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Messages - PeterMorton

So far, I float unless the kit came with a way to attach it, like the aforementioned board-mounted pots. I haven't done one of 'bean's boards yet, but I've done another pedal that didn't come as a ready to build kit. On that build, I was happy to have to float the board because I needed to debug and troubleshoot quite a bit. With a floating board, it was easier to get in and out. I may go back and shorten some of the wires to clean up the rat's nest look, but probably not. If it ain't broke, I won't fix it.
Got mine, too!  :)
Requests / Re: Red Ross Flanger?
May 20, 2010, 01:04:16 AM
Ahh... that's too bad. It sounds like a pain and I know there are other flangers that are equal to the Ross. I'll be happy to offer input. I'm certainly no flanger expert!
Requests / Red Ross Flanger?
May 19, 2010, 02:54:13 PM
How about one of these? I have one that says, "Made in Chanute, KS," that sounds better than any of the others... There is a later, black one and even one that is a slightly different shade of red. Those don't sound right to me. I know that the Ross stuff from the 70's is basically cloned from MXR stuff, but I don't know what this is a clone of... The only downside to mine is noise and it uses AC power. But it sounds perfect, especially for swirly, uni-vibey stuff. It doesn't have the wobble factor, but it makes up for it in tweakability and versatility. I'm still waiting for the new Fulltone ChoralFlange, but that thing has been held up for a while, now! Anyway, any great flanger would be a project I would try. I would even be willing to send you my Ross if you wanted to look at the innards.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Pots for Dig Dug?
May 10, 2010, 06:49:34 PM
I will probably make my own box for this one. Either wooden or Plexiglass. I'm assuming I'll need to shield and ground it if I use these materials. For shielding, I'll probably use copper foil/sheet. Any ideas for grounding? As far as I remember, the ground will go to the jack, so I don't need to ground to the box, right?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Pots for Dig Dug?
April 27, 2010, 05:43:48 PM
Which pots do I need to order for the 8 that control the filters (?) on the Dig Dug pedal? Is it these:

I would get these at the right values ( ALL 8 100KB) and then the others are standard size pots? Should they be 16mm or 24mm? One is 100KB, the other is 100KA.

Just trying to be sure!