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Messages - Sibob

So a few additions since my last update, a couple of builds for others, and a Mammoth for me :)
All kits, plus the AMZ anti-pop vero that I use

OCD clone (clues in the knobs):

BB Bass Pre - Stencil cut by me:

Straight Mammoth clone for myself.  You can't quite see, but the enclosure sides are black & lacquered:

Getting better, gradually working on my own designs in Eagle too. Hopefully they'll start making an appearance here :)

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Vbias Buffer IC?
January 10, 2014, 11:13:47 AM
Thanks for the input guys.  I'll see if I can post a picture of what I have so far for the added buffer in the schem when I get a chance.

It's an old (vintage?!) pedal schem I'm messing with, and it's a step above the Overdrive/Fuzz/Boost that I've cut my teeth on over the last 6months or so :). In the circuit itself, there are a number of Vbias and Vref points, could someone explain how they relate to each other, as well as how they relate to the proposed buffer?
I've googled, but there doesn't seem to be much on Vbias etc wirth regards to pedals, I know I should probably understand it from a general Electronics point of view, however coming to building from a 'user' point of view rather than from an electronics back-ground, it's easier if I have the 'pedal' context :)

All the best
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Vbias Buffer IC?
January 09, 2014, 03:46:37 PM
Thanks for your reply.
So what would be the benfits of buffering your vbias over not?
How is the buffer setup with regards to an ICs pinout? Schematic examples welcome :)

Many thanks
Tech Help - Projects Page / Vbias Buffer IC?
January 09, 2014, 03:35:42 PM
Hi guys,

I'm working on a pedal/schematic that has a number of Vbias points.  A friend of mine suggested including an IC as a Vbias Buffer.
As a noob, please could someone explain the thinking behind this and perhaps the execution?  ie What IC would I look to use, how would I use the pinout on Eagle, and exactly what I might be achieving over not including a Vbias Buffer.

As a side to this (which may require posting in the Eagle forum), I wish I could have a plane setup in Eagle to connect all my Vbias points, like my GND & 9v, presumably this is where 4 layer points start to come in if tracing space/ board size becomes an issue?

Many thanks
Build Reports / Re: Slow gear clone
January 07, 2014, 03:06:39 PM
I had an original Slow Gear, which was cool, but didn't work great with Bass.
Sold it and bought a VB-2 instead ;)

In any case, is this a straight clone? orany changes?
Looks great! :)

All working, did turn out to be common anode. As soon as I swapped ground & 9v as you said, works perfectly :)

Thanks everyone for their input!

Thanks very much, appreciate your help. I'll be testing after my gig tonight and I'll report back! :)

Thanks, I'm now questioning whether it's a common cathode.  I had that in my head, however thinking back to when I was testing it last night, I think I had power to the middle leg and either of the outer legs to ground......which makes it common Anode?! I think I've had a brain-mush moment.  :-[
How would the above wiring differ if it is common anode?

So I've been working to this diagram:

But I get no LED light whatsoever, let alone switching colours.
I've re-tested the LED in a test circuit and it works fine. I'm using a 2.2k resistor. The DPDT switches between true bypass and feedback no issue.

Any thoughts? I'm writing this from work, but I think I might redo the entire 3PDT to be sure.  What do I read on the 3PDT with a MultiMeter?

Hmmm, so a DPDT might be necessary?!

Looks very much like these:

Thanks for the reply, appreciate it, however would that not just operate the two colours via the 3PDT?
I want the 3PDT to act as the on/off with one colour (standard), then whilst on, the SPDT switch to switch between colours when it switches functions.

Hi guys,

I've just put this together and it works great:

However, I thought it would be great to have a Bi-colour LED so that I know when it's in feedback mode as opposed to just true bypass mode.
How do I go about wiring that up?  :-[ , I've got the LED ready to go, and it works just on and off, but I can't get my brain into gear to get it to change colour via the SPDT?

Build Reports / Re: Larry David LD-2
December 11, 2013, 03:45:30 PM
Awesome!! *awkward stare*

Is it screen printed?

Build Reports / Re: Punch In
December 11, 2013, 02:40:39 PM
I've done a Vero layout for this, anyone care to verify?


Looks great btw :)
