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Messages - karter2000

Build Reports / Re: Catch-22
September 25, 2014, 03:05:10 PM
Yeah, I just tried the op275 with mine, and I really like it.

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Build Reports / Re: [nonpedal] Minimoog VCF
September 21, 2014, 09:52:39 PM
Count me in.  I still need to buy that sequencer board off of you.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Best Klon mods for bass?
September 11, 2014, 03:46:44 AM
Hi all,

Just wondering what the consensus was for Klon mods that work for bass guitar. I have a Chimaera, and I'd like to do something with it.

Thanks all!
Build Reports / SMD Barbershop, Onesie Bazz Fuss
September 07, 2014, 10:33:41 PM
Hi all,

I don't usually post my builds, as I suck at enclosures and off-board wiring plus I'm busy with school (taking EE).  However, I finally got a couple finished the other day, so I thought I'd post them.

The first is a Onesie fuzz with a lighted pot and artwork by my two daughters. Turned out surprisingly well considering how much a pain 1590a's are to layout.  The other is a Muddyfox SMD Barbershop gifted to me via a PIF from member marmaliser (thanks again!).  I also used a 1776 3pdt pcb.  Artwork from me via a sharpy :P.  This one sounds great on both bass and guitar, so I tend to use it when I can.

As always, any comments or suggestions are appreciated!

Your SMD solder work is amazing! What technique do you use? Do you use a solder mask stencil?
Wow, very nice. If you have an extra board I'd be interested.

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Build Reports / Re: Hémoglobine
August 17, 2014, 06:09:46 AM
No prob! Awesome job on the comp. Going to have to add this one to the list.
Open Discussion / Re: Bass Direct Box PCBs?
July 26, 2014, 06:48:35 PM
Haven't built it yet, but I have the pcb for this:

Looks like a great design.
I'd be interested as well.

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Very nice. Definitely interested in one of your spare Systech boards as that's been on my list of builds.

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Serious +1 for the Schoon Toon. I built on for a Guv'nor clone, and it sounds fantastic. I believe it's a very well designed blend for bass, so much that I'm considering getting more boards and adding them to other pedals I have.

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Quote from: thesameage on May 30, 2014, 03:37:56 PM
I've got the whole working amp and some extra tubes along with a simple USB DAC. It sounds great, but I have it at work and it's a little bit of overkill. I bought it off of someone on headfi a few years ago and have been trying to use it over the years but it's always too much for my work situation. Sounds awesome, though!

How much are you asking for everything?

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Quote from: thesameage on May 30, 2014, 02:55:49 PM
I actually have a Millet hybrid-- offshoot of the starving student-- if anyone needs one. I'm not really using it right now.

Do you have a pcb or complete amp?

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Build Reports / Re: 'Cause there's a Catch....
May 27, 2014, 06:41:03 AM
Totally down for a board. Built a timmy on vero a while back, and I liked it on bass.
Open Discussion / Re: Synth-DIY -- how to start?
May 19, 2014, 06:19:27 PM
Looks great! If you have any extras, I would be willing to take one off your hands.

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