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Messages - trickpony

Open Discussion / Re: O-scope
February 18, 2013, 09:06:05 PM
Ya, go analog! I picked up a Tektronix 464 (CRT Storage!) from CL for $56...well then $36 in shipping (ouch), but it originally sold for $5115 in 1975 ($21529.19 inflation adjusted), so I feel I got a deal ;-) And it really adds to the ambiance of the hobby room.
Actually, Brian you might want to change the instructions to have 2n5457 as the default and mention the 2sk30s could be used with different pinout, or something like that. Otherwise robot builders like myself (;-)) will continue to make this mistake.

Ok, I subbed in the 2n5457s and I diode checked the 2sk30s...
They have the expected pinouts.

With the 2n5457s the sound has changed to be much more controlled and the breakdown of the lower octaves is much less pronounced. So I am guessing that my 2sk30s were (because of the wrong pinout) just blasting gate open all the time....

Did anyone else make this mistake in their build?
Just noticed another thread that mentions this so:

The orientation of q2 and q3 on the pcb is for which Transistor

I believe:
The pinout for 2sk30 is DGS
The pinout for 2n5457 is DSG

It seems to me from the schematic that the pcb has is oriented for the 2n5457

If that is correct then I am really confused because I have what I think are 2sk30...marked K30A and they are working stuck in as DSG...errrrgh
Open Discussion / Re: Roll you own LED/LDR
February 06, 2013, 05:16:04 PM
I would suggest socketing both led and ldr and trying combos...for my trem I ended up not using superbrights as I couldnt dim it enough for the ldr....ended up using cheapo non clear 3mm..
Open Discussion / Re: Chorus chips and sound
February 06, 2013, 01:29:46 AM
It is running at 15V, that's the bias point.
--- Indeed, my mistake

Two power amps driving a 12" speaker each
--- Yes, it has this

The stereo separation on the chorus is really nice.
-- Ok. If I understand this...the output of 3007 goes thru an LFO that changes the phase between 2 outputs.  So I could, say mod my byoc and add that LFO and return a stereo signal out of it..right?

Also, would it be nicer to pull those 2 sides further apart...say take the stereo efx out and split the wire, sending the left channel to another amp's mono efx return and the right channel to umm the mono efx return of the original amp (this last part seems odd but seems possible from the schematic)???

Open Discussion / Re: Illuminated toggles!
February 05, 2013, 09:13:10 PM
Well, unless they have tiny watch batteries inside them, I would say the light effect has been photoshopped in.
Open Discussion / Chorus chips and sound
February 05, 2013, 08:19:56 PM
So I got a new amp this weekend. SS Fender Ultra Chorus...not everybody's cup of tea, but I love the clean channel with my Ricky and for $125 I now own an American made amp...yea!

Anyway, one of the surprises for me was how good the built in chorus is. I compared it against my BYOC chorus, and the main thing I find different is a separation of notes (someone help me here), with the BYOC, the notes seems to blend together more...I dont want to say muddy, but the Fender is definitely clearer to my ear at any level of depth.

My question is would this be just related to the ICs?...the fender uses 3101 and 3007 and the byoc uses 3102 3207. I thought maybe as the mn3007 can take 15vdc, maybe the amp was providing more power, but TP18 on the following schematic shows 8vdc.

I noticed that the Pork Barrel has the option of using either pair. Have people done a comparison?
Thanks Pimp, I managed to dial it in up at the 15th fret.....had to move the trimpot way to the side and finally got it working....agree that it is very nice when combined with lower octaves. I socketed c10 and c12 and tried a bunch of things...Ended up with 1n5 and open....I like the fuzz

Thanks all,
Tech Help - Projects Page / Lowrider Octave up problems
January 31, 2013, 10:00:18 PM
So my lowrider is working very well with DOCT 1 and DOCT 2 and the clean signal is fine.
The Octave up signal is just the clean signal with higher gain (If I dial it up all the way)

The trimpot doesnt seem to do anything. I am reading between 0 and 27k on the trimpot when it is in circuit (from 1 to 2). Is this correct? (it is 0-99K when out of circuit)

Before I continue on can someone tell me what I should be hearing? If all pots are down I get nothing. If all pots are down except the UOCT should I be getting just the UOCT or should there be some original tone coming thru?

The doubling of the frequency is happening in ic6 correct? If so I will get voltages for that.

Thanks Brian....
I've never had an octaver before and this one is really cool.
I am out of 1n34a and have ordered some from tayda, but can I socket and put in 1n914s just to test everything or will I damage something?

Open Discussion / Re: List of components
December 21, 2012, 04:18:43 AM

Open Discussion / List of components
December 20, 2012, 10:08:24 PM
Ok, so probably like many others, I find myself ordering a bunch of pcbs from Brian, and then I set about making sure I have around all the parts to build them, or if not I order those I need.
Problem is, that I have to go to each project page to see what is needed against a list of what I have and then mark down what I should order.
Brian, do you happen to keep a list of all components for all projects in text form somewhere (or excel) and is so would you be willing to share that list? That way I could just copy/paste into excel and immediately know what I need....

Anyway, obviously not a big deal, but would be cool,

Mods / Adding LERA (Leslie) to Smoothie
December 20, 2012, 06:05:07 AM
So a friend wants a leslie sounding phaser so I though I would try this.
I am using the LERA from geofex

Has anyone already tried this?

For the LDR could I just use this: (?)
LDR, 500KOHM, 400mW, VT400 SERIES
Power Rating: 400mW
Dark Resistance: 500kohm
Series: VT400
Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +75°C
Voltage Rating: 400V
Resistor Case Style: Radial Leaded
No. of Pins: 2
RoHS Compliant: No

In general I should be looking for a LDR that goes between 0-500K like the original speed pot for smoothie right?
