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Messages - das234

Did you ever confirm these parts changes?  I want to build my cupcake for the bass too.
Build Reports / Re: BananaGanger
July 30, 2017, 09:35:49 PM
Maybe I'll try one of those next.  Thanks.
Build Reports / Re: BananaGanger
July 30, 2017, 09:13:30 PM
Quote from: EBK on July 25, 2017, 10:48:14 AM
Oh no!  The pics got replaced with the Ph...ucket ransom image.   :(

Anyone have a better place to put my photos??  I had Imageshack.  Now they want money.  Photobucket worked.  Now they're gone too.  I tried my google drive but couldn't figure out how to share them from there.
Build Reports / Re: BananaGanger
July 30, 2017, 09:10:41 PM
Quote from: EBK on July 24, 2017, 09:57:38 AM
I'm nitpicking here, but would this look better with the lock washers inside instead of outside?

Maybe.  It never occurred to me to do it that way but I'm not going to mess with it now.  Anyway, you're SUPPOSED to be looking at the monkeys and bananas!
Build Reports / BananaGanger
July 23, 2017, 07:40:00 PM
At long last!  I present the BananaGanger.  I owe thanks to all the talented people who put this project together and helped me get in done.  I kept it 'simple' with no expression pedals or dry out for my own use but it's still pretty cool.  Obviously, I went with the banana/monkey theme.  Sorry about the bad photos.

Got it.  I must have overheated one tab on the bypass switch.  It's good now.  Thanks for all your time and help.  I got a little better at troubleshooting on this one.  Now... to make a box. 
I think I may have found it.  I think my bypass switch is not working.  Duh.  Maybe that should be at the top of my troubleshooting list.  I'll update if I manage to fix it.
Should the signal be pretty much the same volume all the way through when I probe or should I expect it to be louder or quieter in some spots?

Could I have messed up my switch wiring somehow?  I've checked and double and triple checked that it matches the revised wiring diagram but I wonder.
What I noticed is that, with the effect on (bypass switch turned on), there is a faint signal I can hear.  That signal gets louder when I probe through the circuit.  So.. probing=normal volume.  Not probing=hardly any volume.  I don't know if that's normal or if it's a clue.
I do have signal at A1 to bypass.  Spec and True bypass both are ok and I do hear the difference between spec and true bypass.  I cranked up the amp and discovered that there IS a very faint signal coming through but it's pretty much silent at the normal volume setting that I used when probing it.

FYI, I have it hooked up to my test box now but I also tried it plugged into the wired-in jacks and there didn't seem to be any difference.
I don't recall if I checked the cap but I know I had signal at R41.  That's pretty much the whole audio path, correct?  Out of curiosity, can you see the pictures now?
Ok.  I was able to gather some more information and I reposted the photos above from Photobucket.  Hopefully this helps.

I do have signal at Blend #3.  I also have signal on IC3 pins 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13 and 14 (although there's a lot of squeal on 9 and 13).  IC4 only has signal at pins 1,2,3 and 7. 

Voltages (as best I could get with the thing on):

1  4.2v
2  4.2v
3  4.2v
4  8.4v
11 .4mv
5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13 and 14 were kind of up and down all over the place when I measured.

1  up and down
2  4.2v
3  4.2v
4  .3mv
5,6 and 7 are up and down
8  8.4v

1  3.98v
2  3.98v
3  3.98v
4  7.96v
5  3.97v
6  3.99v
7  3.98v
8  3.98v
9  3.97v
10 3.97v
11 .3mv
12 3.98v
13 3.99v
14 3.98v

1  3.98v
2  3.98v
3  3.26v
4  .2mv
5  3.97v
6  3.98v
7  3.98v
8  7.96v
I tried putting the pictures on photobucket.  Maybe that will show up. 

I'll try to get some voltages and work on the probe some more today.  Thanks.
Quote from: bsoncini on July 10, 2017, 09:56:58 PM
I can't see your photos. Maybe it is just that I'm looking on a cell phone.

I see them on my post.  I wonder if I'm the only one who can see them.  Image Shack started holding my pictures for ransom so I tried posting the link from my Google drive as an alternative.

I'll give the probe another try.  It's just easy for me to get lost between the schematic and the board.
General Questions / Doubel Ganger 2.1d Troubleshoot
July 10, 2017, 06:54:58 PM
Please help.

I've been trying to finish my Doubelganger 2.1d and I've been getting bypass signal through the pedal fine but I lose the guitar signal when I turn the effect on.  Depending on the position of knobs and switches, I got various sounds, mostly oscillating noise. 

I've looked at the solder joints and double checked orientation of things on the PCB.  I checked my switch wiring against the instructions.  I embarked on a mission to track down the problem with an audio probe but I think I'm in over my head.  I traced the guitar signal through many of the components but I get lost.  As far as I got, the guitar signal gets louder or softer, dryer or wetter, but it seems to still be present.  I jumped over to IC1 and IC2 just for kicks and both of them only have ticking coming out of them.  I really don't know what I'm supposed to hear where so I'm hoping for some more direction.

I took some pictures in case that helps and I can take some voltages too if that would be useful.