean Pedals. Or forum.

QuoteUltimately though, if Dan and thorpy are going to rerelease some of these pedals this whole JHS thing could be good for drumming up some press for them. Pedal buyers listen to Josh, and him doing this is gonna bring some more attention to Dan's work.

I suspect what probably stopped most people from getting Lovetone clones is that they are ridiculously tweakable and pot and switch infested. Ultimately I believe people much prefer a one knob phaser like the Phase 90 or Small Stone over the Doppleganger. Stick too many knobs and switches on a pedal and you'll scare some people off.

Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on September 29, 2019, 05:54:25 PM
Just for a small comparison of the market, let's ask Brian what his top selling PCBs are. I'm gonna bet that it is in the Fuzz/OD side of the house.

The point I am making is that the world may not need "yet another fuzz/OD" however, they always seem to be the best selling boxes/PCBs out there. What does that tell you?

It's not my fault people keep buying into the hype of yet another fuzz/OD pedal. X has just released a new Y fuzz/OD! I gots to have it! Said pretty much EVERYONE on TGP.  And I am guilty of that too, I have whole banana boxes full of fuzz and OD pedals that I built. Which is why I can say that they pretty much all sound the same to me. And I don't blame Madbean and all the other PCB sellers for catering to that market. Where there is demand, supply will always follow.

Quote from: skyled on September 29, 2019, 09:46:00 PM
Hasn't (nearly) everything JHS released been a clone of something anyway? Devi Ever had a topic on Diystompboxes listing most of the JHS pedals and what they are clones of. I guess there are only so many different ways to make a fuzz/od.

JHS has always been synonymous with (slightly) modded clones. Almost every thread where people asked if anyone knew the schematic to a JHS pedal the reply was almost always just take pedal X and change value Y to Z. I really dig his pedal and guitar vids though, he's really found a nice fun entertaining style.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on September 27, 2019, 04:58:04 PM
Quote from: Muadzin on September 27, 2019, 03:34:36 PM
The Big Cheese? Meh, too common, too easy.

Exactly! But, a smart decision in my opinion.

After all... how many times do you read "Look at this new Fuzz I just built" or "Can someone help me debug this Fuzz pedal?" as compared to other projects. Fuzz and OD dominate the market.

I can see the newbies wanting to clone a dirtbox first, as those are kinda easy to troubleshoot, but what's the excuse of all the professional pedal builders? There's like a gazillion fuzz and OD pedals out there, 99% of them a variation on one of only a couple of themes. The world doesn't need yet another fuzz/OD pedal. They all sound the same anyway. Is Lovetone too hard to clone for all these professionals?

Quote from: thorpy6 on September 29, 2019, 08:33:39 AM
I rarely post here...... but weirdly Dan pointed this thread out to me. I've posted this text elsewhere mainly in defence of Dan who is trying to stay out of the online discourse as it gets him down.

Here's  the thing Dan isn't out of the industry, Dan works with me and we are working on and will be releasing new circuits all the time. For legal reasons Dan could not use the original trade dress, circuit layout etc. Now whilst legally, cloning wholesale has become an accepted practice in this industry, it is only human nature to be aggrieved as a designer if you are not compensated for your work. It happens all the time in the music biz, but there people have protection and often people are compensated if their art is "borrowed"

I get it, people want the rare expensive thing and they want it as cheap as possible. But there is a LOT more complexity to this situation than is obvious from first glance.
People will rail on Dan without knowing him but I'll just say this, when you are beaten to the punch in making your own work more readily available and you can see others getting paid for that work (and you don't) then I defy anyone to be happy about that situation. Yes that is our fault for not moving faster, but my company isn't as big as others so there is only so much I can achieve in the 14hrs working hours in a day.

That being said, we are evolving these past gems, they won't just be 1:1 clones and they are cool. More importantly Dan will get paid for his work.

Ps. Dan tried to delete the comments, but you know screenshots save that stuff forever.... lol

FWIW Dan is one of the good guys in this world, he's a great mate of mine and would do anything for anyone in need.

Lovetone has been gone for like what? 15? 20 years? If he wanted to re-release these circuits, be it in a slightly modified form for legal reasons, what took him so long? (he said obviously without knowing any of the reasons) This isn't meant as an accusation but more of an observation. Where there is demand, supply will automatically follow. The longer you wait with a re-release, the bigger the chance someone else will beat you to the punch. It's not like over the years these circuits haven't been traced. Better to beat the competition by releasing something that is not perfect now then wait until you have the perfect product later only to have the market glutted with clones already.
The Big Cheese? Meh, too common, too easy. Call me once JHS starts cloning the modulation pedals. Those are the fun ones.
Open Discussion / Re: Parts bin storage suggestions
September 26, 2019, 12:41:12 PM
I found a couple of storage towers like the OP wanted on the Dutch equivalent of Craigslist, marktplaats. And they were sold locally too, a local haberdashery store was selling parts of their inventory. I occasionally still find a bead or glittery thingy in them from time to time. I did mount them to the wall though.
Open Discussion / Re: World's biggest pedal board???
September 10, 2019, 10:44:36 AM
Quote from: Leevibe on September 09, 2019, 07:21:48 PM
I don't want to be snarky, but how is this the world's biggest pedal board? Wouldn't it rightly be called "most pedalboards strung together?" It's 34 boards, not one board. What am I missing?

It's all about the definition. And apparently nowhere did the definition state that it had to be on a single pedal board. It was just about pedals being strung together. And in a sense that's kinda okay. Because just because you have the biggest piece of wood holding pedals doesn't mean it has the most pedals. Some people stack their pedals very efficiently (thank you top mounted jacks for allowing that!), others leave so much space between them you could take a walk through them.

QuoteIt's still a fun idea but some poor dude is out there somewhere who really does have the world's largest board. I feel sorry for him whoever he is.

My money is on Radiohead's Ed O'Brien.  ;D That or one of the guitarists from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Because while some people can build the biggest boards in private back home, unless you have roadies to haul it around for you practicality will at some point rear its ugly head.

Quote from: thesmokingman on September 10, 2019, 12:53:14 AM
this devolved perfectly, thank you.
also ... no lovetone, no world record

I think they went with what Sweetwater had in house. And I doubt they still have out of production vintage pedals. Well, they might, but I reckon they would contribute these for this attempt. Especially since some of these boards were given to the people that worked on them. Jared Dines did a vid about the board with 3 whammy units that he was given.

Open Discussion / Re: Just Saying -- the soapbox thread
September 10, 2019, 10:30:29 AM
Quote from: alanp on September 09, 2019, 01:24:14 PM
The thought struck me today that the fashion world are just throwing clothes at the wall, and seeing what sticks.

Can't think of any other reason (beyond the "avante garde" copout) for some of the fashion monstrosities one sees.

Well, you try and predict what will become popular? If you could I bet you wouldn't have time to post on the internet about, you'd be too busy cashing in. Which is perfectly fine I might add. I'd do it too.

That being said I do think some things can be predicted up to a point, just by the simple axiom of that which goes up, must come down again. If tight fitting clothes are all the rage at some point there will come a counter reaction and people will move on to baggy clothes. At some point bright garish clothes will fall out of grace again in favor of more subdued classy clothes. The trick is in being able to predict where you are in the trend. And that is why they pay trendwatchers who overall have a record of being more right then wrong the big $€$€$. And by right and wrong I mean like 60/40 or 55/45. And not everything they will try for next fashion season will work out. Just like in movies some films will suck (these days more then others), in movies some albums will flop from even the best of artists, or how on the stock market some stocks will fail as others will win. You try a lot of things and hope that what will stick will cover for the losses you'll make on the stuff that doesn't stick. And still make you a profit.

As for the catwalk stuff, that's a bizarro fest and separate universe all onto itself. 99% of it doesn't even translate into what you will see in retail.
Open Discussion / Re: Has anyone seen my solder paste?
September 02, 2019, 07:43:55 AM
Quote from: alanp on September 02, 2019, 02:31:16 AM
That always confuses me a bit. Rather than small-medium-big, DDMMYY, or big-medium-small YYMMDD, you guys go medium-small-big MMDDYY.

Is it any less confusing then the whole Imperial measurement system?  ;)
Open Discussion / Re: NPD: Boss dd-7 not happy :(
August 16, 2019, 06:56:03 AM
You must have gotten scammed on a shitty one, no problems whatsoever with my DD-7.