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Messages - Mycpotter

Open Discussion / Re: Australia?
May 25, 2013, 04:24:25 PM
Quote from: juansolo on May 25, 2013, 04:10:51 PM
Quote from: Mycpotter on May 25, 2013, 11:03:02 AMIf someone says "F*** off mate" to you most of the time they just don't believe what your saying or don't know about the subject you're talking about, other times your too close to his girlfriend. It's the only place I know where you can insult someone and call them friend out in the open without offence. All in all a pretty tops place to live. :)

Ah you need to go into the swearing sorry, Klon thread. It's one of the things we in the UK share with the Aussies and Kiwis I reckon. The ability to swear, sometimes quite harshly, in a natural, jovial friendly manner. Something many other places just don't get.

My dad was English and ex British navy, he basically taught me how to swear, I was pretty much doomed from the beginning :D
Gday All,

Could somebody help me out with this one please?

Finished populating my Harbinger yesterday but im having a few problems with it  >:( -

I can get a bypass signal through fine and signal passes when the effect is on but there is no modulation. Lamp is always on and rate LED does not light at all. Tried jumpering the LED to see if that helped with the lamp pulse but makes no difference.
Only the volume control works, Intensity and Speed do not. Both Mod/Vin and C/V switches have signal when in both positions. Mod setting seems to get the signal to boost a fair bit so I guess that's working fine?
I have double checked all wiring, soldering, resistor values, cap values, electrolytic orientation, transistor orientation, ic's, etc and everything seems fine to me.
Gain and Offset trimmers adjust the lap intensity just fine so I cant see a problem there, I have even checked if the LDR's are working on a breadboard beforehand and they were working in both light and dark conditions, I also checked them with a torch while passing a signal to see if any modulation occurs and there is nada.

Got the DMM out and have the following voltages  -

LT1054 pins
1 - 1.10v
2 - 4.99v
3 - 0.00v
4 - 0.01v
5 - 017v
6 - 2.55v
7 - 1.38v
8 - 9.58v

LM7815 Pins (viewed L - R, pins at bottom)

Left - 18.14v
Middle - 0.00v
Right - 14.86v

Any other voltages I need to check?

Im running a 1spot 9v without the filtering to power it, filtering or no filtering its the same problem. Nothing has been substituted at all, its straight a vanilla build.

Any Help is hugely appreciate!

Thanks, Mick.
Open Discussion / Re: Australia?
May 25, 2013, 11:03:02 AM
I was born and bred in Perth, Western Australia and wouldn't live anywhere else, not that I haven't seen anywhere else, the worlds a cool place in general. Melbourne would be the place to go for music related activities as the scene here while quite good is still very small compared to the east coast. Still we are a country of very laid back, easy going people who will mostly have a yarn (chat) with anyone.

Definitely rent/download "The Castle", I don't know any Aussie that doesn't love that movie or remember quotes from it.

If you end up over in Western Australia or anywhere on the top end it does get ridiculously hot. The only thing remotely like snow I've ever seen is what I scrape from my freezer.

Yes, there are snakes/spiders/etc that can potentially kill you rather quickly and they do end up in the suburbs at times, you will get used to it tho.

Usually a blue (fight) will eventually end up as a beer at the pub later with the person you're arguing with.

If someone says "F*** off mate" to you most of the time they just don't believe what your saying or don't know about the subject you're talking about, other times your too close to his girlfriend. It's the only place I know where you can insult someone and call them friend out in the open without offence. All in all a pretty tops place to live. :)
Quote from: pickdropper on May 13, 2013, 12:17:56 PM
Very cool.  What do you think of the civil war?  I haven't built that variant yet.

Havent listened to it yet, Civil war is being wired up this weekend mate, ill be adding the mids pot with this one, should be fun. Both builds are being boxed and arted up sometime next week so ill update this thread when I get pics and demos for them.

Fantastic boards to work with by the way! :) 
Quote from: gingataff on May 13, 2013, 11:57:30 AM
Looks cool.
Had chance to rock them yet?

1590a builds are not so bad once you get the switch and jacks wired in. Check out Pickdropper's guide if you haven't already.

Have rocked the Rams head, took a bit of messing around with R22 to get it to sound right (dropped from 12k to 2k to get rid of the splutter/starved sound) but absolutely love it now.

Ill tackle the 1590a after a few more builds and when I pick up the right sized components :)
Sorry, that should be 2n5828 for the Civil War, not 2n5838. Stupid fingers!
G'day all!

Just thought I'd upload a couple of pics in progress of one of my Mini Muffins.

I have used the specs from Kit Rae's site for the 47 Rams Head muff for this build which is using full size components and will eventually live in a 125b enclosure as I tried 1590a size with 1/8w resistors and unfortunately don't have the patients or steady hand to pull it off (maybe one day).

This ones also using NOS 2n5133 transistors with 1n914 diodes I sourced from eBay. The second one is at Civil War spec with NOS 2N5828 transistors and 1n4148 diodes. Hopefully both rocked and boxed by tomorrow night..

Thanks for taking a look and thanks to Pickdropper for the awesome, easy to work with PCBs!!

47 Rams Head

Transistor closeup

Civil War (Right) next to Rams Head

Civil War closeup

how do you like those sheps?
And does the extra 50k on the pots make a difference?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

I took a chance on them and got them really cheap (AU$175 for the pair). Never had much to do with P90s before but man.... Its totally changed the way i hear my sound in my head, im so in love with them, and in the explorer they just BOOM! Neck is like butter and the bridge has just enough bright edge and snap, plus they both have a nice smooth growl. Had to change my playing style a bit, I cant be as sloppy with these as I am with 'buckers

No difference with the extra 50k to my ears anyway, its just to offset the %tolerance of the pots so they are closer to the 500k that gibbo's are supposed to have, I think thats the way they explain it  ;D
Open Discussion / Re: Re: Show us your guitar!
April 27, 2013, 10:19:03 AM
My number one: 90's Gibson Explorer with Sheptone P90H pickups, Bareknuckle 550k pots and Jenson cap wired 50's style.
Build Reports / Re: Just finished Kingslayer
April 01, 2013, 12:53:53 PM
Quote from: midwayfair on April 01, 2013, 12:40:44 PM
heh, awesome -- "upside down" box, and the waterslide looks like watercolors.

Thanks! Yeah I've done a couple previously upside down only because it gives me a little more space to work in, plus I've seen the guy at Farndurk pedals build this way and I like the look of it.

Love your YouTube clips by the way!
Build Reports / Just finished Kingslayer
April 01, 2013, 12:37:50 PM
Hi all,
Thought id put up a pic of my just completed Kingslayer as my first post. Hope you like it  ;D
Was also my first attempt at a waterslide decal, seems to have worked quite well.

Please excuse the crappy pic!