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Messages - JohnL

+1 on the center punch. If not that then at least the hammer and nail method, but for under $10 I would get the center punch.
To add a volume control replace the 100K resistor with a 100K audio pot. I do this on all my SHOs, makes them useful to me. There was a whole thread at FSB or DIYstomp on how two SHOs were a Super duper and four were something else. Poke around there, it was interesting reading.
Which do you want, wired or wireless? How much do you want to spend? A Shure WL93 is an inexpensive omni that works with their beltpacks. It also can be attached to a preamp and used wired. But a lapel mic is only really good for the wearer and maybe someone else really close. What exactly are you trying to capture?
Open Discussion / Re: how to fix an incorrect hole?
February 01, 2014, 01:35:26 PM

Quote from: TreeSlayer on February 01, 2014, 01:05:16 AM
this is a great question. I usually use my drill fails for the boxes I do for myself. it seems to me you could use some JB Weld to fill the hole, sand it down and try again. i'm going to do a little experiment with that idea tomorrow, and i'll letcha know how it turns out!

I use JB Weld to fill misdrilled holes to often. I tape the inside , fill the hole, smooth the outside and let dry. Then I sand and paint, or at least I plan on painting more of my enclosures.
Open Discussion / Re: 80's wah value
January 25, 2014, 01:59:54 PM
I have an 80's Crybaby that I am working these mods on: I am doing them one at a time so I know what I like and can undo it. So far the vocal mod is cool but I need to tweek where the pot lines up with the gear.
Open Discussion / Re: Does anyone sell ...
January 20, 2014, 11:16:07 PM
Build Reports / Re: Boss DS1 with Keely Mods
December 30, 2013, 01:22:52 PM
The SWAW is great. It is the filter I use the most for rhythm guitar, great sounds with chords. The Nurse Quacky is cool but has a bit of a volume loss. I built mine with a LPB board running into it and find it fairly flexible. You can get a good range of sounds from it.
Open Discussion / Re: Reusing/patching enclosures
September 01, 2013, 03:04:25 PM
I have fixed a bunch of misdrilled holes with JB Weld and it has worked well.
Open Discussion / Re: delay for vocals?
July 13, 2013, 12:29:48 PM
The easiest, but not cheapest way, to get the levels right is to use a reamper. Feed out an aux, reamper to delay and back to the board. However it would probably be cheaper to find a used rack delay with a tap tempo and bypass jack and use that.
Open Discussion / Re: Has somebody jacked BYOC?
May 16, 2013, 05:19:26 PM
God, how I am supposed to get thru work today? Oh yeah, hang out here.
Open Discussion / Re: Vero sucks
March 22, 2013, 02:17:36 PM
I have had better luck with complicated vero then some complicated PCBs  I have done. Now perf is something I am scared to try :-\.
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Nautilus demo
March 01, 2013, 12:12:11 AM
Quote from: midwayfair on February 28, 2013, 06:33:10 PM
What do you consider "unsuable" gain? It will not be the same as using a log taper, it will just make the total pot value smaller.

Early you said that a linear would be better. I have a linear and before I solder it in I am trying to figure out if I should add the resistor. I have not done this yet and my track record for desoldering in not exactly great :(.
Audio/Video Demos / Re: Nautilus demo
February 28, 2013, 06:31:13 PM
Quote from: midwayfair on November 25, 2012, 05:58:41 PM
A linear would be better; a reverse audio is ideal. I decided to simply reverse the pot's action since I didn't have a 1MC lying around. Now about 2/3 of the pot's travel is useful. I think even better would be to use a RA taper and a 4.7M across it. This would make it an 825K pot with about 90% of the sweep being in the usable range.

So if I have a linear taper pot and put a 4.7M across the legs will I get close to a usable gain?